Friday, September 20, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' כי תבוא שישי דנחמתא

השקיפה ממעון קדשך מן השמים וברך את עמך את ישראל

Friday, September 20, 2024 / י"ז אלול תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת כי תבוא
- Candle lighting 6:38 pm
- Shkiah/ sunset 6:56 pm
- Weather: Sunny skies. High 76F

הקטן יהיה לאלף והצעיר לגוי עצום אני ה' בעתה אחישנה
(הפטרה פרשת כי תבוא)
The smallest shall become a thousand, and the least a mighty nation; I the lord will hasten it in its time.
סנהדרין צח: ריב"ל רמי כתיב בעתה וכתיב אחישנה. זכו- 
אחישנה, לא זכו- בעתה

עצרת רבתי זעקת הגולה Update

 Atzeres organizers update on asifa details

Video: Rav Gissinger ZTL on Hakoras Hatov

This week is כי תבוא is the Parshsa of הכרת הטוב with the mitzvah if Bringing Bikurim
Video courtesy of Sparks (5 video clips)

Friday Sept 20 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, September 20, 2024 / י״ז אלול תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת כי תבוא
Candle lighting 6:38 pm
shkiah/sunset 6:56 pm
Weather 80° Sun and clouds mixed 
shabbos day hi of 76

- Toms River schools to sue state next week, seeking more funding 

- Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo personally altered a state review that lowballed the nursing home COVID-19 death count, emails detailed in a new report show  a revelation that directly contradicts his claims he had nothing to do with it. Family members of seniors who died in nursing-homes saw the emails as proof that Cuomo not only made decisions that killed their loved ones, but also lied about it. Emails and congressional documents show. Cuomo lied before Congress,” said Tracey Alvino, director of Voices for Seniors, whose father died from COVID in a Long Island nursing home. “It’s a crime. It’s proven by the emails.

- Save jersey: Hypocricy  George Helmy the new NJ senator and  Author of N.J.’s Covid lockdown devotes first Senate floor speech to children’s mental health  while  New Jersey kids are still hurting, well behind in academic performance and continuing to suffer from mental health challenges, and the lockdowns clearly played a leading role.

- Atzeres tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus Askanim said that the police asked them to wait at least a week to find a more secure location or wait for the situation in Eretz Yisrael to calm down. They are looking at other locations and possibly in Manhattan. Originally there were plans to make it in Manhattan but due to the UN assembly it couldn't work out several locations in Brooklyn were looked into was ruled out as they were told to accommodate the yiden in Lakewood so no one has to travel too far from their locations. They are hopeful that in the next few days they can work on a secure and safe location with proper preparation. the gathering was meant to send a message to the Yidden in Eretz  Yisrael that we have their back and are supporting them. and B"H the achdus of everyone getting together already sent that message. (Kol Mevaser)

- Some frum news websites have not reported and made no mention  at all about the Atzeres Tefilah that was expected to draw 100,000 Jews.

- Chestnut shul will host a Chai Elul Farbrengen this Sunday night with Rav Mordechai Zakitunsky shlita and Joey Newcomb 

- The new bais Faiga  Jackson is elementary school is completing the construction of the temporary trailers at the location of cedarbridge on property owned by Lakewood township under the LDC
- The ziditchoiv  Veretzky rebbe will spend shabbos ibn Oak and Vine

-Rav Aaron Kohen son of the Toldos Aahron Rebbe will spend shabbos in Lakewod at Whispering pines area 

- Tax dollars: Free cdl licensing (plus free $5,000 cash) for lakewood students here 

 Yoshon updates:  from TYNI Here the first new items are starting to turn chodosh 
Barley & Oats: Still early in the season. All can be considered Yoshon until at least September 15th.
Fresh Baked Goods – May possibly be Chodosh after September 1st.
Pasta and All Other Wheat-Based Products – May be considered Yoshon until at least September 15th.
Flour – Chodosh flours may be entering the retail market soon. Consumers should begin checking dates next week (after September 1st),

- Elliot Resnick former editor of the Jewish Press newspaper: Today, I was sentenced to four months in jail for my role in the events of January 6, 2021.  I will have a lot to say in the coming weeks about that controversial day, but for now, I have just two comments:
1) The January 6 protesters are heroes.
2) The left knows no rules, it respects no boundaries.  It will do whatever it takes to win and advance its agenda.  If the right doesn’t wake up and start matching the left’s ferocity, zealotry, and deviousness, this country will go down the drain.

- Ted Cruz At the Trump event tonight against antisemitism. He promised that any university that allows Jewish students to be threatened or harassed will lose its federal funding under Title VI of our civil rights laws. Why won’t Biden-Harris DOJ do that now? Why are Dems silent?

 - Gov. Ron DeSantis says the FBI won't cooperate with Florida investigation:
"No, they are not being cooperative, and yes, I am concerned—Our investigators were rebuffed just going to the fence line outside of Trump International Golf Club."

- Elon Musk: "The Party that cries about how Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy just forced out the candidate that their voters chose and nominated, a candidate that no one voted for. The hypocrisy is immense in the Democratic Party."

Trump Plan To Combat Antisemitisim

Trump spoke last might in Washington DC at he Israel  American council as he Details His Plan to combat Antisemitism, including on college campuses

 Trump: "My promise to Jewish Americans is this: With your vote, I will be your defender, your protector, and I will be the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House." "My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that if you do not end anti-Semitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support." Trump: If I don’t win this election.. the Jewish people would have a lot to do with that if that happens You can’t less this happen. 40% is not acceptable. Because we have an election to win,” Trump said."I will put it to you very simply and gently: I really haven't been treated right, but you haven't been treated right because you're putting yourself in great danger."

Israel At War Friday Sept 20

 Israel at war day 350

- An Israeli official to Axios: The entire top chain of command of Hezbollah's Radwan force was eliminated in the attack, with about 20 commanders. 

- Sky News in Arabic: Reports of the assassination of Mohammad Reza, the deputy commander of the Iranian Quds Force, in an attack in Beirut.

- Israel is under very heavy rocket and missile fire right now in the North. Hundreds of explosions all over to include Tzfas  

- Assasinated: Ibrahim Aqil, head of Hezbollah elite unit, killed after Israeli airstrike in Beirut, Lebanon. Ibrahim Akil, was heavily involved in the planning and execution of the 1983 US Embassy and Barracks bombings in Beirut that killed hundreds of American civilians and soldiers. 

- Senior US officials have conceded their expectations regarding a cease-fire and hostage-release deal between Israel and Hamas, admitting privately that an agreement is unlikely before President Biden's term ends, WSJ 

-IDF Assassination attempt of senior Hezbollah member leveling building he was staying in.

