Saturday, March 6, 2021

Motzei Shabbos ki Sisa 5781

-75 new covid cases in Lakewood 12715/282

- Next Purim, Lakewood children will get a tutorial on what's appropriate makeup and costume wear during the festive holiday. (APP)

-Bingo open pre tonight untill 12:00 am with Pesach specials

-DeBlasio planning to run for NY Governor and challenge Cuomo in primary election

- NJ officials have warned that cases are rising again amid the discovery of COVID-19 variants in the state. The state’s seven-day average for new confirmed coronavirus positive tests is 2,798, up .03% from a week ago and down 10% from a month ago.

- A health ministry initiative for this Lag Baomer in Miron to only  those fully vaccinated or recovered from  coronavirus.

-The Senate on Saturday passed President Joe Biden‘s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan in a party-line vote. The final bill includes $400 billion in one-time payments of $1,400 to most Americans, which will go out at the end of March. $300 a week in extended jobless benefits and $350 billion in aid to state and local governments.

- N.J. teachers, day care workers pre K- 12 can get COVID vaccine immediately, not on date previously announced of March 15

- NJ Sen. Bob Menendez has dropped almost $300,000 on food at a Steakhouse with donors to his campaign committee and his New Millennium PAC picking up the tab


  1. The vaad and BOE should take a tutorial how to shut up and not accuse an entire community as racists because of what 2 children did out of 50000 who did not.

    They are using this episode for PR coming at the expense of an entire tzibbur.
    Lakewood does not have to be told how to dress up. The self appointed askanim have to be told how to shut up.

    1. Yeah! We need to be as rude andinsensitive as possible to other people's feelings for no constructive reason! Those askanim are such reshaim! How dare they consider the impact this very bad PR may have on the frum community!

    2. No one was rude or insensitive the askanim took the bait and blew up a non story you can argue they did so for other motives. 2 ignorant children out of a community of 200,000 is a non story. There was no need to make anything if it but the askanim who are not that bright blew it out of proportion and blamed an entire community for being racist

    3. THe Askanim asssoicate themserlves with the BLM more then the tzibur who is not gores them. It is all about recognition and feeling important.
      when they were children they were the machers now they are the Asskonim

  2. נצחו אראלים את המצוקים ונשבה ארון הקודש מיט שווערע הערצער נעמט כלל ישראל אויף די פליצלימע פטירה פין שירי כנסת הגדולה אין אמעריקע, הגאון הגדול רבי יחזקאל רוטה זכר צדיק לברכה גאב"ד קארלוסבורג מגדולי פוסקי הדור

  3. I didn't see sensitivity training to the jackson community when swastikas were spray painted. Jackson didn't put out a PR to teach their students.

    1. The entire country teaches sensitivity the entire year. Its called Holocaust education.
