Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday March 19 Erev shabbos News Updates

 Weather: Windy with a mix of clouds and sun. High 43F. Winds N at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. 
עש''ק פרשת ויקרא  Candle lighting 6:50 pm Shkia 7:08 pm

-21 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 13126/285

-Ocean county Prosecutor: Lakewood Wildfire was intentionally set

- Pesach Bein Hazmanim begins in Lakewood. 
-Some have a minhag to deliver the Shabbos hagadol drashos this week when erev pesach is on shabbos
- Car carrier service will deliver cars with all luggage from Lakewood to Orlando for Pesach
- This Sunday, March 21, local lomdei haDaf will mark the conclusion of   Maseches Pesachim, with a gala siyum at Tiferes Simcha Hall on Oak Street in Lakewood.
-With 5 days to the 4th Israeli election in 2 years Rav Chaim Kanievsky and RavGershon Eidelstein signed a letter calling on all Rabbonim to give divrei hisoirerus on shabbos on the importance of voting ג' for UTJ.
-Pesach box distribution Bnos Melech Tashbar Sunday night, OTL/SCHI Tuesday night
-Lakewood township will relocate the Inspection dept to a new facility built at the DPW complex on America way rd
- NJ Senate  Republicans will hold an independent hearing today to examine how Murphy administration policies have impacted businesses, jobs, and the New Jersey economy during the COVID-19 Here 10:00 am
- APP reports on Aguna protest in Lakewood  "There were colorful smoke bombs, speeches made through a bullhorn, and angry back-and-forth among the different-minded on the scene, all under the watchful eye of at least one authority — Lakewood police officers" One of the women protestors said  "If the men would just stop supporting their friends and turning a blind eye to the guy that's abusing his wife and all the smack they talk in shul, we would be making a difference," People here need to wake up and not hide like little cowards in their houses. We need to be able to give power to the women."


  1. No vigilante justiceMarch 19, 2021 at 8:37 AM

    I don't know what women think men do in Shul, but people do not stand around talking 'smack' with everybody else about their wives or ex-wives.

    If a clear case was made about someone that he is a Mesarev Din, and a bona fide Beis Din put their signature to it, people would pressure the husband to go to Beis Din (not to give a get immediately, but to fight things out in Beis Din, not through tantrums). But when matters are instagram posts and letters from dodgy Batei Din, people tend to think "there must be two sides, why get involved?"

    And this isn't about 'power to the women'. It is about people acting like civilized human beings, and fighting out their issues in Beis Din not in the street. A man who justs withholds a get without willingness to litigate halachically in Beis Din, is evil. Not because women have no power, because he is a פרא אדם who makes up his own laws about others, ignoring his responsibilities to others. If a society is made up of such people, it ends up being Sedom quite quickly.

  2. No vigilante justiceMarch 19, 2021 at 8:40 AM

    There are women's organizations and lawyers available to help women steal their children from their fathers, through unscrupulous legal devices and alienation. Some women manage to prevent court ordered visitation through 'askanim' and the like.
    They too are evil, and their friends should stop supporting their abusive practices and nasty habits. Unfortunately, these organizations get profiled in newspaper articles and manage to raise funds for their nefarious deeds.

    There are evil people of all genders, who will use their lopsided power to get whatever they want. Some will find pro-women judges and some will withhold a get. Nobody has a monopoly on abuse.


  4. Were these people always evil, or did the divorce process make them go bananas?
    Asking for a friend.

  5. Levin @11 radio program WNYC 620
    Vayikra 5781
    The other side of the Gitten Story
    With Rabbi Y Homnick
    Mr/ mrs Dov Charnowitz
    1 Exposimg ORA non Halachic Thugery
    What is A Halachic Aguna
    Screaming "Give A Get" vs "Go To Bais Din"
    Y Meir Kin didnt Give a Get
    Are raucos protests producing Halachic Gitin or..
    6 Get meusah / non kosher "forced " Gittin
    Part 2 iyH next week

  6. As per the senior
    Rabbi Ochs of Toronto

    THERE are 6X1 situations presently of women refusing Get for every
    male refusing to give

    1. technically a man can go on with his life practically that's impossible
    Go try telling that to the courts where the power lies

    2. Females invariably have the power of Parental alienation for the children which the men do not have
    the lawyers and these organizations tell them to use it on a drop of a Feather

    3.Ora's Record Has
    Been biased & partial
    Even if for no other reason than because the courts
    & media invariably side the female

    hey they feel their mission is
    to destroy the Jewish patriarchy