-Hezbolah gires barrage to the north over 150 rockets launched from Lebanon reports of fires in open areas

- Army tells civilians to limit their movement outside homes and avoid gatherings

- Amshinov rebbe was in tzfas today for a hachnosas sefer Torah, later during the seuda sirens went off but the rebbe continued speaking while the chasidim stayed to listen

- IDF hits more than 100 loaded Hezbollah launchers in series of major Lebanon strikes

-IDF and the Shin Bet eliminated the head of a terrorist organization, the Al Aqsa brigade in Kabatia, and six other terrorists in an operation in northern Samaria

-Reuters report: Hezbollah distributed some of the pager devices that exploded only in the last few days after they were scanned and security checked. One of the Hezbollah members only received a new device on Monday - and on Tuesday, it exploded on him

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Oif Simchas/Events Thursday 17 Elul

Wyszkowski - Fund Fountain Ballroom
Gutman - Teitelbaum Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Ashkenazy - Herszaft Ne'emas Hachaim
Wasserman - Kitay Eagle Ridge
Wilner - Dewick Bais Faiga

Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977

-Parlor meeting for Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim Chasidishe program  12 Knight Drive in Jackson
-RCCS parlor meeting for the Raintree neighborhood 1280 County Line rd East 7:30 pm
-Kabolas Panim for the new Rav at Bais Medrash of  Blue River in Lakewood 
-Mifal Torah Vodaas Parlor meeting  14 Riverside court
-Hatzolah of Central Jersey parlor meeting in Toms River 144 Newington Lane 9:30 pm
- Construction networking event at the Lumber yard Cross and James

Thursday Sept 19 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Mostly sunny

11:00pm Atzeres postponed!
 Atzeres Tefillah update: NY and NJ Police say that due to the security situation with Eretz Yisrael they can't provide the correct  security arrangements needed for this time. Therefore the atzeres will be postponed for a later datw until property security will be available 

- Trump: "My promise to Jewish Americans is this: With your vote, I will be your defender, your protector, and I will be the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House."

- Trump Unveils His Plan To Tackle Antisemitism
Speaking out forcefully against the wave of antisemitism in Kamala's America, Trump unveiled his plan against antisemitism starting day one.
Cut off funding for antisemitic universities
Prosecuting civil rights violations

- Signs all over BMG with letter from Roshei Yeshiva calling on bnei hayeshiva to go to the Atzeres. 

- Hisachdus Harabanim signs on calling on everyone to attend the atzeres. Gur,Skver,Vizhnitz,Rachmastrivka rabbonim sign in the names of the rebbes, calling on the chasidim to go to the Atzeres.

- Update: 6:30 pm Organizers are hopeful that permits will arrive asap and the atzeres will take place as scheduled on Sunday

- Update: Atzeres Tefilah Gzeiras giyus: While organizers are working on permits, a few more gedolim signed on including Rav Hillel David shlita and Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita R"Y Torah Vodaas.

- A new Sienna College poll shows that Jewish New York voters favor Trump over Harris by 8 points 54 to 46. This marks a major shift in the historically Democratic Jewish vote.

- Delta airlines has confirmed with DansDeals they will be canceling all flights to Israel through at least the end of the year to 12/31/24.

- The Jackson library Branch of Ocean county will be open on Sundays , effective January 5, 2025. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. each Sunday.

-Update: Atzeres tefilah on gezeiras giyus:  As of now It will not take place this Sunday after the state of NJ did not approve permits for the event. No word on when or where the event will be. The organizers are still working on getting them.

- Asifa tonight in Boro Park following the petirah 3 Tzadikim, the Kosover Rebbe, Skulener Rebbe Rav Moshe Wolfson Zatzal. The Asia will tale place at Ateres Chaya with the participation of Rav Don Segal shlita.

- With LSTA bus delays and complaints from parents  schools send out notifications that everyone wait until after Yom Tov for issues to be looked into as it takes time for the system to work itself out. Lakewood mayor was asked if the township can hold LSTA accountable since they received a $2.7 million loan from the town. The mayor said he's in touch with LSTA and the loan came from the LDC with UEZ funds.

- Jackson township officials walk away from previous commitment to make it easier for shuls to obtain approvals  full story on Faanews 

-Lakewood township budget approved with 8 million tax increase more 

-There's been some accidents at the new traffic pattern on County Line and Laurelwood after the county merged two lanes into one to create a turning lane. County officials say thry are aware of the issues and are tweaking it to fix them 

- Bingo Yom Tov special edition sales with Misamchei Lev valid 9?15 - 9?28 see sale list Here

- Americans can now renew their passports online, bypassing a cumbersome mail-in paper application process that often caused delays. The State Department announced Wednesday that its online passport renewal system is now fully operational.

- Secret service reviews tweet from Elon Musk: Following the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Musk tweeted a provocative comment about the lack of threats against President Biden and Vice President Harris. After facing backlash, he deleted the tweet and claimed it was a joke. However, the post had already garnered significant attention, including from the Secret Service.

Bingo Yom Tov special edition sales with Misamchei Lev valid 9?15 - 9?28 see dale list Here

- Freehold Raceway to cease operations at end of year; no word on future plans for siteofficials
cite unprofitable operations that "cannot continue under existing conditions."

- Former Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testifies before Congress that he was ordered by the Biden-Harris admin to cover up the number of terrorists arrested at the border.
"I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying convince the public there was no threat at the border."

- Toms River based OceanFirst Bank has agreed to pay over $15 million to settle federal allegations of redlining in predominately minority neighborhoods in three New Jersey counties, federal officials announced Wednesday.Federal prosecutors accused the bank of a “pattern and practice” of lending discrimination Wednesday that adversely impacted Black, Hispanic and Asian neighborhoods in Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties. The illegal practice of redlining avoids providing credit services to people living in communities of color based on race, color or national origin.

- NC Lt Gov Mark Robinson under pressure to withdraw from gubernatorial race as word spreads about a damning news story looming regarding Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. 

Israel At War Thurs Sept 19

 Israel at war day 349

- IDF telling people in northern communities not to gather and stay indoors. Moron at kever Rashbi was cleared and in Tzfas they told people not to gather for selichos minyanim as the army is expecting retaliation from Hezbollah

- The massive strikes in Lebanon are continuing. Over 80 targets have been struck and reports that over 100 launchers and a few hundred rockets primed to launch have already been destroyed.

- More than 50 Hezbollah targets attacked across Lebanon in the 2nd wave of strikes.
Residents in southern Lebanon are reporting some of the heaviest strikes of the war so far, on areas near the Litani river and the border with Israel.

- IDF Spokesperson: “This weekend, the IDF will carry out a live fire training exercise in the North. We emphasize that entering the training areas is prohibited, poses a danger to life, and harms the forces' activities. In addition, gunshots and explosions may be heard in nearby settlements. If you come across unexploded ordnance, the instruction is to stay away and report it to the Israel Police."

- IDF Radio: "The discussion that is being held now with Bibi is one of the most important discussions that took place here in the last few days. IDF officials presented several possible courses of action - and the political echelon will be required to make crucial decisions."

- 2 IDF soldiers killed in thr North from Hezbollah drones Nawl Fwarsy,43 from Maagar and Tomer Keren,51 from Chaifa

- IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi held an assessment and approved battle plans for the northern front a short while ago, the military says.

-Nasrallah's speech  “The incident is that thousands of pagers exploded. This is crossing all the red lines.” “Dozens were killed, and thousands were injured.” “The enemy tried to kill 5,000 people in one minute.” “This event is a declaration of war.”

