Monday, January 11, 2021

Two Terrible Bills in front of the New Jersey Legislature TODAY

 There are two terrible bills in front of the New Jersey Legislature to be voted on TODAY! One bill indoctrinating children in Public Schools with immoral propaganda the other bill  subjecting residents of long-term healthcare facilities to deviants seeking to victimize them, with the sanction of the State by requiring  long term care centers to permit transgendered people to choose a roommate based on their gender identity. 

Please call Assemblyman Gary Schaer   – THE ONLY ORTHODOX MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE And insist that he oppose both of these bills with all his might!

Call Assemblyman Schaer at 973-249-3665  or email

May Hashem Have Rachmonus on all of us.

Click Here for the first Bill. It is a NJ strain of the Gezairas HaChinuch, S2781 /A4454 ("Education")

Click Here for the second Bill, S2545, which seeks to morally degrade long- term healthcare facilities with laws that would ultimately render it impossible to even use NJ Nursing Homes etc., much less own or operate them legally.

Tell Assemblyman Schaer that you are horrified that the state wishes to exploit our most vulnerable – EITHER by: (a) indoctrinating children in Public Schools with immoral propaganda – OR by (b) subjecting residents of long-term healthcare facilities to deviants seeking to victimize them, with the sanction of the State.

Tell Assemblyman Schaer that he is in a highly influential position, JUST FOR THE OPPORTUNITY to protect klal Yisroel against these types of monumental spiritual threats. URGE him to please make a kiddush hashem and tell the world that the orthodox community still has values, and we will stick up for them!

Click Here to Email Assemblyman Schaer to voice your opposition to the Bills and insist that he does what it takes to make sure that these two Bills don't pass!

About the Bills:

Bill A4454 is a Toaiva propaganda bill that is packaged as "Education" legislation. It would escalate the existing mandate to teach Public School children Toaiva propaganda - starting from Kindergarten r"l.

 Some of the reasons this is so important to oppose:

1. This is precisely how the Gezairas HaChinuch started in N.Y., with passage of the Dignity of All Students Act in early 2010, requiring schools to teach Toaiva propaganda.

2. Moreover, that  there are MANY Jewish children in the public schools. 

 NJ must not repeat the disaster unfolding in New York. We must stop it now, before it reaches our Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs. 



  1. WHERE IS "AGUDAH"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. i think they r closeing the shuls and mosdos
      like peasach time
      yep sadly these r "our" askanim

  2. FBI-armed groups planning election protest in Trenton

  3. Agudah should be leading the charge with these bills nut instead is bu$y pleezing phil murphy by bullying the community to test thousands of children for covid other wise they threaten the schools will be shut

    1. Thank you for your great miss at schmuzz.

  4. Where is our resident Biden/Antifa/BLM lover and bootlicker?
    It's Jews like him that support bringing such moral decay to the world.
    He usually monopolizes every single post, but now he's strangely silent.
    Wonder why?

  5. Both bills passed, and are headed to Murphy for signatures.
    Schaer didn't vote on either of them.


    1. He refused to use his Committee
      chairmanship to stop them

  6. honorable legislators,
    What is self evident but understated, that voting no will declare a monument to your integrity, far more needs to be done in these last hours.
    Use your influence–we implore you – upon your fellow colleagues to decisively defeat these bills.

  7. Can I interrupt the pity party with a simple question?
    We have no arvus for Goyim, and we are not enjoined to make sure the education system that is made for the Goyim fits with the Torah. If we were, this would not be our first problem.

    Basically, this is a nothing burger. We need to welcome Yidden into the Jewish community, not make the Goyishe community more welcoming for them.

    1. Spoken like a Agudist..
      why did Hashem punish the dor hamabul for hashchasa it had no arvus on the yidden why did he care what the nations were doing why were animals punished.. the answer is that there is an arvus when there is a society of כותבין כתובה לזזכר but even more foolish of you to think that this legislation will only apply to public schools. Look at NY it is making its way into the yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs.

    2. Love your brand new Briskeh chidush. WOW.

    3. I don't know if your non-Aguda education taught you this, but the possuk says כי השחית כל בשר the entire world became corrupt. We need to separate ourselves from the world, not repair it.
      But regardless, are you claiming we have arvus for Goyim? I hope your source is more than the Mabul story which was before there were Yidden in the world.

