Thursday, January 7, 2021

As Horrifying as this Moment is, We have No Option but to Make it Better.

 Tucker Carlson opening commentary : A death in the Capitol, and what we must do now


 Amid the bombardment of images of what took place at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, too little time has been spent thinking about why it happened. Anyone who is trying to understand the significance of what's going on ought to watch video of the last moments of Ashli Babbit, the woman who was shot and killed in the chaos. Footage, which can easily be found online, shows Babbit standing in a hallway right off the House floor with an American flag tied around her neck. The scene around her is chaotic.

People are bumping into each other, yelling, trying to get through the door into the chamber. Suddenly, with no warning, there is gunfire. You hear a shot and Babbit falls. People in the hallway scream. The camera closes in on her face. Babbit looks stunned. She's staring straight ahead. You can see that she knows she's about to die, which she did. So what can we learn from this? It's not enough to call it a tragedy. Imagine for a second that Babbit was your daughter. The last time you spoke to her, she was heading to Washington for a political rally. Now, she's dead. You'll never talk to her again. That's what we're watching, and we may be watching a lot more of it in the coming days.

Political violence begets political violence. That is an iron law. We have to be against that, no matter who commits the violence or under what pretext, no matter how many self-interested demagogues assure us the violence is justified or necessary. We have a duty to oppose all of this, not simply because political violence kills other people's children, but because in the end it doesn't work.

No good person will live a happier life because Ashli Babbit was killed in the hallway of the Capitol today. So our only option, as a practical matter, is to fix what is causing this in the first place.

You may have nothing in common with the people on the other side of the country (increasingly, you probably don't), but you're stuck with them. The idea that groups of Americans will somehow break off into separate peaceful nations of like-minded citizens is a fantasy. The two hemispheres of this country are inseparably intertwined, like conjoined twins. Neither can leave without killing the other. As horrifying as this moment is, we have no option but to make it better, to gut it out.

The second thing to consider, and it's related to the first, is why Ashli Babbit went to the rally in the first place. She bore no resemblance to the angry children we have seen wrecking our cities in recent months -- pasty, entitled nihilists dressed in black, setting fires and spray painting slogans on statues. She looked pretty much like everyone else.

So why was she there? We ought to think about that. If you want to fix it, you have to think about that.

The only reason this country is rich and successful is because for hundreds of years, we have enjoyed a stable political system. The only reason that system is stable is because it's a democracy, responsive to voters. Democracy is a pressure relief valve. As long as people sincerely believe they can change things by voting, they stay calm. They don't burst into the House chamber. They talk and they organize and they vote. But the opposite is also true if people begin to believe that their democracy is fraudulent, that voting is a charade, that the system is rigged and it's run in secret by a small group of powerful, dishonest people who are acting in their own interests. Then, God knows what could happen.

Actually, we do know what could happen, because it's happening right now. It's happened in countless other countries over countless centuries. And the cycle is always the same because human nature never changes.

"Listen to us!" scream the population.

"Shut up and do what you're told," say their leaders.

In the face of dissent, the first instinct of illegitimate leadership is to crack down on the population, but crackdowns never make it better. They always make the country more volatile and more dangerous. The people in charge rarely understand that. They don't care to learn or listen, because all of this conversation is a referendum on them and their leadership. So they clamp down harder.

This is the Romanov program, and it ends badly every single time. But that doesn't mean they won't try it again. Of course they will, because it's their nature. It's how we got here in the first place.

Millions of Americans sincerely believe the last election was fake. You can dismiss them as crazy. You can call them conspiracy theorists. You can kick them off Twitter. But that won't change their minds. Rather than trying to change their minds, to convince them and reassure them that the system is real, that democracy works -- which you would do if you cared about the country or the people who live here -- our new leaders will try to silence them.

What happened Wednesday will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of the rights you were born with as an American: Your right to speak without being censored, your right to assemble, to not be spied upon, to make a living, and to defend your family.