- Just before Nasrallah's speech, IDF  began an extensive wave of attacks in Lebanon reported to be very heavy attacks 

- The Hungarian BAC company, which turns out to be a Mossad front company, produced the pagers and radios that were detonated in Lebanon the past few days.Israel established the company with the aim of harming Hezbollah. There were two other companies whose purpose was also to disguise the fact that Israeli intelligence officers produced the products. The Hungarian company received regular customers and produced regular orders for them. The orders of Hezbollah members were manufactured separately and with explosives inside their batteries - and began to be sent to Lebanon from 2022. (NYT)

-At least eight people in Israel were wounded Thursday in an anti-tank guided missile attack on the Lebanon border fired by the Hezbollah terror group, while others were injured in a subsequent drone strike. in the Ramim Ridge area. 

- An Israeli Jew recruited by Iran in plot to kill Netanyahu, Gallant or Shin Bet head  Ronen

Trump Visit To Williamsburg Restaurant Cancelled following Petirah of Owner

 The visit of former President Trump has been reported as canceled following the passing of R' Shulem Yosef Gottlieb Z"L, 75, father of Menashe Gottlieb, the owner of Gottlieb's Restaurant, where the visit was planned for today. He was hospitalized a week ago with pneumonia and passed away early this morning. Satmar community issued a statement We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of R’Shalom Yosef Gottlieb OBM (75) owner of the beloved Gottlieb’s Restaurant in Williamsburg. Funeral details at our Shul to follow Please note that the

Donald Trump  visit to Gottlieb’s is canceled  Former president Donald Trump was scheduled to meet with CUNY college students who have been victims of anti-Semitism today at Gottlieb’s restaurant in Williamsburg, but the unexpected death of its owner this morning will likely have that visit moving to another location or being cancelled in entirety.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Atzeres Tefilah will Take Place in Newark, New Jersey

11:00pm Atzeres Tefillah update: NY and NJ Police say that due to the security situation with Eretz Yisrael they can't provide the correct  security arrangements needed for this time. Therefore the atzeres will be postponed for a few days until property security will be available 

- Update 6:30pm organizers are hopeful that permits will be given and the atzeres will IYH proceed as scheduled for this coming Sunday

Updated : Reports indicate the event is called off for now after the state of New Jersey denied permits.

זעקת הגולה עצרת רבתי
Confirmed this evening, the Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus will take place this coming Sunday 19 Elul September 22 at 450 Broad st in Newark,NJ. The location is a huge outdoor area enough to accommodate the tens of thousands expected. It is right off the highway and no traffic expected on Sunday. The event will be short and to the point beginning at 1pm and over before 5pm.

Hashkafa Q&A

Hashkafa with Rav Gershon Ribner shlita

Rampant outbidding on homes by investors Attracted to R' Sruly Bornstein's Daf Yomi presentation The greatest abuse of the nobility of speech through nivul peh Are psychologists viewed with suspicion in the yeshiva world

Oif Simchas Tuesday 16 Elul

Benedek  - Segal Lake Terrace 
Twerski - Oshri Toldos Merdecha Vizhnitz Fountain Ballroom
Twersky - Shimanowitz Neemas Hachaim
Goldberg - Ganzweig  Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Rubinfeld  -Neusdtein Cedar Palace
Zelman  - Kribus Eagle Ridge 

Wednesday September 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 71° Generally cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. 

- Trump at NY rally tonight: "It hasn't been done for a long time, but we are going to WIN NEW YORK!" - President Donald J. Trump holds a rally in Uniondale, NY. Over 60,000 requested tickets.

- Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel met today and held a meeting at the Agudah of New Jersey office in Lakewood 

- Atzeres Tefillah זעקת הגולה organizers are looking into possibly making the event at an open area in Newark, NJ  of 2 million Sq ft. Taking place on Tuesday at 1pm

- Keren Olam Hatorah fundraiser in France Kabolas panim today with Rav Dov Landau shlita and Rav Yitzchok Ezrachi shlita of Mir Yeshiva

- Federal Reserve cuts interest rates by 0.5%, in first cut in 4 years. The Federal Reserve on Wednesday enacted its first interest rate cut since the early days of the Covid pandemic, slicing half a percentage point off benchmark rates in an effort to head off a slowdown in the labor market.

- Cleaning crews from the Renew  cleaning company are seen outside Gottlieb's Restaurant in preparation for Trump's visit (W365)

- AOC: Netanyahu’s right-wing, extremist government is violating international & US law and has created a humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Today, I announced that I will file Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to stop the sale of U.S. arms to Israel and end our complicity in this disaster.

- Amshinov rebbe of BP will come to Lakewood today to give a shiur in Tanya and Kabolas kahal ahead of the yomim Noraim at BM Yagdil Torah 910 E. Kennedy 10:00pm

-Bobov 45 rebbe will visit Lakewood today ahead of the yomim Noraim

- BMG: Rav Yehoshua Abba Busel shlita rosh chabura in BMG will deliver shiur Klali for the first time today 12:45 pm on maseches Nedarim sugya of Arus Meifir Bekodmin beshutfas H'Av. He is a son in law by the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita and son of Rav Yaakov Busel ZTL Edison Rosh Yeshiva. The shiur is part of the phasing in process for the next generation of the chavrei hanhala of BMG. Last zman Rav Aaron Olshin gave shiur klali. Next zman the sons of Rav Dovid Shustal and Rav Malkiel Kotler will also deliver shiurim

- Wedding tonight at the Toldos Mordechai vizhnitz of Lakewood court many Chasidishe rebbes will be attending the chasuna taking place at the Fountain Ballroom n Lakewood 

- Elon Musk: Unless Trump is elected, America will fall to tyranny. Trump must win.

- NY police said Wednesday there was “no validity” to reports that explosives had been found near the site of former President Donald Trump’s Long Island rally.

- A Nassau County Police spokesman denied the claims circulating on social media — just hours before Trump’s campaign event was set to take place at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale.

- Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus: Organizers continue looking for a large venue to accommodate the tens of thousands expected. There is a chance for multiple venues if they can't secure a suitable location.
Reb Menashe Frankel noted askan will deliver remarks in English to the media.
gedolei E"Y have signed letters joining the call of gedolei America calling on Klal yisrael to come out and daven at the atzeres . The letters were signed by Rav Moshe Hillel HIrsch, Rav Dov Landau, Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, Rav Dovid Cohen Chevron, Rav Chaim Feinstein, Rav Aviezer Piltz, Tifrach, 

- Trump will visit Gottlieb's famous restaurant in Williamsburg Tomorrow afternoon as he kicks off his campaign to fight antisemitism  later in the day he will head to Washington DC in a  “Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event.”

- The mashpiah Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg will spend shabbos in Williamsburg as he comes to the US to address the atzeres on Gezeiras Giyus 

- An attorney says a developer plans to sue a lthe Jackson planning board in Ocean County after an application to build four private schools for Orthodox Jewish students was rejected over a dispute about how a road was labeled. Attorney Donna Jennings represents 394 Chandler Holdings, a Lakewood-based developer planning to build four religious schools at 390 and 394 Chandler Road in Jackson. NJ

 -Donald Trump  will holds a campaign rally in NY today at  at the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island. the rally is scheduled to start at 7 p.m.

