Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Murphy Signs Bill Mandating Transgender Identity Lessons for Kindergarteners

 See below  letter from HaRav Shach ZTL How these laws have a effect on Klal Yisrael

On Monday NJ Gov. Phil Murphy signed bill into law  (A-4454) to require New Jersey public school districts to incorporate instruction on diversity and inclusion into an appropriate place in the curriculum of students in kindergarten through twelfth grades  Bill A4454 is a Toaiva propaganda bill that is packaged as "Education" legislation. It would escalate the existing mandate to teach Public School children Toaiva propaganda - starting from Kindergarten r"l.  The bill says the lessons will highlight and promote diversity, including economic diversity, equity, inclusion, tolerance and belonging in connection with gender and ...  orientation, race and ethnicity, disabilities and religious tolerance. (See more Here on the assembly bill signed in January)

Conservatives groups republicans and family groups have strongly spoken out against this bill  "These bills are not about anti-bullying or anti-harassment policies, but instead they impose a .. belief system upon very young students that violates their religious beliefs. Parents have the constitutional right to direct the moral upbringing of their children."

 Republican Senator Mike Doherty, before voting against the bill, stated, “The idea that we’re going to expose four and five year old’s to some of these teachings... You’re going to destroy these children. The

idea that we’re going to expose innocent children to these concepts. We were [once] proud about what brought us together as American citizens. This bill is highlighting and exacerbating our differences. These folks have an agenda. We’re going to make people of religious faith second class citizens. We need to bring people together. I vote no.”

The original bill was approved by the Assembly on Oct. 29, 2020. It only mandated  gender identity diversity lessons in 9th-12th grade. However, the Senate approved an amended version on Dec. 17, 2020. Their amendment required these lessons beginning in kindergarten with 5 year olds.

Legislators spoke out against it – “These topics are being forced upon students to affirm and adopt these lifestyles, regardless of their individual religious beliefs. This is a very sensitive issue which should be addressed by parents and not schools, which is why we will continue to vote ‘no’ against this bill.” Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano, District 10.

Bob Singer also spoke out against the bill

(Updated)Letter  from Rav Lazer  Shach zatzal printed in שמושה של תורה - משלחנו של רבינו a sefer every liberal law passed in America will find its way to eretz Yisrael


  1. Our Askonim Our Vaad do nothing ever about these issues .
    They are complicit by their silence!
    We are dying of plagues all year !
    Our “Leadership” needs to look in the mirror!

  2. Where was the Agudah before
    Where is the Agudah now will they issue a statement on this like they used to do against Trump or do they want machtzis hashekel from uncle Murphy

  3. Looking into the future, with the wicked people who are in power, it seems that our dor will eventually be somehow challenged with some type of gzeiras shmad, r'l.

  4. Doesn't matter. Nothing the Dems ever do will make me change my mind that Trump was worse. Trump actually tweeted all day! That is worse than anything the Dems could do.

  5. Were kindergartners taught otherwise until now? Why is there any need to teach anything related to these matters to children that are 4 years old? It is not a relevant issue for them either way. No different than teaching them algebra technically. Just more wokeness by our great gov. Hope he gets canceled next after Cuomo.

  6. HE similarly instructed Mr.Loebenstein
    Councillor of Hackney,London

    Do Askanim & followers really care
    they will cherrypick conveniently

    1. Tell that to people who didn't know Joe Lobenstein, aka Ben Yitzchok.

      We have no clear source for anything here. The copy up there is not from מכתבים ומאמרים, it is a story an askan claims.

  7. Mean while Agudah is busy making statements about Reform Giyur in EY. But regarding this threat right at home they suddenly have nothing to say.

  8. This is why they are silent because he is giving out gelt

    Murphy also noted that his office will also be submitting an application to the federal government for the Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools federal program to provide COVID-19 grant assistance to our non-public K-12 schools

    1. On other words, the Agudah has no spine and they are run by balebatim who only care about money.

    2. And the gelt will be tens of thousands at best because the money is meant to re-open schools and cannot be given to schools that stayed open. The same goes for the public schools.

  9. Once upon a time Rav Schwab ztl and Rav Gifter ztl and other gedolim spoke eloquently against the depravity that exists. Can we hear someone,anyone speak up against this? If they choose not to speak up can we understand why they are not? What do we as an am (ohr lagoyim) actually believe in? Oy we really need moshiach more than ever. Every day and every week that goes by the world gets more and more dangerous....

  10. moshiach is moving further away unless WE start doing
