Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tuesday March 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunny skies. Gusty winds during the morning. High 37F. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

-CHEMED Health in Lakewood says they are cancelling Wednesday's scheduled walk-in vaccination event for seniors after hundreds of people showed up on Tuesday, causing disruptions to local businesses and their regular operations. 850 seniors received a vaccination shot today. (reporter Shlomo Schorr)

-Food Distribution: OTL Box at Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm Tashbar 82 Oak 6:30 pm

- 40 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12437/279 Jackson 4700/100 Toms River 8475/290

-While Lakewood school officials said that a COVID outbreak among staff occurred after "8 staff members dined out together while one of them was apparently infected with Covid, infecting the others".  LEA Union President Kimberly Shaw called this claim a "lie", saying that actually "two members were out together and one of them exhibited symptoms nearly a week later. So the staff member in question could have just as easily contracted COVID at school or in the community." (LNN)

-Texas, Mississippi Governors announce the lifting of all mask mandates and all businesses can operate at 100% capacity.
-Biden: US will have enough vaccines for all adults by end of May 
-Israel Will Gradually Reopen Ben Gurion Airport Starting On Sunday, But Questions Remain

- Representatives of Agudath Israel were in the Lakewood today to get people to sign up as they are organizing a Nationwide Machatzis HaShekel Campaign, where families can register in the Agudah’s constituency drive for $1.50 per family member.

- Reports of high turnout with Seniors lining up for vaccine shots at Chemed,  traffic backed up on rt 9. Walk-ins available for covid19 vaccinations Tuesday 3/2 and Wednesday 3/3 from 9am to 4pm for those Over 65, Ocean County residents only. 1771 Madison Ave, Lakewood.

- Rita's Italian Ice & Frozen Custard will open today for the season at 10:00 am. The store is located on Rt 9 at 681 River avenue in Lakewood (Cholov Yisrael option available)

-Application for 33 homes was carried to the April 12 Zoning board meeting. The board said the homes should be smaller with more parking available and add sidewalks.

- Reform Geirus now recognized in EY:  High Court recognizes Reform, Conservative conversions carried out in Israel Judges say converts through non-Orthodox denominations in Israel must be considered Jews for citizenship purposes; chief rabbis fume; Orthodox parties vow law to overturn ruling

- Better Verizon service: Verizon Wireless  received zoning board approval last night to install a 140 feet high temporary wireless communication tower behind Finnigans Lanes Bowling. Company representatives explained that their current towers have been extremely overwhelmed with increased voice and internet usage over the past year, which doubled their call drop rate. Lakewood's towers were hit with approximately 10 million minutes of use of voice calls each day, and that during COVID, this number dramatically increased to 17 million minutes of use. Most of their service areas see increases of 20-40% each year. Lakewood's Verizon towers have seen a 70% increase in use. Additionally, Verizon has seen a 40% increase in data usage this year.(ReporterMoshe)

-  Zoning board member asked verizon representative to relay the need to maintain 3G service since many Lakewood residents use 3G flip phones. He responded that he has been conveying this message to Verizon, and that the company is working on a 4G non-smartphone in order to not compromise service from any of their users.(LNN)

-Purim costumes APP reports Rabbi Aaron kotler plans to meet with the NAACP Lakewood chapter later this week and that the Vaad Kotler also said the Lakewood Vaad had discussed the matter with members of the Anti-Defamation League. 

- NJ reports the photos circulating online of children in Lakewood wearing blackface and BLM sweatshirts were taken by a caregiver walking to her job at a residential home in the area.

- 8 teachers in Lakewood public schools reported sick with covid19, two hospitalized


  1. Is Aaron Kotler also meeting with representatives of Japanese, Chinese and Middle Eastern communities regarding Purim costumes? They were all quite well represented in kids Purim costumes this year and every year. How about native American Indians? Pocahontas is very popular. And the costumes generally include face paint. BTW, American presidents also get the rough end of the stick, witness the masks available for Halloween. Some quite insulting. NAACP, grow up. Empower your constituents to live the American dream and not silly crybabies.

    1. Blackface is different due to its historical racist nature. We should worry about how we can approve ourselves by being better and more sensitive instead of calling others insulting names like crybabies. Let us focus on how to improve our own community and to treat everyone as being created with Tzelem Elokim.

  2. the simon weisenthals center statement is terrible! Do we need them to join with the anti semites and paint an entire community with one brush?
    Not ok.

    1. Blame the vaad and BOE they blew this out of proportion and apologized as if the entire Lakewood community is guilty they painted everyone with a broad brush as being insensitive and racist it is time these self appointed leaders and spokesmen are shown the door they have no mandate or right to speak on behalf of the community

  3. So the Vaad had a meeting with the ADL what a shidduch did the ADL condemn the vaad for calling frum Lakewood Jews bad apples.