- Gas prices in Brick are at $3.02 a gallon in Lakewood $3.07   Eggs in BIngo $2.79

Satmar Rebbe Meets with Donald Trump in NYC

Satmar officials correctted the initial report saying the rebbe met with Eric Trump and not with Donald Trump. The rebbe also reached out to philanthropist R' Rubin Schron a good friend of former president Trump asking that he intercede on a federal level to work around the gezeiras Hachinuch in New York.

Israel media report the meeting was arranged with the mayor of Kiryas Yoel at 10am this morning. The rebbe initially backed democrat Kathy Hochul for NYS governor over republican Lee Zeldin, for the promise to change the laws effecting the general hachinuch in NY. It's been 2 years since and there no changes. The rebbe is now working to elect Republicans and has reached out to Trump for federal government to get involved with the general hachinuch of NYS mandating curriculum in yeshivas.

-Update: Some reports  Belaaz news said that the Rebbe met with the president's son Eric Trump and not with Donald Trump.

Today the Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum had a meeting with former president Donald Trump at Trump tower in New York City. The meeting was organized after the Trump campaign reached out seeing the large block vote of frum Jews in Brooklyn and Upstate including Monroe. Yiddish media reports the rebbe and other rabbonim are asking President Trump to see if the federal government can get involved in coming up with a plan to defeat the general Hachinuch in New York state.

Gedolei Roshei Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael Join call for Atzeres on Gezeiras Giyus in the USA

 Joing the call of Gedolei America for bnei chutz Laaretz to attend a Atzeres Tefilah on the general  of the draft law against yeshivos and kollelim, the Gedolei Roshei Hayeshiva in Eretz Yisroel  wrote letters urging everyone to join and come together during this difficult  time with the threat against the yeshivos. The letters were signed by Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita, Ponovizh, Rav Dov Landau Shlita,Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita, Slabodja, Rav Dovid Cohen shlita, Chevron, Rav Aviezer Piltz shlita, Tifrach, Rav Chaim Feinstein shlita, Ateres Shlomo.

Israel At War Wed Sept 18

 Israel at war day 348

- Iran says it reserves right to respond after ambassador wounded in Lebanon blasts

-A Wave of Israeli Artillery and Airstrikes tonight against Hezbollah Targets in Southern Lebanon.

-Attack on Hezbollah didn’t just target Radios to Detonate, with reports suggesting that Smartphones, Intercoms, Crypto Devices, Tickers, Smart Watches, Solar Panels, and even some Household Appliances within the Homes of Hezbollah Members across the Country had Exploded.

- In the coming hours near Beirut, the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah Security Forces will conducted a Controlled Detonation of Thousands of Wireless Devices which are believed to have been Compromised by Israel, including Pagers, Radios, Cell Phones, Smart Devices, Watches, Clickers, and Headsets.

- At least 14 terrorists killed and 450 injured in 2nd wave of beeper attacks today.

- Reports: Israel is telling Nasrallah to withdraw his forces beyond the Litani River and respect Resolution 1701. The reports add that in a few days or weeks, this offer will not be valid.

- Every link of Hezbollah’s Supply Chain for Electronic Devices has been Compromised.

- Unconfirmed reports that the communication systems that exploded today in Beirut were used by the Radwan Force and Nasrallah's personal security unit

- AOC: Israel’s pager attack in Lebanon detonated thousands of handheld devices across of a slew of public spaces, seriously injuring and killing innocent civilians.This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.

- IDF tanks seen traveling to the northern border with possible military campaign

- According to reports in Lebanon, most of Hezbollah's communication systems are disabled, thousands of its fighters are unable to participate in any combat operations, and the war has only just begun. 

- The IDF Chief of Staff in the North: We have many more capabilities; at every stage we operate, we are already two stages ahead. 
We have many capabilities that we have not yet activated.

Explosions heard all over Baalbek deep in Lebanon, reports that the device explosions are starting up again. 

- Netanyahu: "I have already said before that we will return the residents of the North safely to their homes, and this is EXACTLY what we will do."

-  Axios claims that Israel blew up thousands of radios in Lebanon today as part of the second phase of the attack.

- The walkie-talkies were purchased by Hezbollah about five months ago - about the same time the pagers were purchased

- Round two? Additional Hezbollah beepers explode in southern Lebanon
More explosions in Lebanon now on two way radios and communication devices in other large areas in Lebanon. Explosions in vehicles and apartments in Lebanon. A large number of casualties, according to Lebanese sources. Calls in Lebanon anyone with a radio and radio frequency scanner turns it off quickly now. The enemy sends high waves that blow up radios and pagers

 - Saudi-Owned News Agency Al-Hadath reports that 19 Members of the IRGC were Killed and over 150 Injured as a result of yesterday’s exploding Pager Attack.

- 4 IDF soldiers killed in Gaza and several hurt after they  entered a Bobby trapped building in Raffa. Bringing the death toll to 348.
Daniel Mimon Toaff, 23, from Moreshet.
Agam Naim, 20, from Mishmarot.
Amit Bakri, 21, from Yoshivia.
Dotan Shimon, 21,from Elazar
Naim is the first female soldier to have been killed during the IDF’s ground offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. HYD

-Blinken: 15 out of 18 paragraphs in potential ceasefire-hostage deal have been agreed upon

- The American website "AlMonitor" claims that Israel blew up the pagers yesterday after two Hezbollah operatives suspected that something was wrong with the devices. According to the site, this was not the preferred choice for Israel, which planned to use the detonation of the pagers in preparation for an extensive ground operation in Lebanon. Still, as mentioned, Israel was forced to do so yesterday for fear that the "asset" would go down the drain.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kol Kore from US Gedolei Roshei Yeshiva and Admorim for Atzeres on Gezeiras Giyus

  The letter calls for a public gathering of tefillah and machaah as our forefathers did to call out and daven to Hashem in light of the draft law in Eretz Yisrael as the wicked ones of our nation are attempting to close down the yeshivos by drafting avreichim and Bochurim forcing them to serve in the IDF which destroys The Torah religion and yiddishkeit on its foundation. The time and place TBA. The letter was signed by both Satmar rebbes, 4 Lakewood Roshei Yeahiva, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, Rav Shlomo Haliwa, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rav Yaakov Horowitz, Rav Osher Kalmanowitz, Bobov 45 rebbe, Vizhnitz rebbes Monsey and Boro Park and other Admorim and rabonim.

לבקש רחמים

 לבקש רחמים אלול תשפ"ד

Oif Simchas Tuesday 15 Elul

Miller - Schiffer Ateres Reva
Fischer - Levovitz Bais Faiga
Levitan - Kohn Lake Terrace 
Gordon  - Kravetz Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Cohen  - Miller  Fountain Ballroom 

- Toldos Mordechai Chosson Mohl Hakafos after Maariv 9pm  Courtney st Lexington Ave 

Maariv/Selichos minhag sefard at Kpshuto 12:30am

Tuesday Sept 17 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather 75° Generally cloudy. High near 75

- Update on Atzeres Tefilah for Gezeiras Giyus organizers are still working on finding a suitable location for this Sunday but there's a slight chance the date may be pushed off, due to availability of the venue in New Jersey. Additionally it was decided that noted askan Reb Menashe Frankel of Lakewood will deliver remarks to the media in English at the conclusion of the maamad.

