Thursday, March 4, 2021

Oif Simchas/events כ''א אדר תשפ''א

 Yartzeit Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk זצוק''ל

-Farbrengen and yartzeit seuda at Mordy's Shteibel Maariv at 9:00 followed by seuda.
-Tent set up at Deans cemetery tonight and tomorrow  for those going to the kever of rav Meir Weisblum ztl of Shenitza who is a 7th generation בן אחר בן of Reb Meilich.

-This Thursday night is last Chumash Shuir for this zman from Harav Yosef Dovid Korbman shlita Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva Gedola South Lakewood at 11:30 PM in Bais Yitzchok (BMG) ezras nashim -- next Thursday March 11 the Rosh Yeshiva is beh making chasuna for his son in Ateres Reva so there will not be a shuir.

- HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give a Shiur on Parshas Hashavua tonight at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618# 

-Shiur on Shaar Habitachon with R' Shalom Morechai Rubashkin at 84 Mill Pond Rd Jackson 9:30- 10:30 followed by Farbrengen watch on Zoom ID 876-8448-8012 PW 221067 


Shane -  Smilowitz Ateres Reva
 Levitin -Stern Lake Terrace
Jacobovitch - Sirota Ateres Chana

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