Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Eretz Hakodesh of WZO Hosting Concert for American Yeshiva

 Eretz hakodesh slate of the WZO will host a concert in Yerushalayim on Chol Hamoed Pesach for American yeshiva bochurim who stayed for Pesach in Eretz Yisrael.


  1. Peleg keyboard Kanoim seething in the comments in 1... 2... 3...

    1. Very happy to be in the keyboard kanoim as the Chofetz chaim R' Chaim Brisker R' Chaim Ozer R' Reuven Grozovsky The Chazon Ish, Brisker Rav, Rav Shach, Rav Elyashiv who were strongly opposed to joining the WZO founded by Herzl.
      But go ahead and enjoy this musical event near the makom hamikdash as they take a knife and stab the torah. Even those who voted to join last year did so by holding their nose and it was considered a שעת השמד. To take money for entertainment proves the whole campaign last year was one of the biggest frauds pushed on the frum community

    2. see all updates

    3. "To take money for entertainment proves the whole campaign last year was one of the biggest frauds pushed on the frum community"

      probably Something to that

  2. Boruch Hashem, they provided entertainment for all. Those who attend, those who don't attend. Everyone has something to be freilich about.
    Peleg botched up today. When they fought the establishment in EY, they gained a seat. When Ger split, Aguda lost almost 50,000 votes. Without any propaganda at all. Shows Peleg what they are worth.

    1. Degel alienated their base and lost a full mandate they ignorerd the peleg and are stuck on the same seats for years. During corona the police targeted the charedim and degel mk's sat silently.

    2. So all of the Peleg's nonsense wasn't worth a garlic peel. Nobody cares about their phony issues. They have no influence and have shown that the only thing they can do is block streets and get naive Americans to believe them. When it comes lemaaseh, they are useless.

    3. Yes, they ignored the Peleg. Like everyone does with a tantruming child, whining 'look at me'. Ignore them, and they disappear.

    4. keep showing your hatred and ignorance getting your daas toorah from Yeshiva world news

  3. It wasn't ger, it was chabad breslav, karlin and many other regular who didn't vote hummel, although they didn't lose any seats.

  4. "Degel alienated their base and lost a full mandate they ignorerd the peleg and are stuck on the same seats for years. During corona the police targeted the charedim and degel mk's sat silently."


    They lost voters to Smotrich & Noam because those fight more
    ardently for yiddishkeit more than everyone (with all their tzionism)!

  5. Rav Aaron Feldman said bochurim should not attend the musical event sponsored by Eretz Hakodesh on Chol hamoed in order not to give eretz hakodesh the authority to represent yeshiva bochurim