- Trump  visit to Williamsburg: Gottleib restaurant says store will be open for customers during Trump visit on Thursday.  

-Tonight: supermoon and lunar Eclipse 
On the evening of Sept. 17, a partial lunar eclipse will turn the moon a murky red-brown color when Earth's shadow descends upon the lunar surface. The September moon will officially reach its fullest phase at 10:34 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17. But the eclipse will start about 20 minutes before that.

- DWD: is making an additional sale on this season's clothing robes hoodies socks tights 4 ladies girls & boys & men. yarmulkas. men & boys shirts.DWD3: All below wholesale pricing The sale is by appointment only to request an appointment for Wed. or Sun. call tonight Tues. night 8482611859 between the hours of 6-8 and 10-11 please do not leave any messages

- Atzeres tefilah for Gezeiras Giyus: Organizers are reportedly checking out some locations in NJ for the Asifa this Sunday, possibly at the Red Bull Arena in Harrison, NJ 1:15 drive from Lakewood seats 25k.

- Trump to address Jewish leaders in D.C. on Thursday - about fighting antisemitism to a group of prominent supporters, including Dr. Miriam Adelson"

- Air France cancels flights to Israel starting tomorrow 

- Atzeres tefillah on gezeiras Giyus will take place Sunday at a location in or close to New Jersey. at a meeting with Roshei yeshiva and the Satmar Rebbe it was decided there will be no drashos in English (in order to accommodate those who have a takkana not to have drashos in english)it in a public event. There will be 2 drashos in Yiddish by Rav Tzvi Meir Ziberberg and Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita. Letters of support from gedolim in the US and Eretz Yisrael will be forthcoming. There will be statements prepared in English to address the media. 

- Moadim L'simcha yom tov distribution pick up orders today at Blue claws by scheduled appointment 

- Trump visit to williamsburg is now confirmed  he is expected to show up Thursday afternoon while in NYC will stop in at Gottlieb's restaurant bet 4-5 pm williamsburg 365 reports.there's security checks going on ahead of the visit 

-At the Township meeting Lakewood mayor ray Coles was asked why the town has yet to put a traffic officer at the Caranetta Central intersection blocking traffic at rt 9. The mayor said he will ask  the traffic and safety department to look into it. The mayor was also asked about the traffic in westgate near the shopping plaza, the same response was given.

- New traffic light is now active at the intersection of  Chestnut street and Vermont in Lakewood 

- Lakewood affordable chasuna halls on Oak street nearing completion with potential savings of 5-7k [er wedding

- Today, Jay L. Schottenstein, CEO & Chairman of American Eagle, celebrated 30 years on the New York Stock Exchange.Jay opened the market, by blowing the shofar something he does every day in Elul.

- The Trump campaign shared a comprehensive list of more than 50 quotes from Democrats, asserting that their inflammatory rhetoric directly led to the second assassination attempt on Trump. The campaign provided sources for each quote, blaming years of hostile language for inciting violence.

- Instagram will automatically put teens into private accounts with increased restrictions and parental controls (NBC)

- The Strategic Rebrand: Why Sugo Cafe in Toms River/Lakewood boprder Became Giddy's Pizza & Cafe Here  

Israel At War Tuesday Sept 17

 Israel at war day 347

- Israeli security officials detonated the Hezbollah pagers after two Hezbollah members grew suspicious that their devices had been compromised, Al Monitor reports.

- According to Officials briefed on the matter who spoke with the New York Times; the Thousands of Encrypted Pagers which Exploded today in Lebanon, resulting in Hundreds of Hezbollah Members to be Killed or Critically Injured, were Imported into Lebanon by the Taiwanese-Based Pager Company, Gold Apollo. With the Pagers having been Boobytrapped by Israeli Agents before reaching Lebanon, where roughly 1-2 Ounces of Explosive Material was placed next to the Device Battery, alongside a Trigger to allow Remote Detonation. 

- At 3:30PM earlier today, the Pagers received a Message that appeared to be coming from Senior Hezbollah Leadership, which then Activated the Explosive within the Device; with the Pagers being Programmed to “Beep” several times before Exploding. (Osnitdefender)

- According to Sky News Arabic, Mossad placed 20 grams of PETN explosives into each device. PETN is sensitive to heat and friction, and Israel detonated it by raising the temperature of the battery to explode it.

- Reports now that the pagers came from Iran and that the Mossad planted the explosives on Iranian territory before they left for Lebanon (Sky News) 

Over 4000 injured 400 critical, 500 blinded in their eyes

-Barak Ravid in Axios: "Israel conducted the operation to take its fight against Hezbollah into a new phase." the operation was "aimed at undermining Hezbollah's confidence and creating a feeling in the ranks of the militia that Israeli intelligence services have totally penetrated it." Israel apparently assessed that this operation would cause a significant Hezbollah retaliation

- famous Syrian Druze journalist Fitzal Al-Qassem (with millions of followers on social media and a program on Al-Jazeera) writes about the blow Hezbollah took today.
"What happened today to Hezbollah can be classified as the most fantastic pre-emptive strike in modern history. It can be compared to Israel's pre-emptive strike on the Egyptian Air Force before the Six-Day War.
Today, Hezbollah has thousands of brand new disabled fighters, and if they enter the war now, its wounded will not even find one free bed in the hospitals in Lebanon because the hospitals are now bursting with injured.
Even worse - Hezbollah has lost its security and military means of communication." (Abu Ali)

- Israel injected explosives into the batteries of the pagers and detonated them by raising the temperature of the batteries. The planting of the explosives was carried out well before the devices came into the hands of Hezbollah (Sky News Arabic)

- The wave of explosions has left many people in Beirut in a state of confusion and shock. Witnesses reported hearing ringing and then seeing smoke coming out of people's pockets followed by small explosions that sounded like fireworks or gunshots (NYT)

- The agreement between Sa'ar and Bibi is finalized and complete. Sa'ar will be replacing Gallant as Defense Minister. The coalition government was just temporarily put on pause due to the operation against Hezbollah today.

-According to a senior IDF officer who spoke to the heads of communities in the North, Israel is preparing for a 3rd Lebanon War to start imminently. (Channel 14)

- Updated casualty numbers in Lebanon 3,600+ people have been injured,  500 critical,10 dead so far. Additionally, all school classes across the country have been canceled for tomorrow.

- Hezbollah blames Israel for attack that injured civilians promises  retaliation 

- The Israeli security establishment estimates that Hezbollah is preparing to launch a military operation against Israel (Kan 11).

- Senior officers in the IDF from all branches were asked in the last few hours to come to a special discussion that is currently being held in the Kirya. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense are also present.

- The number of injured stands at 2,800, with 200 in critical condition and 8 dead thus far.

- Saudi Al-Hadath channel: Among the wounded/killed - senior Hezbollah commanders and their assistants.

- Hezbollah in its first official announcement: "Pager devices found by some workers in Hezbollah units exploded. A girl and her two brothers were killed, and there were a large number of wounded. The authorized personnel in Hezbollah are conducting an extensive security investigation to clarify the circumstances that led to the explosions. At the same time, the medical services treat the wounded in several hospitals in different areas of Lebanon."

