Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday January 19th News Updates

 Weather: Generally sunny  High 43F 

-Food distribution: - OTL box at Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm, Tashbar 6:15 pm Oak street

-Vice President Mike Pence tweets  a farewell message: Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Vice President these past four years, it has been the greatest honor of my life. On behalf of our Wonderful Second Lady, Karen Pence, and our entire Family, Thank You and God Bless America. 
 -Rav Chaim kanievsky shlita has told his fLatest tragedies are a result of bittul torah in the chadorim which is causing a charon af in shamayim

- Trump pardons to Include Sheldon Silver among other frum yiddin Boropark24

- Marijuana dispensaries coming to the jersey shore:  Zen Leaf store  approved for Neptune, coming soon to Asbury Park  Breakwater cannabis products. In Lakewood the township has yet to vote against dispensaries despite overwhelming opposition by voters to legalize it. app

 - Surge in gun purchases in New Jersey According to State Police, 442,214 residents applied for a gun permit in 2020 compared to 102,270 in 2019, a more than 300% increase. Gun buyers have a fear that the gov and the left will get rid of the 2nd amendment, and defund the police leaving people unprotected.     
-Israeli corona cabinet extends lockdown for additional 10 days. People will only be allowed to return to Isarael with proof of a negative test 72 hours prior to arrival
-Gov Murphy will be in Washington for Joe Biden’s inauguration 
-2 National Guard members removed from security at Joe Biden's inauguration after being found to have ties to fringe right group militia's. 
- President Trump is expected to issue between 50 and 100 commutations and pardons before he leaves office,  (Fox News). 
-Megamillions drawing tonight Tuesday Jan 19 $850 million and the Powerball is Wednesday night Jan 20 $730 million 
-POTUS Public Schedule for Tuesday 01/19/21. President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.
-founder of MyPillow, announced tonight that his company is under a major attack by radical leftists. Bed, Bath & Beyond and Kohl's Drops MyPillow.
-For the first time since the start of the pandemic, Israel on Monday recorded more than 10,000 new coronavirus cases in one day. A 35-year-old chareidi woman was hospitalized in critical condition at Laniado Hospital in Netanya with Corona, and after her condition deteriorated, she was transferred to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, 


  1. https://newtransformation6.wixsite.com/meahshearimnews
    wow this is a hot new website- all the news from eretz yisroel/ meah shearim
    almost complete

  2. Sure sure, he will work from early in the morning till late at night. Meetings and whatnot. Sure. Like he has done for the last four years. In between 'executive time' (watching TV in a stupor) and golf playing and mindless tweeting.

    The guy is an embarrassment to all of us. Can't wait till he goes.

  3. Radical Leftists - how are they radical? Because they are using their constitutional rights to free speech to express their disgust over you?
    You are the radical moron over here.


    1. Problem??
      He is using his
      rights to identify them


  5. How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System
    -According to a study that examined how informed consent is given to COVID-19 vaccine trial participants, disclosure forms fail to inform volunteers that the vaccine might make them susceptible to more severe disease if they’re exposed to the virus
    -Previous coronavirus vaccine efforts — including those for SARS, MERS and RSV — have revealed a serious concern: The vaccines have a tendency to trigger antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
    ADE means that rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated
    -Lethal Th2 immunopathology is another potential risk. A faulty T cell response can trigger allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes can activate the complement system, resulting in airway damage
    -There’s evidence showing the elderly — who are most vulnerable to severe COVID-19 and would need the vaccine the most — are also the most vulnerable to ADE and Th2 immunopathology.
    FONT: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/11/11/coronavirus-antibody-dependent-enhancement.aspx

    1. This guy (Mercola) also says that spraying hydrogen peroxide in your nose will prevent covid. If you believe his claims about covid vaccines, I hope you're following his other covid protocols also. https://archive.fo/Gs7Xp

    2. Where is your Achrayus? How do you post things like that? There are people who are desperately looking for anything to latch on to, and your posting nonsense like that can be fodder for the fire that can cause real trouble.
      Your evidence is bogus, the whole claim is nonsense, and the vaccine is quite safe. All of your claims have been thoroughly rebutted by actual researchers in the field.
      Previous coronavirus vaccine efforts have nothing at all to do with this. Do you think the readers are so dumb as to think that your claims have anything to do with this virus?!

    3. You have your opinion which I respect and you should do the same.
      No one is going to respect your thinking if you don't respect that of others.
      If you don't, you are not worthy of Rabbi Chofetz Chaim.
      Neither my מִשׁפָּחָה nor my חברים nor anyone in my בית כנסת is going to take the vaccine until it is fully proven that it is effective and that there are no side effects of any kind. No medicine or vaccine can be considered effective until it has passed a period of at least 5 years.
      You are going to be the guinea pig for phase 3 of this insane experiment.

  6. My Pillow sales are about to skyrocket

    1. 100%

      Was waiting to buy some anyway so now I will!

