Monday, January 11, 2021

Oif simchas כ''ח טבת תשפ''א

Rennert - Rothstein Ateres Reva
Konegsberg -  Kanarek Fountain Ballroom
Ward - Kushitzky Ne'emas Hachaim 
Epstein - Sanders KMY 
Adler -  Gelb Lake Terrace
Kotkes - Goldenberg Ateres Chana



  1. Read the Kovetz Ma’amarim printed in the ’30s of what was horribly bound to be coming due to too much undue acceptance (and laissez faire “achdus”) for which he was decriedJewish Marxist Radicals....trying to destroy society-Amalek

    י[ "שמעתי מהגה"צ הגרא"א דסלר זצ"ל, שבעת השואה האיומה כאשר

    צדיקים וקדושי עליון נחנקו ונהרגו בעינויים קשים יחד עם רבבות מעם

    ישראל שנזרקו לתוך כבשן האש, אז שאלו כולם "איפה אלוקיך ישראל"

    ואיך הקב"ה מיצר כל כך אפילו לצדיקים וקדושי עליון, וביאר אז הגרא"א

    דסלר זצ"ל, שנכון שהיו הרבה צדיקים וחרדים, אבל לא דאגו לשמירת הדת

    של אחרים ולא מחו ברשעים מספיק, ועל זה הקב"ה מאוד בחרון אף

    וכמוש"כ בחטא העגל "ואנכי אסתר אסתיר את פני בעת ההיא", ובביאור

    תוכן העניין, אמר הרב דסלר זצ"ל, שזהו מידה כנגד מידה, שהקב"ה אומר

    "אתם לא מחיתם ולא התערבתם למחות על החילול ה', אז גם אני לא

    מתערב למנוע את האויבים מלהרוג בכם", רח"ל.
    When R' Boruch Ber came to New York in 1929 he was greeted by Mayor Walker. The mayor asked him "what can I do for you Rabbi?" His prompt response [in Yiddish] was 'Separate the males and females at the beaches.'
    He did not ask him for special favors for the Jewish community or e.g. "religious liberty" for religious Jews in the workplace..
    Leaving aside the concept of Ohr lagoyim
    And the abandonment our role as descendants of Avraham Avinu who taught all the people of the world and preferring to follow the role of Noach and Shem who only cared for themselves "tzaddik in peltz"
    What is our purpose?
    Are we filing chap.11 on our mission?

    It follows the pattern of Noach and Shem rather than our ancestor Avraham

    Furthermore,in a yehorag va'al ya'avor situation if someone succumbs and doesn't give up their life they are fully accountable, if they were potentially able to escape.
    We were able to stop this and we still at the  moment  can stop parts of it if we are arise and mentally plan

    If we don't do this we are responsible for all the actions that come from or wrong actions or lack of actions.

  2. Monday marked the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hisch zt'l

    He emphasized however our National Mission and Goal to rise from our golus situation to the level of Yitzchak and culmination to Avraham - all inclusive concern of Av
    Hamon Goyim. This was central of his Hashkapha