- The devices exploded not only on the bodies of the terrorists but also in houses, closets, drawers, beds, and many other places. In Lebanon, this is defined as "massive elimination.”

‐ Reports 1. The son of a Hezbollah member of the Lebanese Parliament, Ali Amar, was killed in the operation, and 2. Naim Qassem, Hezbollah's #2, was injured in this operation.

-American official to the R-T network: "From preliminary information that Israel has taken an unusual step, all Hezbollah forces in the Middle East are going to launch an attack on Israel from Yemen to Lebanon"...

-WSJ Report - Exploding pagers were from a new shipment that arrived recently, were carried by hundreds of Hezbollah members. Hezbollah official speculates malware caused the devices to overheat and explode; some members felt pagers getting hot and disposed of them.

- The pagers that exploded were the latest model that Hezbollah imported in recent months, Channel 12 reports

Hezbollah sources told AP that the lithium batteries in their pagers overheated, and that's what caused the explosion. That is to say, some remote hacking or command message caused the batteries to overheat and explode.

- Amit Segal: "A technique of targeted assassination with the results of an extensive ground operation. In one moment, more terrorists were eliminated than any other day in Israel's history except for 10/7." 

- Initial unconfirmed reports that the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon was injured in this operation.

- Repprts of massive chaos in Lebanon right now. Hospitals across the country are collapsing under the patient load, and some have stopped accepting patients and are diverting ambulances with wounded to distant places.The casualty count is at least 1,200. So far.

- There are hundreds of injuries among Hezbollah fighters after portable pagers used by Hezbollah operatives exploded in the Beirut neighborhood of Dahiyeh, the Reuters news agency reports, citing an unnamed security source. The communication devices detonated allegedly after being hacked by Israel.
Unnoficial reports of over 500 wounded so far.

- The Israeli operation is all across Lebanon. Pagers and communication devices exploding on Hezbollah terrorists in the North (Bekaa), South, and Beirut. Casualty numbers are potentially in the 100s.

- Hezbollah source to the Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper: "Israel hacked into the radios of Hezbollah operatives and blew them up; this is a serious penetration that we will investigate. There are casualties as a result of the explosion, so far there have been no deaths."

- A senior source in Hezbollah: "This penetration of our communication systems is the biggest intelligence breach in the organization's history."

Monday, September 16, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday 14 Elul

Greenberger - Magid Fountain Ballroom 
Betrisky - Strohli Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Leitman - Miriam Itzkowitz   Ateres Reva 
Kiddush Levana 

Israel At War Monday Sep 16

 Israel at war day 346

- Tonight: Israeli security cabinet decided to update the goals of the war to include the returning of displaced Israelis to their homes on the border with Lebanon safely. “Israel will continue to act to implement this goal”, the Prime Minister’s office said

- Blinken to travel to Egypt Tuesday to discuss ceasefire-hostage deal efforts

-The security cabinet has begun its meeting in Tel Aviv, against the backdrop of growing tensions with Hezbollah and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s potential replacement of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with New Hope chair Gideon Sa’ar.

- Amit Segal: Bibi's main issue with Galant is that he believes he is Biden's puppet  Also, Israeli media reports that the Biden administration is extremely concerned about Galant's possible firing; they see Galant as the "responsible adult" and the one they can work with.

- Sinwar sent a letter to the leader of the Houthis, Abd al-Malek al-Houthi: "I welcome the arrival of your missiles deep into the Zionist entity, bypassing the defense systems and the interception"

Monday September 16 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  74° Cloudy. High 74F
Tuesday and Wed NJ possibillity of heavy rain as moisture from a potential tropical storm works its way north.

- Update on Massive atzeres Tefillah for gezeiras giyus: A meeting took place today at the home of the Satmar rebbe in Monroe with the attendance of Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita and Rav Yaakov Horowitz shlita. The decision  was made to go ahead with the asifa in the form of tefillah betzibur with no drashos at all. It will take place in New Jersey so the Lakewood bnei Torah can attend. There will be a press release given out to media outlets explaining in detail what the event is about pertaining to the gezeiras giyus.

- Trump in Williamsburg?. The secret service was seen checking out the area of Gottliebs restaurant in Williamsburg sparking rumors that former president Donald Trump will be in the area this Thursday afternoon. This morning the sniper team was also seen in the area. (Kol mevaser)

- Rav Don Segal shlita will be speaking today in BMG Beren hall @7pm

- Hespedim tonight in Lakewood for Rav Avrohom Ausband ZTL at Kollel Nachlas Dovid 715 Park Avenue @9:15pm divrei Hesped by Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Chaim Grossman shlita  Rosh Kollel, Rav Yaakov Rokach shlita Son in law

- Trump: The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate, and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe’s, then Kamala’s, Political Opponent, ME, has taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust. Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse! Allowing millions of people, from places unknown, to INVADE and take over our Country,

- Suspected Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh, "spent nearly 12 hours" near Trump's golf course before being confronted — ABC

- Elon Musk The incitement to hatred and violence against President Trump by the media and leading Democrats needs to stop.

- BMG to recieve $39 Million loan to finance housing project for 600 apt day care center and banquet hall at Georgian court property full story at faa.
Crews started clearing the trees

- Would-Be Trump Assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh has entered the Court Room at the Southern District of Florida Federal Court in West Palm Beach, for his First Appearance before a Judge. He was charged with possession of a firearm while a convicted felon, Possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.
Routh is currently NOT facing any charges relating directly to the assassination attempt.
He is set to be formally arraigned in two weeks.

- Kashrus alert reportd of infestations in dry beans and barley sold at local stores.

- Yomim Noraim seating arrangements taking place in BMG where talmidim can confirm or choose their seat on one of the many minyanim

- JCP&L customers get sticker shock with soaring electric bills after the company was approved for a rate hike.

- Lakewood township clears forest off Cedarbridge ave next to the new Mesameach building to temporary allow Bais Faiga Elementey school of Jackson to place trailers and set up school at the location.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Shmuel Rabar Zatzal Rosh Yeshiva of yeshivas Otzeros Hatorah in Yerushalayim after an illness he was 74. Leaves behind thousands of talmidim.

- The alleged gunman who  targeted former President Donald Trump while he golfed in Florida  previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year and “we cannot lose” echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. (NYP)

- Giyus: The massive  atzeres agains t Geziras Giyus and shmad next Sunday is still on schedule with the support of chasidishe Litvishe and Sefardi gedolim. The time and location has yet to be announced while the yiddish speaking newspapers had extensive articles explaining in detail what is at stake. Reports from Israel say the mashpiah Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg shlita will address the crowd. 

- Giyus news: Report: Netanyahu reportedly plans to dismiss Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and replace him with  Gideon Sa’ar potentially involving ministerial roles. This move aims to pass a new draft law favoring ultra-Orthodox exemptions, amid tensions with Gallant over Gaza and Hezboll*h policies.

- The negotiation between Bibi and Sa’ar’s party is at the final stage, and reports are that they almost agreed on all issues. The cabinet meeting was postponed to 21:00. If Sa’ar joins the government, this might be Galant’s last day as Defense minister.