    2. Correct. I just ordered one

  7. Tashbar is at 6:!5 today:
    There will be a food distribution tonight, Tuesday, January 19 at 6:15 for the following items.
    Chicken Nuggets
    Pulled Beef
    Onion Rolls
    Babka Swirls
    Pancake Batter
    Honey Cheerios
    Fruit/ Nut Platter
    Apple Juice
    Reminder - One may take from 1 site only. You must write your name and the amount of box(s) you are entitled to.
    Please enter the parking lot from the Route 9 side only.
    Thank you!

    1. How can I sign up to get notices?

  8. Maybe Murphy just stays in DC. fingers crossed

  9. I don't mean to ruin the parnoso, of the food box suppliers but I think this is very dangerous slippery slope.
    All of us learned chumash, and we know how Yoseph hatzadik, got the whole of Egypt (exept the preists) to pay Paroh for food , when they could no longer pay, they exchanged their land for food, when they had no land left they exchanged themselves & became slaves for food. After that they were evicted from their property, and sent to other towns.
    You may have noticed Cuomo & Blazio targeting the orthodox Jewish community. I guess there is an element of anti-semitism to it. However, it is much deeper than that. WE are a community. Do you realize the word commun & communist have the same route as community?
    Unfortunately they are using a community to experiment their eventual communism. It is an inflection point, they don't need to start the experiment from ground up. The Poretzim in Russia, liked communities it was easierto deal with than individuals.
    If someone on Rodney Street got a ticket for being unmasked within minutes the entire Ahronim & Zalonim etc, will hear about it. Whereas if someone in Bronx got a ticket who would know?
    If you reember when Trump became president he spoke about stoopping SNAP, and giving out harvest boxes which will fit religeous & dietry needs.
    Do you realize that right now, most private restaurants in the US, will probably go out of business, many mom pop grocery stores too..They are gearing up to a point where everyone will need food boxes.
    if you noticed in the begining no questions were asked, now you need a name, it will get tighter, until ID, but you are already used to it. Then as stores shutter everyone will get a box.
    It may be Kosher in the begining , but another election over, they will question why are they spending money on Shechita? You now here it goes from there.At the fall of the iron curtain, there were some baalei mesiras nefesh who only ate Kosher. How many? How old were they? That only took 70 years.
    There is a master plan out there, yes the Aibishter is in charge, but you also have bechira, yes the mosdos & distributors are making money now, but I hope they don't regret it later.
    Think do you really need that box? Could you be playing into an experimental trap, that Chas Veshalom has serious consquences for the entire country , and the Am Hanivchor in particular.

    1. You should be gebentched.
      But you need to actually figure out your thesis in a more coherent manner. What do mask fines have to do with closing down restaurants? And what do they have to do with food boxes? And how do we get from there to Yosef Hatzadik? And why shouldn't they ask for a name? What will 'they' do with our names? Don't they already have our names?

      You should get out more, and speak to real people. There is no communist plot in this country, it is a scam made up by right wing politicians to get votes. Instead of implementing policies that help you, they convince you there is some boogie monster on the left that wants to implement communism. It is not true, even the most radical of leftists in this country never wanted communism.

    2. Thanks for bentching me, I'm touched.
      The globalist Left has made it clear that they intend to take advantage og the pandemic to bring socialism to the world. The Democrats in America are eager for this to happen and they will do whatever it takes. - and they are in power now. They have all branches of power.
      Millenia of history has taught us that large scale plots are done with innocent looking ideas being implemented first and then tightening things up. Paroh, Hitler, Stalin, Haman and many more. They all used this ruse with effective results.
      These mask mandates are supposedly for health, even though they obviously don't help at all. Same for closing businesses, schools and factories. Same for curfews and lockdowns: nothing has helped . So why are they continuing ? Because they are using this opportunity to change the world. Dictators thrive on fear, because peole unwittingly give up their rights. This is not a theory- it has happened many times in history.
      These food distributions are a way to dupe people to depend on the government for their food. Their food!

    3. Hello! I'm sorry for intruding, I was just walking by, but could I ask you what 'Poretzim' is? I am currently translating the book 'The Jesw Store' and I came across this word. Tried to google a lot, and this page is what I've found. Could you explain please where this word comes from and what it means? I'd be much grateful

    4. a local landowner as a villain or sort of good guy known as a poritz.
      The Yiddish word “Poritz” denotes Polish (or Russian) aristocracy who were landowners. In the mid-seventeenth century there were a goodly number of these landowners living in Eastern Poland, who, much to the consternation of the local peasant population, owned tracts of land just over the border in Western Ukraine. Typically, the land housed a “tzerkveh” or a Ukrainian Orthodox Church as well as a pub. Typically, the Poritz leased this tract of land to a Jew, placing him in the unenviable position of a middle man between the poverty-ridden Ukrainian peasant and the wealthy Polish landlord.
