Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Can more Houses be Built in Lakewood

A article in Mishpacha magazine "Lakewood Housing  Goes through the Roof".The question is asked  "can more houses be built in Lakewood, or will space for more housing eventually run out?

According to Mr. Abe Halberstam, who chairs Lakewood’s Zoning Board, the answer is, “It’s possible.”

“The state mandates that we redo the zoning master plan every ten years, and we just did that in 2017,” he says. “So, it is what it is. It won’t be redone until 2027. And when they do change the master plan, they will take into consideration the natural growth of the community to allow for greater housing,” he added, but cautioned that “everything will be done within reason.”

Asked about the possibility of rezoning specific areas to allow for small apartment buildings, similar to the Prime Apartment building that was built several years ago on Seventh Street and Madison Avenue, Mr. Halberstam said “anything is possible” but noted that very specific circumstances allowed for the zoning adjustments in that case.

“We approved that building specifically for the reason I mentioned before, which is to take into account the natural growth of the community,” he said. “But an apartment building has to be strategically and properly located, in a proper neighborhood, where it won’t interfere with local traffic, among other safety concerns,” he added. More


  1. Do they take into consideration what the people waqnt? Do we want more zoning changes?More density? Lacko infrastructure?
    Majority says NO! Some builders and real estate players want the building...

  2. The last master plan in 2017 was more of a masterscam it was stacked with ppl of special interest they pretended to listen to the residents and then stabbed them in the back laughing all the way to the bank. The profit came at a tax burden on Lakewoods poor who saw their taxes go up thousands of dollars as a direct result of the approvals. Not to mention the daily gridlock of wasted hours and money.

  3. There is no evidence at all to the debunked claim that Lakewood voters want the developments to stop. Nine. Debunked and without evidence. The people have voted. We want more housing. We want socialism.

  4. We must keep building to increase the money source for the unchecked and unlimited services provided by the Heilgeh Lakewood to every Tom, Dick and Harry.

  5. The people have voted. We want more housing, more building, more taxes, more socialism. More immigrants, more regulations, more traffic, more density, more misery, more masks, more shutdowns, more wall St, more genders, more war, more china.
    Stop with debunked conspiracy theories that people want less building in lakewood. there is no evidence to support that.

  6. It's not possible to build and expand if the reshoim fun unzere oppse the construction of shuls

    1. Nobody opposes shuls. What in the world are you talking about?

    2. & if they do so what

      Lo sisgodedu is REAL

  7. I second that. Nobody opposes shuls anywhere in Lakewood.

  8. In west gate someone wanted to build an illegal building and some yechidim want to blame others that it was blocked by the township.

  9. The underwold of lakewood opposed the helberg shul.
    There others also opposing othe shuls in lakewood.

  10. Lakewood nebech has many secular chareidim.
    Do you know how to pick them out? If you dont know how, then you may be one of them RL..

  11. From what I’ve heard nobody opposed helberg’s shul at all but the shul he wanted to build was on land that cannot be built on. If it’s illegal I’m not sure what the big deal is.

  12. So if I don’t agree with you I am a “secular chareidi”?
