Monday, March 15, 2021

A Feeling of Achdus in Lakewood

 Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron Tetelbaum shlita was in Lakewood yesterday at a hanochas Even Hapina for the new Mikva that will be constructed in the Satmar shul going up on E. Kennedy Blvd near Coventry square. A seuda took place following at the coventry club house in attendance was the Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Harav malkiel Kotler shlita the Skulener rebbe and the Belzer dayan. The R"Y spoke of the feeling now in Lakewood with that of achdus as it says וקבצנו יחד מארבע כנפות הארץ with chasidish and other factions  moving to the area from all sides together with litvish building another shul mikva bais medrash, all for one purpose to grow and shteig by moving to a makom torah. (Video below)


  1. 'spoke of the feeling now in' Williamsburg,New Square,Palm Tree,Tosh,Monroe,Stamford Hill'with that of achdus as it says וקבצנו יחד מארבע כנפות הארץ with'

  2. So much from the son of the
    RY who refused to allow shtreimlach to walk in to


    1. Excuse me?
      On the contrary. It was not until R’ Shneur’s tekufah that shtreimels started appearing in Lakewood.

    2. Those who wore were told to wear it at home exclusively

      He refused to allow them on premises

      Several ​continued that way even decades later & after even moving elsewhere

  3. Achdus will be when a litvishe kehilla builds a beis medrash in KJ.

  4. Achdus when both Satmars join together

    1. They are together in every way. They attend the same simchas, meetings, etc.

    2. They both live in the Satmar development, off Cross road. It's one happy chassidus.

  5. Reb Yoelish supposedly invited a yekke to form an Ashkenaz shul in KJ but it never panned out.

    1. To Anon @ 3:12 Never panned out... hmmm interesting. And FYI R’ Yoel died almost 50 yrs ago and for some reason still no Litvaks in KJ. Go figure.

      And lastly theres a huge difference between having a Shul to call your own and actually establishing Chasiddishe neighborhoods. There’s been a Satmar Shul in Lakewood for decades but barely any Chassidim.

    2. Maybe the WG lawyer was hired to keep them out. Who knows?

  6. Maybe the kw kvetchers should open a shul in kJ.

  7. Why does WG have to come up in every post about anything? Enough already. All the rest of us that don’t live there really don’t care.

    1. Except those that claim there not from there but enjoy stirring the pot

  8. Why not raitz un the 2-3 kw kvetchers? It’s fun and no I don’t live there, never did and never will.

    1. Do you know how many individuals are suffering that they have no place to daven because of lack of room?
      when shuls outgrow their premises, they need to build to allow families to daven.
      When fun unzere go to court and hire lawyers to fight the expansion of shuls that is CHURBAN. especially when it’s done out of kina and sinah .

  9. I'm reaching the point of supporting WG against the kvetcher here on hefkervelt. Unless you explain in detail what the issues in WG are, I don't care anymore.

  10. The achdus chased the yeshivaleit away and can not afford to buy a home in Lakewood anymore

    1. I am sorry to break it to u but it's a free country so chasidim can come if tjye desire just like the litvish came and misplaced the non jews.

    2. the word is "displaced", not "misplaced." this is the second time you've done that! go back to kj with your mangling of english words (jk)!

    3. TRY "sorry to break it to u but it's a free country" in New Square,Palm Tree,Tosh,Monroe,

    4. Go ahead and try it if you want. I couldn't care less what kj would do as a chusid I have the legal right to live wherever I desire and if u dodnt like it you can leave just like allot of non jews are leaving.

    5. "Its a free country"

      הצדק אתך- וע"פ החוק הממשלתי אין כאן שום טביעה. אמנם יש גם דין תורה. והך אינשי, הנדלני"ם והמפתחים וכל הנותנים להם יד ,שבזדון ופשע משתדלים להביא ללייקוואד משפחות מחוץ לגור בעיר, ועי"ז להגביר מחירות הבתים, ובזה מעיזים לעקור כל הכוחות שנשקעו כבר חמישים שנה לאפשר לבני הכולל לרכוש להם בתים,עתידים ליתן את הדין. ושם לא יתקבל טענת

      " its a free country" ה

  11. R Gedalia Schorr spoke up at a Monsey Zoning Board against the Builders
    who were his erstwhile friends

  12. Nobody really cared about what’s going on in WG. Even the few kw members don’t care. It’s 1-2 kvetchers that come here to complain and hope to get our sympathy. Unfortunately the rest of the world really could not care less.

  13. I’ve heard from people who daven at kw that there is plenty of place to daven. Who says those that opposed did so out of kina and sinah? It’s not true, they had valid concerns and there was nobody home on the other side. Ultimately you guys lost because it’s illegal so no reason to have tainos on anyone. Find another property and build gezunterheit.

    1. If it would be 100% “lishaim shamayim” as they claimed then they wouldn’t feel the need to answer all the shtuchs at them. Only people with gilty conscious feel the need to justify themselves.


    2. Weak&

      "An unanswered smear is a smear that sticks"

  14. You are obviously from the מחרחי ריב You have no idea what's going on in all shuls in WG in all other minyanim. You are associating yourself with the משחיתים children can't daven with parents boys end up being מזלזל in davenining because "you guys" used your bullying tactics to fight in court שלא כדין of course you found a lawyer to find it illegal but in the Torah it is called מסירה you say there were "valid concern" these concern were dealt in Bais Din in an open forum. You guys figured out how to get around the psak and you succeeded in preventing father to be able to raise their children. Fathers are away all week and children are in school. Shabbos and yom tov in shul is a special bond with children. who knows what long term damage this will RL create? For the rest of your life, YOU GUYS will have to live with this.
    BH for Lutsk that children have where to daven. Lutsk is here to take care of the entire WG community with thousands of it’s mispalelim.

    Anyone that tried finding "another property" and open a shul was met with the same opposition from "you guys"
    If this is not kinma and Sina, What is?

    1. מסירה,eh?

      R Gedalia Schorr spoke up at a Monsey Zoning Board against the Builders
      who were his erstwhile friends


  15. Opposing an illegal building at the township is not mesira. You keep saying “you guys”, not sure if you chap the people that were involved never comment here they probably don’t even see your horrible attacks so you could stop.

    1. Oh yes they do read and comment here. If not, they get their sidekicks and knecht to do it for them

    2. It was not illegal until the mesira was done. The bais din did not find any illegality. A makom torah utefila was stopped out of pure gaava and sinah that was raging in the hearts of some sick people. The last thing they cared about was kavod shamayim. The avla that was done is long term by denying fathers to daven with their children. By preventing torah and tefila

  16. For every sin that one commits I can find you a "maaseh Rav" to clear you conscious.
    The bottom line is that if one is guilty, he will need to give a din vechesbon in shomayim for all the damage that he caused to the tzibur regardless is covering up, pushing it under the carpet, and story he once heard.
    Bais din paskened you wern't satisfied so you fought the "illigal" structer.
    That is חוטא ומחטיא את הרבים
    The spade should be called a SPADE

  17. They have sidekicks and knecht? I don’t believe they read and comment here. Most of them actually work or are learning they don’t have time for your nonsense.

    1. So are you trying to say that you don’t learn or work? Maybe it’s time you got out and did something useful instead of just fanning the flames with your inciteful comments.

  18. No I’m a knecht

    1. Obviously you need a job your way to board

  19. Maybe kw has a job open? Maybe someone to recruit members?

    1. Maybe they could use a part time janitor