These are the most basic and ancient freedoms that we have. They're why we live here in the first place. They're why we're proud to be Americans. They're what make us different, and they're all now in peril.

When thousands of your countrymen storm the Capitol building, you don't have to like it. We don't. You can be horrified by the violence, and we are. But if you don't bother to pause and learn a single thing from your citizens storming your Capitol building, then you're a fool, you lack wisdom and self-awareness, and you have no place running a country. We got to this sad, chaotic day for a reason.


  1. Somehow, Trump riles up his base, whips them into a frenzy with baseless claims and nonsensical 'evidence', and it is somehow the fault of his rational sane opposition that his base went ballistic?
    The level of stupidity and lack of self-awareness in this piece is telling about the whole republican establishment.

  2. Did he say the same thing about BLM? Did he rationalize the idea of the disenfranchised expressing their anger and frustration? Did he demand introspection on the part of the police, politicians and civic leaders?
    What a phony!

    1. Was a there a shortage of listening ears during the BLM riots? Were they not rewarded handsomely for their behavior?

      Were the people who expressed the BLM views before the riots referred to as traitors looking to undermine democracy? Did the media insist on saying "baseless" before every reference to their point of view?

      That is the point Carlson is making.

    2. You people do not get it. This is not BLM, Seattle or even Watts, it is an attack upon the seat of government instigated by the President of the United States. It is no matter that it got out of hand. He intended to pressure Congress by inciting the crowd to march upon the Capitol. We can debate whether it would be a crime for a private citizen, but Trump was the President of the United States and the Congress is its sovereign legislature.

    3. Yes. The "media" said they were traitors. Fox and many others said so. Why is it that the reputable press, the NY Times and the old networks, are the media? (Probably because they report the truth). Isn't Hefkervelt "the media?"Aren't Trump's tweets "the media?" Only losers complain about the media. Learn from Andrew Jackson.

  3. Video has been posted that clearly shows people standing at the police barricade by the capital and then the police OPEN the barricades and letting people in. Plenty of people have given testimony to this fact also...

    Not exactly “storming the building”. Who told the police to let them in? How was this possible? There is only one answer.

    This “Storming” of the capital building was planned. It was “allowed” to happen to create cover for all the Republicans to say “ because of this assault on our democracy I’ve decided to certify the election for Biden”...

    Members of BLM and Antifa were seen in the group that gave the “protesters all the great photo ops for the fake press to post. Barbarians with communist symbols tattooed their hands bizarre get ups there’s no way reflect the honest God-fearing supporters of President Trump.

    Are we to believe that people could just walk in and enter the chamber or Nancy Pelosi’s office without being stopped? Oh - and the video of protesters and cops doing selfies together? Kind of makes this oh dangerous violent protesters a little lame...

    No increased security when you know hundreds of thousands of people will gather? Please...

    And then murder an unarmed woman - who was surrounded by police - a decorated veteran as it turns out. Is beyond evil. Did they really need to murder someone for this false flag to be believed?

    The depths the Washington establishment has gone to destroy President Trump are beyond horrific.... 4 years of false accusations, phony impeachment, illegal spying, citizens like General Flynn lives destroyed... and NO ONE will be punished for the crimes committed.

    Those that refused to stand up for our president were cowards and I don’t believe are worthy of our support.

    Our elections are now forever tainted .. no one will ever believe the results. An as a lifelong Republican... I will never support either party again. It is truly a sad day for America

    Dr John Fisgus

  4. Who are these people that started damaging the building? If you check this link you will see Trump supporters doing everything they can to stop these people from damaging the building and we already know that and Tifa and Black Lives Matter people were bust in and made up to look like Trump supporters

    But in the end, what difference does it make..Really?

    1. What joke! I do not know what your point is. Are you saying the Trump asked Antifa and BLM people to march on the capital? It also sounds like the tape was doctored.

      BTW Antifa means Anti-fascist. Although the ADL has warned about them, I heard on ABC news yesterday the ADL president saying who attended this insurrection. He ran through a list of Anti-Semites. I heard it live so cannot give a sourse.

