Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday March 17 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy. High 49F

- 47 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 13076/285

- Food distribution:
-Tehilas Chaya Sara 7 day box for all children under 18 who are not receiving school meals, TONIGHT at 6:00PM. (Please note earlier time)1115 Cross Street
- Bnos Ester Malka shabbos box distribution 7:00 pm 488 Whitesville 
-Bnos Melech 7:30 - 9:30 pm Bgan box and R&S 2 day shabbos box (Pesach distribution is Sunday night)
-OTL at SCHI and Center on Prospect 7:00 pm Box includes lots of shabbos food and a coupon for a free pizza pie plus a family size fries  (Pesach distribution is Tuesday 3/23)
-Belz 5:45 pm 300 Chestnut
-Gelbsteins 3:30 pm at Lakewood Middle school or Clifton Ave school Kosher L'pesach items will be bagged separately
- Shabbos box at 140 Lehigh industrial park and at 805 Cross st 12:30 pm

IRS planning to delay the April 15th tax filing deadline by about one month.
- smoke condition at Gourmet Glatt plaza after fan motor catches fire, under control
-- Lakewood rabbonim issue letter to give Kimcha Depischa even though many have received stimulus checks. The rabbonim write that they heard people are giving less this year with the reasoning that people are better off financially for this yomtov with the food boxes and stimulus checks, yet they stress that many are still in dire financial strait despite the stimulus as they have bills and their usual financial support has been cut others lost their jobs and livelihood. The seforim bring down it is a kitrug on a city if they do not give maos chitim. At this time of  it would be a zechus to do gemilas chasodim. 

- Check your bank accounts for a windfall as Stimulus checks were deposited overnight by many banking institutions $1400 per person.

- Chometz drop off 311 8th street between Clifton and Madison or 2 Brisk lane in Westgate additional locations will be added later tis week as well as options for frozen items

-Lakewood township introduce ordinance banning operation of Cannabis Businesses within its borders 
- Homeless couple living in woods behind Target on rt 70 in Brick lost everything in forest fire "We should thank our stars we’re alive and living and breathing. It could be worse,” said Adam, 59, The two had been living in a room in Brick for $300 a week before the pandemic, but Adam said he lost his job at Lowe’s around April 2020 after he was hit by a car and couldn’t work. He was unable to continue paying rent. Since then, he said he has been working part-time, doing handyman jobs for the Orthodox community in Lakewood. read more at

- Planning Board approves building extension for the Bais Faiga Gratter Building for a 2-story expansion on park avenue, all the way until 2nd Street. A new off-road circular bus loading driveway will eliminate most of the current on-street bus loading (LNN)

-Staff of non public schools can get covid vaccine today at Lakewood high school 2:30 - 10:00 pm


  1. It's time for the formation of a Vaad Horim, a parental oversight board for all the schools. We beg school owners to accept our children and they are answerable to no one. The schools work for the parents. Parents should at a minimum be treated as any business would treat a client.

    1. Schools are private enterprises and parents are, indeed, clients. If you don't like the way a business treats their customers, you take your business elsewhere or open your own business.

    2. False

      They were hijacked. Show kavod for someone due to his private business?

      They are Supposed to be for Klal

    3. They were hijacked because people would rather be bloggers , than give money for community schools . Why don't the bloggers open up community schools with their money ?

  2. If schools are businesses, then they operate under the principles of supply and demand. Demand is only going to increase due to the incredible population boom (bli ayin hara). The only way to make meaningful change is to increase supply, which is to open more schools.
    A Vaad Horim will not help matters at all. There are not enough slots in our community schools for everyone and oversight will not create more space. Granted, some school administrators can be more gentle and polite, but at the end of the day, a rejection is hurtful no matter how nicely it is phrased. For most people, unless their child is accepted, they will feel mistreated. Schools will only be "answerable" to parents when they need to compete for students; right now parents are competing to get into schools.
    Are you volunteering to take on the financial and logistical obligations of opening an institution (or at the very least support the noble individuals who are doing so)? Are you willing to be a pioneer and send your children to a brand-new school?
    If yes, please channel your energies away from forming a Vaad Horim that will help nobody and increase machlokes and towards opening another school. You will help yourself and the community and you will accrue incredible zechuyos for being a part of the solution (and you can run your institution however you see fit).
    If not, please stop complaining.

    1. Vaad Horim has nothing to do with acceptance. Vaad Horim is for after you are accepted, that the school be run for the benefit of the stakeholders, which are Klal Yisroel.

    2. In a community school ,the stakeholders are the community. In a private school the stakeholders are the patent body of that school and the people that run and support the school. The patent body in most cases sends to that school knowing who makes the decisions and fir the most part is very happy and does not need any vaad. . Thise that want such a vaad have the freedom to send to a school with a vasd ir to a community school . There is plenty of choice and variety in Lakewood with over a hundred different schools .