      And nobody even claimed that in NY it is making it into Yeshivos. In NY they are trying to get them to learn basic limudei Chol, not to change their religion. You should get some facts straight first.

    4. I guess Rabbi Miller and Rav Moshe Feinstein also had a non Agudah education but they both held to advocate and protest against any attempt to legislate toava.
      My non Agudah education also taught me that there was no klal yisrael during the mabul but the medrash explains that the חטא was an organized legislation of toava law. That is what is going on now and yes it is coming to a yeshiva classroom near you.
      Come out of the ivory tower and see what the common folk see.

    5. Anon 7:12 - That is absolutely not true. Reb Moshe Feinstein never said to advocate and protest against any attempt to legislate 'to'eivah'. (What does transgender have to do with toi'evah?)
      The fear of the Mabul is gone, we will never again have a Mabul.

      And no, I will not leave the ivory tower to 'understand' the coffee room gass yungn. For some reason, if you went to any of the great Talmidei Chachomim in town with these issues, from their ivory tower they will tell you to stop with the nonsense. Aske Reb Eliyahu Levin and see what you will hear. Reb Chaim Kaniyevsky told people in Lakewood that these kinds of things are not our business.

      Stop making us all into Goyim by following the Goyische moral issues. We are Yidden not Goyim והן עם לבדד ישכון ובגוים לא יתחשב.

    6. Even from pure selfishness
      attitudes like yours is ludicrous

      First they came for the ..., and I did not speak
      Because I was not a ..
      Then they came for the ..., and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a ...
      Then they came for the ... and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a ....
      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak
      for me.

      Wonder how is it we are being abandoned when the pass Edicts against us?

      The most tragic part of this is that it was inevitable.
      those who sounded the alarms over the past several years
      were denoted as fanatics


    7. Anon


      He SURE Did

      Read his 1983 letter

      Rav Shach
      said we must oppose every one of these

      Rav Yaakov was even more emphatic

    8. 1. Even without arvus we must stop teaching kifira to goyim
      2. Since when are there no jews in the public schools?
      3. First they go for the public schools then they go for the yeshivas.

    9. And yes they are trying to push LGBT into yeshivas 801a in the ny education law which mandates lgbt was put into the ny guidelines for private schools as a mandated part in the curriculum

    10. R Moshe said we have to fight it. And we will never have a majul destroying the entire world, god never said anything about Lakewood.

      Now go to binay brak and beg r chaim for forgiveness, your motze shem ra is despicable

      Anonymous January 11, 2021 at 7:46 PM YOU ARE A LIAR YES Reb Moshe Feinstein DID SAY TO

    12. WE live in the land of the free. We have a vote we should use it.

  8. It will be illegal to operate nursing homes?!?!?
    When Yidden own nursing homes, do they care who sleeps in which room? If they are married? To each other? What is the new problem now?
    As long as some Kano'im get to feel righteous looking for problems on the outside.
    As the famous mashal goes, look for problems everywhere, except in your own pocket.

    1. The only way Yidden won’t own NHs is if it becomes a losing proposition.
      Otherwise all the Rabbonim will find epes ah Heter. Like no parnooseh = pike each nefesh.
      Or I’m ain Kemach ain BMG, MIR, BRISK.
      And that’s a BIG BIG pikuach nefesh issue.

    2. R ahron Feldman paskened by the agudah convention this year we have to get out of the nursing home business do to lgbt.

    3. Gelt far di mosdos.

    4. say Aleinu?! daven Rosh Hashana?! What in the world are you davening for! we beseech for Gilu K'vodo of the world.

      Ever noticed??

      This is more basic and comes before that as per Yirmiya 2:13!!

  9. So, do we want to get involved in something that doesn’t affect us at all? Let the goys ruin their own society. If we put our necks out then we will be shut down and forced to abide by these disgusting laws.

    1. As a religious Jewish community, we live from the idea that people cannot legally force their religious beliefs on others in this country. By attempting to force the NJ legislature to accept and abide by our version of morality, we are jeopardizing the branch on which we live.
      If you think children shouldn't be taught tolerance or that transgendered people shouldn't be permitted to choose their gender, fine. But we cannot risk our entire religious freedom on that.

