Monday, January 18, 2021

Let My People know: Chief justice Roggensack Disagrees with Mishpacha's Gone Missing

History plays tricks on the dead ; at least the living have a shot at the truth. The episode of 2 weeks ago, Washington's unrest is foreign to the Jewish experience but Emes is something the Torah burnishes in our consciousness.

"Gone Missing? states "The courts of law repeatedly ruled that no material evidence was even offered by those questioning the contest".Although it's probably an oversight  this statement is patently incorrect clarity is in order here.

In Madison Wisconsin, when a lawsuit was lost 4-3  the dissenting judges, led by chief justice Patience Roggensack said the court should  have decided whether votes  should have counted in each of the categories challenged and also clarified the law for future elections. "A significant portion of the public does not believe that the Nov. 3 contest was fairly conducted" Roggensack wrote.

"Once again, four justices on this court cannot be bothered with addressing with what the statutes require to assure that absentee ballots are lawfully cast."

He chided the others who saw irregular activity at work and still decided  to bury  their heads in the sand as if nothing was amiss, instead of allowing litigation to go forward.

Justices Alito and Thomas of the supreme court showed interest to hear the case as well but were rebuffed by the others. 

After 120 years, The רבש''ע asks a person who sits on a court of law who is in position  to intervene on behalf of another who is being taken advantage of, why he stood on the sidelines.- This is called עוות הדין.

What about all the sworn affidavits of live testimony witnessed  by the postal truck driver who realized he had delivered 180,000 bogus voter forms interstate- plus so many others who retold how they saw inequity in real time. Isn't  עדות heard first hand the best evidence there is? Much of modern day American law is rooted in Judeo tradition - The Torah delegates 100% credibility to a ben Noach [see Sanhedrin 57] yet this mistaken narrative in this Mishpacha article throws everybody under the bus!

On WABC Ben Shapiro observed, let's face it There wasn't enough evidence to conclude that the final vote was flawed.

 I asked a seasoned Dayan of a prominent Bais Din  who decides monetary torts  what would be the dayanim's take on this matter?

He replied you must be חוקר ודורש - it needs  through  and painstakingly investigation. There is good reason to suspect  that the final tally is inaccurate or bogus. That turns the talk show host's view on its head  the Torah's assessment is that there is enough impropriety here to label the final total suspicious until we clarify the truth.

 As of late the internet was hit of late with a  מכת חושך  it's time for some ולכל בני ישראל היה אור במושבותם

by Twitter Nishtzitter 



  1. Absurdly grasping at straws. But sounds like a TRUE BELIEVER. Quite sad.

  2. It was outright disgusting how the frum newspapers unloaded on President Trump. These editors are all כפויי טובה for how they defamed the best president to klal yisrael in the USA and Eretz Hakodesh.
    These editorials do not represent the vast majority of orthodox jews.
    The elitist journalists should pen articles for CNN instead of this defamation of an ohev yisrael that is read by innocent ehrliche yidden. This is not what shhould be read on the couches Friday night in our homes.

    Instead of thanking Trump for all the hood he did the frum papers kicked him on his way out.

    1. Your point is dangerous. Hakaras Hatov does not mean changing facts or opinions. Gratitude to Trump does not mean that his policies are right or safe. It does not mean that his fraud claims are right.
      People are constantly bullied with hakaras hatov demands, and it is wrong. For gratitude you send a bunch of flowers. You don't negate the favor or convert truth to lies and vice versa.

  3. I went and read the article in the Mishpacha, and I am shocked by this post.

    First, the author of the article is not a newspaper editor and not a politician or even an askan. He is a choshuve Rosh Yeshiva, who is the da'as Torah of many talmidei chachomim and mechanchim in the country. He deserves more than this treatment.

    But the content of his article is even more important. He is showing us a all a mirror, and demanding that we look at ourselves, take a good hard look. The Yetzer Hora tells us to look away, blame someone else, think about BLM riots and other issues that are not relevant. At best, we convince ourselves that none of ours were at the riot, and we ourselves certainly were not, so we are free to discuss other things.
    Yet he shows us that this is not true, we are all guilty of the same extremism or similar. We need to learn how to use calm clear proof to base our claims, and how the only way to argue with someone is to start by understanding his position. He shows us how to use our intellect and how to lose graciously.

    The Mishpacha article is a masterpiece, and this 'rebuttal' doe not begin to appreciate what is written there.

    1. Oh cut me a break, why was this mishpacha article not written over the last 9 months when Antifa and BLM burned down American cities and violently beat and murdered people. When stores in NYC were burned to the ground not a peep from Mishpacha It did not seem to bother them. Now that the media is piling on Trump blaming him for the insurrection on the capitol Mishpach decides to go all out Trump bashing. The true colors are showing the editors did not like Trump from the beginning no matter his policies that were good for klal yisrael and for America.