    3. Chalila! There is no such thing as a private school!
      Even if a school was made and funded completely by a private person (not applicable to any school in Lakewood), it is still not private. It services a public, it affects the public, and no private person has the right to do things on the back of the public on his own.

  3. The committee should consist of some parents, a couple of Rabbonim, and veteran retired Mechanchim. Any serious matter pertaining to a Talmid, such as expulsion, repeating a grade, forced medication and similar, should have to be approved by this committee, who only hear the case with the Talmid having representation.
    Human lives are placed in the hands of individuals, with no oversight.

    1. I agree. As soon as the committee members are ready to shoulder the financial responsibilities of the school ,then they can join the Vaad and have a say.A one way street where people have no obligations but are allowed to tell others what to do , does not work .

      Out of town and by Chasidim where the kehila fully supports the schools financially, then you can have a Vaad to make decisions. All those advocating for a Vaad Horim ,just need to create at least one school that is owned and supported by the kehila . Then they can accept everybody who is Shomer Shabbos and have the parents make all the decisions.


    2. 'Shouldering' is much more than the financial aspect. Some davka should be without money

    3. Anon 11:28 - you seem to be of the opinion that the only important factor in a school is the money. I don't know why you would say so. Yes, a school needs money to exist. It also needs parents, it needs people to chart the course of the school and many other things. Just because one person 'shoulders' the financial burden does not mean he makes the correct decisions regarding children, and a Va'ad Horim could help that out.

  4. The Vaad Horim should not include any therapists. The therapists and social workers are not to join any VAAD.
    htere is a misconception that lscw and LSA know better and inocent people trust them on whatever they say.
    just because they took some courses and passsed exams doesn't make them any smarter and their opnion is worse that the avrage laymen since thes etherapits they are full of themselves. A blown up ego.

    1. It is this strange concept that some people have, that the only way to acquire knowledge is through studying it. Some weird people have this fixation in their minds, that people who study topics are more likely to know it than those who don't.
      What a ridiculous thought!

    2. Chinuch is nut knowledge that can be studied. someone who is mechunach can be mechanech. The danger is that one can be a lowlife but if he studied education, he believes he knows more than a Rov/rebbi/morah. Chinuch should be in the hands of the Shomrei hamesorah and not in the hands of the students of Floyd and Bilam.
      Modern psychology is the destruction to cinuch habonim.
      The vaad hahorim will consist of.
      Torah, Halacha, Midos, Tahara, mussar, Ahavas hatalmidim, achrayus, zikuy horabim, and nose B'ol without negios.
      Not someone who’s claim is that head is full of “knowledge”.

    3. Big Like!

    4. "students of floyd"? do you mean george floyd or eric "sleepy" floyd?

  5. Maybe it was Rav Yackov Kamenetzky or another Gadol who said no one is the Balim over Yseshivos.the Yeshivos Belong to Klal Yisroel

  6. We need a shtut school that takes in everyone , there should be a 200 tax on tuition for each kid that dosent go to the shtot school to help pay for extra teachers and extra rabbeim and to pay for scholarships for qualified children to come to the shtut school . I do believe every school should be able to run as they please without taking in students they feel dont fit the school and the shut school should take in anyone no matter what.

  7. Absolutely. Make a shtut school and accept everybody . It will cost a lot of money. Many millions every year.Then you can have any Vaad you want. Just remember. There were numerous people that tried to make such schools and they never succeeded because parents only want to send to schools that are exclusive .that is the unfortunate truth in Lakewood and all frum communities . In public schools you have to accept every troubled kid and every kid with hashkofas abd exposure to the street that might influence your child. But its a noble undertaking. Definitely try.

  8. The Therapists kids are usually the most messed up

    1. What an obnoxious untrue thing to say! How dare you come here and spew wholesale Lashon Hara on people?!
      Therapists are people like everyone else, some are better and some are worse. As are their children. Some computer programmers' children are more successful than others' and some are less. It has no shaychus.

    2. seems like truth hurts

  9. I think that I should also be able to give an opinion.

    I think there should be only be shtut schools. Every neighborhood should have their own shtut school, and every child must go to their neighborhood school and every neighborhood school must accept every neighborhood child. Also, the teachers can only teach in their own neighborhood schools.

    This would alleviate the school acceptance crisis - every child would be accepted in their neighborhood school.

    This would alleviate the Lakewood gaavah crisis - every neighborhood school would have all types of children.

    This would alleviate the traffic crisis - there would no longer be any need for bussing or carpools.

    This would alleviate the property tax crisis - there would no longer be any need for township sponsored bussing.

    This would alleviate the BOE funding crisis - there would no longer be any need for bussing.

    This would alleviate the internet crisis - there would no longer be any need for the oilam to complain about anything online.

    This would alleviate the therapist crisis - there would no longer be a need for therapy.

    The only crisis this wouldn't alleviate is the shiduch crisis. But that's for another comment...

    1. It will create a neighborhood crisis . People will want to move to neighborhoods that have better schools and the prices in those neighborhoods will skyrocket. Every solution creates a new crisis in our society.
