Thursday, January 21, 2021

Hakoras Hatov For Trump, The Media Wont Show It

The last act in office, president Trump pardoned and commuted the sentences of 143 individuals among them were members across the spectrum of the frum and Jewish community Chasidish, litvish, MO to sefardi. The frum orthodox community is very thankful for the last 4 years, but you would not see any mention of that in some of the mainstream frum orthodox media. Not only did they not thank and show hakoras hatov for one of the chasidei omos haolam but they attacked him. 
Jewish vues weekly
Jewish Vues

A Ami Magazine poll this October found that a whopping 83 percent of Orthodox Jews support and said they will vote for Trump. You would think that the frum news media would at least acknowledge the past 4 years under president Trump. His accomplishments for the country as a whole and in particular for the Jewish community both in the US and Israel. His administration's policies on religious freedom, advancing conservative values, the Iran deal, Yerushalayim embassy, prison reform, Rubashkin, his economic and school choice policies. 
It was Just a few months ago 13 prominent Roshei yeshiva and Admorim penned a letter to president Trump expressing heartfelt gratitude for his leadership. They wrote “we feel so grateful that you, Mr. President, are indeed expressing that leadership we need so urgently, standing up for the first amendment rights which is critical to help us weather to  storm of the current pandemic. “You have exemplified that leadership with your commitment to the essential importance of religious entities. You understand Mr. President, that it is our faith in God that will lift us out of this calamity."

The events at the capitol was an opportunity the left and the media used to blame Trump and give him that knockout punch they craved since his ascension to the presidency down the escalator. When it comes to the fake news media we think of it as the secular corrupt mainstream media who are biased, bought off and an extended arm of the DNC. You would not expect the frum news media to act the same to be so out of touch with the readership and the majority of klal yisrael. What happened to the values of hakoras hatov? Moshe rabeinu could not initiate the plague of Blood because the Nile river protected him when he was thrown into it as an infant. That is hakoras hatov. 
 Unfortunately the charedi American press too jumped on the insurrection bandwagon and instead wrote editorials attacking the outgoing president, trying to distance themselves from him and self apologetic articles for how they covered him over the term of his presidency and for the "hero worship" among frum Jews. In response, some readers have cancelled subscriptions in protest of what these editors did. If it was so hard for them to thank and show gratitude for the frum community, the least they could have done was keep quiet, but for some reason they feel that their objective view is smarter than the 83% who voted for trump.

Make no mistake the frum papers and editors did not suddenly turn on Trump only because of the capitol events, they never liked him but now they had an opportunity to unleash their real views. The people see right through it. 

By: Makir Tov


  1. Well said! Now go vote with your wallet....

  2. Trump is a Blessing from God !
    The “Jewish Media” are a bunch of pandering sycophants . The Jewish Media has more false information and advertorials than even the regular media !
    May Trump be blessed and be restored his Rightful place as the Greatest President Ever !

    1. Be careful! You might be censored or censured if you compliment president trump.

    2. Boy, are we gonna miss him!

  3. pretty sure you cant have an "ascension" down an escalator

  4. Let's wait for our regular BLM/Antifa lover to comment how deranged we are for appreciating President Trump.

  5. There is no truly "Jewish" news media. The Jewish news media usually regurgitate news reported by the Gentile news media. They just kosher it up so that the morally objectionable material the frum audience wouldn't tolerate is cut out.

    So their news reporting is really 1950s-era NY Times type reporting. Nothing Jewish about it at all; its really just goyish-reporting.

    No wonder they're influenced from the goyish news sources they copy from, which is radically liberal and anti-Hashem.

  6. I am puzzled at the premise of this post.

    The media is not your mother or your personal secretary. They don't exist to do anything but report on the news, analyze it, and provide entertainment. If you have gratitude for something that Trump, or anyone else, did, send them a letter. It is not the job of the 'media' to take care of your issues.

    If you are entertained by the jewish media, buy it. If it informs you, or otherwise edifies you, read it. And if not, don't. You did not hire them, they are not your representatives.

  7. Many crazed religious Jewish Leftists (mostly the Modern Orthodox) are actualy upset that Trump gave pardons, even though he freed Frum Yidden. They are twisting themselves into pretzels to explain that these people still beling in prison R"L. This is what Trump hatred could do to you.

    1. I remember teaching in a MO school where all the Rebbeim and teachers were regular frum ie NOT MO. A Rebbi had his students call up the White House to ask them to free Jonathan Pollard. One of the parents called the Rebbi and blasted him! He could only see that “Pollard was wrong”. There was not an ounce of compassion - this parent was livid with the Rebbi. Nebbech!!!

  8. Frankly who cares what these editors write they represent no one but themselves. They can write whatever they want it means absolutely nothing. And when they say they have daas torah it means they cherry pick what fits their agenda but will not respect an opposing daas torah view.

  9. I see a list of thing Trump did for the Jewish community, yet I am still looking for one:
    His administration's policies on religious freedom, advancing conservative values, the Iran deal, Yerushalayim embassy, prison reform, Rubashkin, his economic and school choice policies.

    Religous freedom - I haven't seen an actual difference.
    Advancing conservative values - no clue what that means, or what it has to do with Torah.
    Iran deal - He reneged on the deal, allowing Iran to enrich uranium. Do we want Iran to have uranium? How is that in our interests?
    prison reform - That was a bi-partisan effort, started before Trump and still continuing.
    Rubashkin - is one person, not a community. I am happy that he is out, but he isn't a community.
    economic policies - he borrowed money from our future, to make the rich richer. How do we gain from that? A roaring stock market, not based on actual increased production, is a recipe for disaster.
    School choice - what did he do for school choice? Do we have school choice now? In any new states in the last four years?

    I have no clue what Mr Makir means, but if he feels Trump did something for him, he is welcome to send a bunch of flowers

    1. Yup, our resident self-hating Jew, BLM/Antifa lover is ruining this thread - as always!

    2. there is no way you are serious. no one can be this obtuse.

  10. The writer suffers from THE TRUE "Trump derangement syndrome"

  11. I have hakaros Hatov for what he did and am happy he was president but now he has to go away.

    He always had his issues but they took him over after he lost the election.

  12. Sad to see people still suffering from trump derangement syndrome, hope they all get the help that they need.

  13. the jewish press i beleive liked trump but are now pandering to biden by turning against trump shame on them they dont realize how good its been for the past 4 years
    i hope the next 4 years wont remind them how good we had it under pres trumps presidency

    1. Mishpacha and Hamodia attacked Trump

    2. Mishpacha is the worst. Half baked anti-Trump articles. From half-baked self designated pundits.