      While looking for a transcript, I did find this:

    2. What joke! I do not know what your point is. Are you saying the Trump asked Antifa and BLM people to march on the capital? It also sounds like the tape was doctored.
      What he is saying is that the people who stormed the building were Antifa not Trump supporters.
      He shows you a tape and you lamely say it looks doctored.
      Yet when shown thousands of sworn affidavits, dozens of video, & hundreds of witnesses testifying to voter fraud you pretend it's all nothing.
      Shame on you!
      Like someone wrote yesterday, go move to Portland to live with your sick Jew-hating Antifa/BLM.

    3. I guess Republican members of Congress, White House staffers that did not show up for work today and members of the cabinet are fooled. Wow, all you people better tell America that it was really not the Neo-Nazi, Timothy McVaugh lovers, but Anti-Facist and Negroes Lives Matter people that attacked Congress. Also tell all the judges and Mr. Barr that they got it wrong.

      Truth be told, I never thought that some people here really love their country. They just love themselves. As for Jew-hating, I would rather be in my position condemning the actions of the Proud Boys and other Neo-Nazis than in the position of saying what they did yesterday was not so so bad. As for moving to Portland, it is my understanding that besides for the whether it is not so bad. I did not hear anything from people that live there or complaints about what happened there. And believe me, you live in safe Lakewood. Go to the Deep South, where I am from, you might not be treated any better by the police the black man.

  5. Again, we are comparing apples to oranges. We witnessed an attack about the hallowed halls of Congress. This was not BLM or even the Watts Riots of 1968 but an insurrection, whether intended or not, instigated by another branch of government to put pressure upon the sovereign Congress of the United States. This borders on treason.

    For those of you who compare, look at the pictures of the soldiers in combat gear protecting the statue of Lincoln from Black protesters last summer (as if they would desecrate Lincoln) with the almost unarmed capital police yesterday who could not prevent violation of our hallowed halls of the Capitol.

    Going back to the first point, the affront to ALL Americans, that this was not a riot or a crime, but an insurrection against the most powerful part of our government, the President of the United States did hedged for hours on calling out the national guard. A national disgrace. Shameful. A sad day.

    1. Our resident foaming-at-the mouth/antifa-loving/Jew-hater supporting is at it again.
      Do you EVER go offline?

    2. An attack about the hallowed halls of Congress

      blah, blah, blah...

      I would much rather see BLM ransack the capital then a random business district. The latter causes a lot more pain to a lot more people. no one's life got ruined because of yesterdays behavior in the capital. Plenty of lives during the BLM protests.

      It's not the venue that was attacked that is sparking so much much outrage. It's that the people who did it have the wrong skin color and political views.

    3. You are fools if you are not outraged by treason, particularly when it is connected with one of our branches of government. What in the world do you mean that I am a Jew hater? Look at who was there. Almost every Neo-Nazi group that wants to overthrow the government.

      My ancestors fought in both World Wars, Korea and my son fought, not as a chaplain, but airborne infantry in Afghanistan (4-25th battalion). We sacrifice our property and many have sacrificed their lives to protect our Constitution, our sacred institutions, and the American way. And you compare the loss of property to the treason, the threat to the republic, and its survival when the most powerful branch of government is attacked by a crowd incited by our executive? Shame on you. Call me what you want but I will be the first to stand in your way if you lift a finger against my country. I will say it again, we all are prepared, and are sometime asked, to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our government. The damage to property is not the point. It is the fact that Congress was attacked at the instigation of the President. Anyone who has learned history knows that when the executive power threatens the legislative, the republic can no longer endure.

    4. Absurd

      for the record 
      While it lacks the significance and symbolism of the capitol the Senate Hart office building was overwhelmed by a  bigger Lefty Democrat sponsored mob two years ago during the Kavanaugh  hearings

  6. It was always the other side that did it to make us look bad.
    Vaccines cause polio.
    Russia is really our friend when they hack us.

    Believe what you want, but remember it isn't a fact, just a belief.