    2. If you would actually read the article, you will see why he wrote it now and not then. He actually explains it quite clearly over there

      That article was not written by an editor, it was written by a choshuve Talmid Chochom. You can try and point the finger elsewhere, but the bottom line is that you are responsible for your own behavior, and saying "well, he did it too" doesn't work when your children say it, and you shouldn't accept from yourself either.

    3. I read the Mishpacha during the BLM protests, and they did condemn it, and they did write quite strongly about it. I don't know what Anonymous 2:18 has been reading. It is sad that people beat themselves up about imaginary happenings, a pity to waste your stress on non-existent stories. The BLM protests were covered and condemned by the so-called left wing press too. And especially the right-wing Mishpacha.

  4. u literally proved nothing, there is still not an ounce of proof of anything. u r the one that has your head in the sand. i voted for trump, loved his policies but he lost, get over it. he lost every lawsuit. there is no evidence of any widespread fraud. i can find you affidavits of ppl saying they are aliens. stop being mevazeh kvod gedolim like rav lopiansky.

  5. The author of this post in the first sentence says that it is patently false to claim thet "courts of law repeatedly ruled that no material evidence was even offered".


    The fact that certain judges on losing side requested that more time be given to show evidence in no way shows a court ruling. The facts remain that every single court ruling was that ruled that no material evidence of fraud was offered. That is what a dismissal without trial means. If the court does not grant the dismissal that means the court thinks there is enough evidence to have a trial (not that the evidence is valid).

  6. The article was written only because Trump is gone and mishpacha could finally deliver a parting shot.
    It is not about who wrote the article but the message that it conveys is blaming and defaming all who supported president Trump. The left does this dirty trick by using an opurtunity to silence their oppsition and to put guilt on innocent frum Jews because they supported the best president for American Jews. Mishpacha is not right but left disguised as right. The stench finally came through for all to see they could not hold themselves back the day of reckoning they called it they ignored 4 years and jumped on the left bandwagon.

  7. Hamodia and Yated editorials are just as guilty they too joined the choir in blaming Trump and those who supported him. How sad that the so called frum media is not only out of touch with its readership but have lost any chazaka of journalistic integrity.

    1. Closing Shuls in Wesgatw is nothing?
      Chase hashem out to gain power. all the mispalilim who are crampt are being affected.
      What so hard to understand politicians.

    2. Who closed shuls in west gate? Who chased hashem out? What are you talking about?

  8. I wish some commenters would understand that many, if not the majority, of groups like the Followers of the Oath and the Three Percenters and other militias are anti-Semites. We saw this at Charlottesville and we saw this at the 1/6 insurrection.

    1. No, the Oath Keepers, 3 percenters and Proud Boys are not antisemitic, even according to the ADL. the "Groypers" on the other hand are, and were at the Capitol, however they are also ant-Trump.

      On the flip side, the Democrats have antisemites in Congress

    2. Being anti Israel is A LOT different than wanting all jews dead. If you can’t make that distinction....

  9. There is plenty of evidence available, I don't know which rock you have been hiding under. There is widely available video of stacks of ballots being counted again and again and again. There is video,(not rumors or opinions. There is machine evidence as well. Plus much more too detailed to explain here. The question is so why was it not presented in a court of law. The answer is not a single lawsuit got a evidentiary hearing. Which means the court refused to even see any basic basis for a court case. These are liberal courts in Democratic states. There were some justices even on the supreme court who wanted to proceed but they were overturned. I can tell you where to find any information but most readers here have not been following closely any of this. The ballots have not been turned over for signature matching. The machines for the most part are inaccessible. You can believe cnn and twitter if you like, or the cdc and FDA if you choose, but most sane people are on to them.

    1. The evidence is all a load of baloney. Check them with a little mindfulness and you will see that it doesn't add up. Three recounts came up with the same number, so it is impossible that votes were counted twice.
      The dead didn't vote, it just isn't true.
      The videos show nothing without context, and most people don't know the context. A box of ballots under a table is not a shady thing at all, but a good voice over can make it sound shady.
      The ballots don't have signatures on them, how would they match them?

      You seem to have substituted one belief for another. You don't believe the Department of Justice and the GBI, the electors and the Secretaries of State, yet you believe Trump - who is a known liar about virtually everything. You think yourself so smart - I don't believe blindly, when in reality you are believing wholly someone who has less credibility than Pravda.

      And going to court, not claiming fraud, and then whining 'we didn't get an evidentiary hearing' is the method of grifters and con-artists. Giuliani didn't want to convince the court, he wanted to convince gullible fools like you. And it worked. Who said he is useless?

    2. Come on, when everyonre goes one direction you don't do the opposite. If everyone says black you don't say white......
      This is the way things go in Lakewood, New York, Albany, Trenton, and Washington DC.

  10. Anyone know what the west gate guy is talking about? Closing shuls? Besides what shaychus to this?