    2. LGBT education in public schools = lgbt education in yeshivas 10 years later.

    3. Kean is our representative. He should vote OUR way. We deserve to be heard!!

    4. Where does it end??
      They want to kill babies. Ok.
      Wanna do Kol Toeiva? NP
      Wanna steal the election? fine
      Take away basic freedoms? go ahead

      So what do we stand for? Anything?

    5. We are guests in this country, and we protect our own ability to keep mitzvos.
      We don't tell them what to do, we don't care about 'Kol Toeiva' (and again, what does transgender have to do with toeiva). Unproven claims of stealing elections are other people's problems. Either way I wasn't becoming president. And 'basic freedoms' are not Torah concepts. They are ephemeral American concepts, and the Torah does not subscribe to it.

  10. This legislation was a test to gauge public outcry. There was none, giving them an opening to expand their liberal agenda, and those will affect us directly.
    If in order to get public programs one must pledge to respect all lifestyles, will the Rabbanim still permit it? If in order to get funds there must be a specific curriculum, what will we do?
    This is just the first step. And we were silent.

    1. If in order to get public programs one must pledge to respect all lifestyles, will the Rabbanim still permit it? If in order to get funds there must be a specific curriculum, what will we do?

      Will they stop making 'charter schools' a part of the Charedi agenda? Will they realize once and for all that we need to support our own schools, not rely on the government for these things?

  11. There was a man standing on top of a building trying to get people's attention. So he started throwing down $100 bills to the people below. Rejoicing in their great fortune, the people began busily collecting the $100 bills. They were so busy enjoying themselves, they didn't look up to see who was showering the money on them.

    So the man atop the building began throwing stones. That caught their attention. They looked up, trying to see where and who the stones were coming from.

    Trying to get our attention, Hashem has showered us with great fortune these many years. We got busy enjoying life and hardly thinking of Him. Rachmana litzlan, it seems like He's now trying to get our attention by throwing stones.

    Judging from the reaction of the comments here, which are mostly political in nature, it seems like we're giving attention to Aguda, Democrats, ivory towers etc. - but not Hashem.

    And the stones can get a lot heavier, c'v.

    1. The only ones looking down are those in the ivory tower who all they see is gelt gelt gelt and planing the next chanifa move to murphy. Hashem is throwing rocks but they only see benjamins and acceptance by the left


  12. R Herschel Schachter said that the forced closures of shuls and schools should be seen as a clear message from above that we are failing in our responsibilities as “G-d’s firstborn” to be role models to the nations of the world.

    “The world is full of avodah zarah, immorality, abortion, and murder, and the fundamental sheva mitzvos bnei Noach, the seven Noahide laws, aren’t being observed in society,” said Rav Schachter
    .. We are not doing our job and living up to our responsibilities.”
    Rav Schachter observed that we should all be thankful that G-d took an oath after the flood in the time of Noach never to destroy the entire world again. “The whole world is rebelling,” he noted. “If I were G-d, I would be very angry right now. We need to work harder and do our jobs better so that we can be an ohr lagoyim.”


  13. Reb Ahron Feldmen Shlit’a announced at the Agudah convention all long-term care Jewish owners should “sell out” of the industry-taken off Agudah's site shortly after- if such laws are passed. 

    How is  this other than a sha'as ha'shmad?

  14. what is the point of all of this.
    We did what we could we voted for the lakewood VAAD endorsed candidates.

  15. "We are guests in this country
    We don't tell them what to do, we don't care about 'Kol Toeiva"

    Ask the non jews. That is why we are allowed to be guests in this country.They expect us to stand up for what's right. NOT to sell ourselves for convenience and pork.
    See Medrash Tanchuma Re'eh not everyone sinned In the days of Noah.
    Some did their thing and were tolerant and smug of the perverts. They were also wiped out in the Mabul.
    Noach cared and that's why he was saved! But not enough-that's why he was castigated

  16. Dor she'kulo chayav O shekulo Zakai

    Which side are you on?

    “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. ”
    “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face”
