Friday, March 5, 2021

Fighting it All Alone

 When it comes to funding or the education of Lakewood students and how it pertains to the taxpayers there is no lack of press conferences, exclusive interviews , video reports, public letters, and a lot of noise explaining, commenting or reporting on it. This week a judge issued a ruling in response to a lawsuit that was going on for 7 years pertaining to the Lakewood school children and taxpayers. and not a word from the Vaad  not a word from the Igud  not a word from the BOE not a word from Agudah, not a word from the township committee, any political leadership or officials who always find time to chime in and put their face to the camera. 

More importantly not even a Thank you to R' Aaron Lang who did this selflessly and single handedly with no support from anyone, as a matter of fact he was even demoted. No hakoras hatov was publicly shown on behalf of all Lakewood's children and taxpayers.

This  judge issued a ruling in response to a lawsuit filed by Reb  Aaron Lang a Lakewood teacher, attorney and BMG alumnus  going back to 2014 where he sued  NJ Department of Education challenging the funding formula in state aid how it applies to Lakewood since the state provides aid basef on the amount of public school students and does not factor in the mandated expenses of private school students. The judge ruled that Lakewood is not providing a thorough and efficient education to

the students and has insufficient funding but the funding formula is constitutional and Lakewood should find ways how to cut spending and raise taxes. Part of the ruling blamed transportation and special ed costs of non public schools even though they are mandated by the state. You would think that there would be statements interviews for or against but nothing. 

on Twitter Hershel Herskowitz wrote "Aaron Lang has been the only person in Lakewood that is truly advocating for the education of all children in Lakewood. Has been blocked and disrespected every step of the way. Lakewood "leaders" should hang their heads in shame for not helping him".

Yasher koach R' Lang.


  1. Well the outcome is obvious...raise taxes!
    The township committee raised it a small amount 2 years ago and the candidates up for reelection got reelected with the help of the Vaad. So last year they jacked up taxes 3.5% (above the 2% cap, using a legal loophole) and they still got reelected.

    As long as they know there are no consequences, they will wallop us with a huge tax increase to cover the increasing deficit- which by the way (bc of the funding formula) is directly related to the overbuilding and importing of new households from NY. So the BOE deficit is indirectly the township committee's fault. That and they are afraid of Inzelbach and let him do what he wants (allowing students who don't live in the district to get educated at Lakewood taxpayers expense) and the township covers their non mandated needs (sports and before school programs). What's a few million between friends!

  2. To paraphrase the classic movie Chinatown: “forget it, Aaron, it’s Lakewood.”

    Thank you for all the work you have done as both a lawyer and an educator!

  3. They cant take any competition if you are not one of them or under their control you are ignored.
    Remember this when it comes to reelection or when they fundraise and tell you how they are always there for the klal. This shows the true colors

  4. Coincidence?
    Notice all the sudden boe video press conferences and roundtables are they trying to get attention and take away the credit and focus on the lang lawsuit

  5. When Lakewood resident keep on suing for the town to pay for tuition (or shall we call them Hotel charges) for its resident studying in Brooklyn,Florida, Connecticut, and all other out of town "Hotels" so that the "hotel" head can pay his bills, Then all Lakewood property owners are in deep financial troule. (barring all the tax-free Properties - Other then Yeshivos and legit schools. Unfortually there is alot of plain fraud here and if its is discussed publiclv - you are aa MOSER Numero Uno.)