-App reports on Hatzolas Nefashos org with a story Headline "Lakewood rescue squad attacks Riva urges opposition" 
"Conflict rages between Orthodox ambulance crew, competitor in Lakewood"
"Birnhack, who moved to Jackson from Brooklyn five years ago, said he sought to launch Hatzulas Nefashos after a neighbor had difficulty getting an ambulance in an emergency. He says Hatzolah’s campaign to oppose them has sparked prank calls and false information being spread on social media and elsewhere. “The last three months we have gotten phony calls and people telling us to shut down,” Birnhack said. “It is all about control, they want full control.” Birnhack said he has reached out to Hatzolah but has received no response. He also said he is considering legal action against the organization. “We try to reach out to them but no good. I think they do not like competition,” he said
Lakewood Vaad spokesman said
"The creation and continued operation of Hatzulas Nefashos is an unfortunate event,”  “The original Hatzolah has an extensive and constantly expanding service area, with dozens of highly trained EMTs… the arrival of Hatzulas Nefashos seems to be a service for which no need exists source

- Update on 3 killed in Tesla crash on Garden State Parkway victims were a Jewish family. : At approximately 11:55 p.m., 54-year-old David Dryerman of Woodcliff Lake, NJ, was driving a Tesla Model S northbound near milepost 131.1 when the vehicle veered off the road. According to the preliminary investigation, the car struck a sign, a guardrail, and a concrete bridge support before coming to a stop. 
David Dryerman, along with his 54-year-old passenger Michele Dryerman and a 17-year-old juvenile female, all from Woodcliff Lake, sustained fatal injuries as a result of the crash. CHabad of woodcliff lake ensured proper kavod Hames for the victims

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oif Simchas Sunday 12 Elul

Hirth -Alter at Lake Terrace
Kohn - Reinhold Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Plotsker -Deutsch Fountain Ballroom 
Kesselman - Spiegel  Cedar Palace
Leufer Ateres Reva

-Kabolas kahal Admor M'Chernobyl atv1441 Cedarview Lakewood maariv 8:30 pm

- Jackson neighborhood Parlor meeting for Tomchei Shabbos 57 Mill Pond Rd 8pm

Sunday Sep 15 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 77° Plenty of sunshine.

- Vivek Ramaswamy - America Is Skating On Thin Ice... Political Violence Needs To Stop Now
I’m calling on the Secret Service to IMMEDIATELY step up its protection for President Trump to the same level they provide to Biden. 
There’s no excuse not to. 
But there’s also a deeper sickness in our country that we need to cure. America is skating on thin ice, and I thank God we’ve averted tragedy twice this summer. We can only hope that the two assassination attempts on President Trump already will be the worst things that happen this election cycle."

-  Gov. Ron DeSantis" The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.  The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.

- Heavy traffic tonight in downtown Lakewood area due to Mexican independence day parties with hundreds of cars 

- Senior Trump campaign advisers write: “Today, for the second time in two months, an evil monster attempted to take the life of President Trump.”

- At a wedding in Lakewood tonight the New Rosh Yeshiva of Riverdale Yeshiva, Harav Eliyohu Ausband shlita was mesader kiddushin for a talmid, following the petirah of his father Tav Avrohom Ausband ZTL, last week.

2nd Trump assassination attempt:

-- Jack Posobiec:"There is no question that this guy had overlap with national security agencies given his activities in Ukraine"

- Police believe that the Go-Pro Camera the Suspect had setup on a Fence near the Site of the Shooting, was intended to Film or possibly Livestream his Assassination Attempt against Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

- Ryan Wesley wrote on Facebook that it is unclear from a historic map what part of Israel the Jews owned as it looks all Palestinian. The Facebook account was since scrubbed not before screenshots were saved.

- The would be assassin social media is filled with anti-Israel content and calls to recruit people to fight in Ukraine.

-  The Trump would-be assassin has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh,58  according to Fox News. Routh was allegedly hiding in the bushes with an AK-47 with a scope, two backpacks, and a GoPro and was spotted by the Secret Service before he could take action.

-the USSS advance team was scouting the holes ahead of President Trump as he was golfing. Agents spotted the suspect in the tree line in possession of a semi-automatic rifle which they believe to be an AK-47 or similar. The agents either exchanged fire with him, or else it was only the agents shooting at the suspect—this remains unclear. The suspect immediately fled into the trees and initially managed to evade agents, but was quickly apprehended and is now in law enforcement custody.

-  Fox News it was the Secret Service that fired the gunshots at the suspected gunman outside former President Trump's golf club."The Secret Service saw a man carrying an AK-47 The man with the AK-47 did not open fire, it was the Secret Service that opened fire. The man dropped the rifle and took off running. We now understand based on local reports, that that suspect is now in custody."

- Update from former Pres. Trump:
“There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me. Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again.”

- CNN is now reporting that a man is in custody after an exchange of fire with Trump’s Secret Service detail. He was armed with an AK-47 rifle and was wearing a GoPro camera.

Officials now believe the gunfire at Trump International Golf Club was intended for former Trump. An AK-style weapon was reportedly used, and a car has been stopped in connection with the incident. Authorities are continuing their investigatio. (CNN)

- The green white and red  flags  on cars driving around Lakewood is the Mexican flag celebrating their independence day. Not to be confused with the so called Palestinian flag.

- State police in Lakewood today traffic enforcement with unmarked cars

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah will be held in Lakewood  today l’iluy nishmas hayeled Shmuel Brog z”l, the 4-year-old boy who was killed in a tragic car accident in Jackson in at 12:00 PM wiKsivas Osiyos 12pm at, 27 Nussbaum Avenue. A procession will then follow at 2:00 PM to Kahal Prospect Square-Ashkenaz,  317 Blanche Street.

- Petirah Of Mrs. Kreindy Pinkovicz A”H
ברוך דיין האמת בצער רב ויגון קודר מודיעין אנו על פטירתה של האשה החשובה מרת קרינדל יכט ע''ה
אשת חברינו היקר ר' בנימין פינקאוויטש שליט''א
הלויה יתקיים בשעה    12:0ליד בביהמ"ד קהל חתם סופר
Levaya at 490 Manneta Ave with kevura in Floral Park cemetery Dean's, NJ

- Satmar boys school in Lakewood under the leadership of Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum will start the school year after a meeting took place at the rebbes house and  a parents commitee was formed to oversee the school operations

- Bingo/Mesamchaei Lev yom tov sale  starts today Sept 15 thru Sept 28

- Flea market open today at Ocean county park in Lakewood until 1:00pm

- Several accidents took place at the new Vermont Rt 70 intersection since it opened on Friday including a fatal one Friday night.

- Jackson day Today at Johnson Park 192 Kierych memorial drive including rides for the kids, Motorcycle stunt shows, Helicopter landings and more. At 6:45 there will be a state of the art drone show. Kosher Pizza will be sponsored by the Jackson Republican club.

- Hachtara at Bais Medrash Blue River in South Lakewood with the appointment of their new Rav. Harav Meir Isser Ludmir shlita day and Brashov in Williamsburg, will undertake the rabbanus if the kehila.