  4. This is NOT R’ Aaron’s Lakewood.

    1. Reb Aron Knew very well what will happen in Lakewood! He was Daas Torah!
      He opened the biggest Yeshivah in spite of all this. This situation is just another Nesayon for all of us.

    2. False completely,as usual

      He even said when they started constructing the Verrazano Bridge that in retrospect it was the wrong location

  5. The Zoning Board carried Appeal # 4147 to the next meeting because the applicant was unwilling to be heard by a Board which consisted of less than 7 members. They never even began the hearing or stated any opinion about the size of the proposed project.

    As it currently stands, the developer can still try to convince the Board to grant him a “use variance” to build 33 townhouses (upstairs + basement apartment = 66 families x 4 cars = 132 parking spaces needed to accommodate the cars. There is also no provision for guest cars). The developer is proposing only 69 parking spots for the 66 families.

    The developer has several other bulk variances he plans to seek approval for, if his “use variance” gets approved.

    The relatively small parcel of land is located at the Larson Professional Complex which would be knocked down for the more lucrative townhouse project. This “4 corners” section of town will be impossible to travel on if approved, especially because it’s right next to the recently approved Skver school on Squankum Road which will have approx 1000 kids with corresponding staff and a new huge Simcha Hall bringing hundreds of new vehicles daily & nightly to an already crazy busy intersection.

    This developer is not in the least concerned with the very negative impact he will bring to the neighborhood. A big portion of the town uses Squankum to get to Route 195 to get out of town. That roadway is basically the gateway in and out of Lakewood for tens of thousands of our residents.

    All those opposed to this large developer/investor project should voice their opinion to the Board on “Appeal # 4147 County Line Development”.

    1. In this case, I don't even blame the developer. He is out to make a buck. But the zoning board is supposed to do what's best for Lakewood. I blame the board for issuing variances right and left for all these years. Now is the time for them to step up to the plate and show us that enough is enough. The variances cannot be issued anymore!! I agree with 8:12AM. We must get together and voice our opposition to this and any more devlopments anywhere in Lakewood, but especially in already crowded areas. Will our opposition be heard? The past record does not give me much hope.

    2. Who decides who sits on the Board??
      The developers & The Vaad
      Who divide and conquer with bundles of useful idiots

  6. As always follow the gelt! Lakewood is getting 50 million dollars for covid related mental health issues for therapy and likewise. Sensitivity training for the community means gelt will be flowing to the mental health industry

  7. If you feed the Race crocodile it will just desire more & bigger victims
    similarly the harassment crocodile
    Should the allegations of harassment be of any concern  more than it was with Trump These women have too much power as it is

  8. https://youtu.be/U8z6BvbyiIE

  9. check this out they hung a cop doll

  10. Agudah and the organization hockers with the Jewish media  were banging & ganging up against Cuomo for months in the summer going into Tishrei
      rather than taking responsibility for their irresponsibility

    Then right after Succos  they turned on a dime and  that infamous phone call with the governor Cuomo begging and kissing up 

    subsequently lectured everyone how it was so wrong starting up with the governor and opposing  the way they were and  attacking the  Reckless "others" who were causing antagonism and such inappropriate anti exile attitudes toward the governor 

    So afterwards things calm down for a month or two and then and then the same leading noisemakers start again  going after and banging away at him in the Jewish weekly magazines and sites 

    [3/1, 7:25 PM] They claim being opposed to the Doctor ASSISTED Bill ,but thank the Sponsors 
    On Mar 26, 2017 
    Miss Chava Blauman, an eighth grade student in Bnos Bais Yaakov, Far Rockaway, thanked Governor Cuomo for being a friend and expressed admiration for the governor’s staunch commitment to security “At such a time,” the student said, “it is reassuring to see the strong leadership and principles of someone like our governor

  11. Can some of the Mental Health Funding be used towards purchasing Hand Made Chabura Shmura Matzos with all the Chumros


    2. No, just trying to figure a way to sponsor the matzos with covid gelt

  12. Where was all the vocal askanim now when they made a BLM march in Lakewood and threatened to burn down and destroy Jewish owned businesses and made anti semitic remarks on social media they even let the organizer say that his accounts were hacked which ak admitted was a lie. Now they are calling out a few children as racist and making the community look bad on

    1. We are highly fortunate that story never happened. Nobody threatened to burn down stores. Some racists in Lakewood went around fear mongering as though there was a threat. In reality, it was a peaceful march.
      But some people believed the MSM that America was burning and those BLM'ers are coming for you. Funny that those same people have convinced themselves that they are the ones who don't believe the MSM.

  13. The problem with the price of matzos is that you cant take out a mortgage on the matzos since they're going to be eaten on Pesach. So how can we can afford the matzos?

  14. I don't understand why they cannot give out Challah and Grape Juice to solve all the problems