- Editorial today on "Trump courts the Jewish vote -- while embracing a Nazi | Editorial" after a event was hosted in his Bedminster home in defense of those who entered capital hill on January 6th which included a nazi sympathizer who seethed about a “Hasidic Jewish invasion” of New Jersey.
 The Trump campaign claimed Trump was “not aware of this individual”.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Israel At War Sunday Sep 15

 Israel at war day 345 

-Hamas is recovering in Gaza at a greater pace than the IDF is dismantling its military capabilities, particularly in the northern Strip, the Kan public broadcaster reports.
The unsourced report says Israel hasn’t entered parts of northern Gaza for months, and the Palestinian terror group has been using this time to regroup and prepare for the “next phase of the war.”

- More than nine months after their bodies were recovered, the Israel Defense Forces said Sunday that an investigation has found that former hostages Sgt. Ron Sherman, Cpl. Nik Beizer and civilian Elia Toledano were killed as a result of a “byproduct” of an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, although the exact cause of death was still unknon.

-Houthis say Tel Aviv targeted with hypersonic missile; IDF says projectile disintegrated in air, interceptors launched; shrapnel lands in Ben Shemen forest, nearby train station

-A ground to ground missle was fired into Israel from the direction of Yemen. It landed in a open area in Central Israel.

-Channel 14: The IDF tracked the missile for many minutes and launched an Arrow interceptor towards it. It is not clear why the interception attempt was carried out over the heart of Israel and not far from its borders, the results of which are also defined as 'under investigation' at this stage.

Motzei Shabbos Ki Setzei News Updates

Belz girls school in Lakewood will be starting school on Monday after the school opening day was delayed due to a lack of funds. The campaign raised over 500k out of the 700k goal.

- Tonight Motzei shabbos there will be an asifas zikaron and siyum Hashas commemorating ther 5th Yartzeitt of Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger ZTL. it will take place at his shul KZY 175 Sunset 9:30 pm divrei zikaron by Rav Dovid Merling , Rav Uri Deutsch R' Doniel Glatzer. There will be a pre-release of his sefer Kesser Shlomo a 2 volume set. Open for men and women

-Forshpil at Toldos Mordechai Vizhnitz ahead of the wedding this week, at the shul at Clifton Ave and Courtney

- Forshpil tonight for grandson of Satmar Dayan at the Satmar B"M at 608 E. Kennedy Blvd 

- JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warned that the U.S. economy could still fall into stagflation, a crisis worse than recession

- Nutmeg supermarket open tonight until 12am located off Locust ave

- A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports, released on Thursday, reveals that former President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Vice President Kamala Harris by two percentage points, with Trump at 49% and Harris at 47%. This lead follows their intense debate on Tuesday.

- Tomorrow a Hachnosas Sefer Torah will be held in Lakewood l’iluy nishmas hayeled Shmuel Brog z”l, the 4-year-old boy who was killed in a tragic car accident in Jackson in at 12:00 PM wiKsivas Osiyos 12pm at, 27 Nussbaum Avenue. A procession will then follow at 2:00 PM to Kahal Prospect Square-Ashkenaz,  317 Blanche Street.

-Navy Officials commissioned the USS New Jersey — the U.S. Navy’s newest attack submarine — during a ceremony in Monmouth County Saturday morning, which officially integrates the submarine into the naval fleet.
Dozens of elected officials, sailors and residents attended the commissioning at Naval Weapons Station Earle in Middletown.

- Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett reportedly returning to politics and has begun recruitment for his new political party.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Israel At War Friday Sep 13

 Israel at war day 343

- A high-level American official" told MTV (Lebanese news channel) that the Israeli military has made the decision to start a wider war against Hezbollah and that the White House is very worried.

- The IDF (Division 98) came close to Sinwar a few times but missed him by an hour. Items, money, and weapons that were found indicated he stayed there hours before the IDF got to him.

- Bibi will bring the Cabinet to a vote on the decision to add a new goal to the war: The return of the residents to the North.

- Security sources say we must prepare for a long campaign in the North, which will exact a heavy price. (N12)

- Statement by Hamas: "Our people will decide what the day after in Gaza will be like. There is no agreement unless the demands of our people to stop the aggression and complete [IDF] withdrawal from the Gaza Strip are met." 

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' כי תצא

Friday, September 13, 2024 / י' אלול תשפ''ד
ערב שבת פרשת כי תצא חמישי דנחמתא
Candle lighting 6:49 pm
Shkia/Sunset 7:07pm

-Weather Shabbos day  High 81F. 

ברגע קטן עזבתיך וברחמים גדלים אקבצך

כי ההרים ימושו והגבעות תמוטנה וחסדי מאתך לא ימוש וברית שלומי לא תמוט אמר מרחמך ה׳

 Video: Kan tzipor by pirchei Yerushalayim

Friday Sept 13 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, September 13, 2024 / י׳ אלול תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת כי תצא
Candle lighting 6:49 pm
Shkiah/sunset 7:07 pm
Weather: 80° Partly cloudy. High
Shabbos day hi 81

-This Shabbos is designated as shabbos Hatzolah for the annual fundraiser drive in support of Lakewood Hatzolah

- Trump: “abc news spent debate attempting to discredit trump” — they failed!

- Eggs at Bing0 $2.99

- Vizhnitz opposes Klauswnberg street name change in Oak and Vine to Gorlitz Avenue. Due to the opposition the township dropped the motion last night at the meeting. More

-Last night the township voted to increase taxes by $8 million as they approved the budget. No comments from the members as they raised taxes on lakewood residents by another $700.

- Mayor Ray Coles was asked about holding the LSTA accountable for the bus delays in picking up and drop offs since they received a $2.7 million loan from the township. The mayor said its always challenging in the beginning of the year for drivers to get used to it and takes time.

-This Motzei shabbos there will be an asifas zikaron and siyum Hashas commemorating ther 5th Yartzeitt of Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger ZTL. it will take place at his shul KZY  175 Sunset 9:30 pm divrei zikaron by  Rav Dovid Merling , Rav Uri Deutsch R' Doniel Glatzer, There will be a pre-release of his sefer Kesser Shlomo a 2 volume set. Open for men and women

-The Vermont Avenue extension between Chestnut Street and Route 70 in Lakewood is now complete and open after cres put the finishing touches last night. It will add another thoroughfare to Toms River and Belz community/ The project took over 7 years for this small strip of roadway 

- Newest Chasuna Hall in Lakewood Ateres Chaim Elazar, marketed as " Lakewood, NJ’s newest and most exquisite wedding hall, located in Oak Street at Meoros elementry school is now open for bookings Staringt December 17th

- United Airlines Will Start Offering Free Wi-Fi on all Flights using  Elon Musks Starlink internet satellites 

- Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal says citizens will be shocked, astonished, and appalled when the truth comes out about the Trump assassination attempt

- Josh Hawley: Now a whistleblower alleges that the lead advance agent for President Trump's entire trip to Butler, PA had failed training exams when she first joined the Secret Service.
And the Secret Service Director won't even level with what's going on here. It's absurd.

- Ocean county slated to open the newest Code Blue warming center for the homeless on cold nights this winter. Sources have said that the site is a county building on Route 9 in Toms River, per APP

- Preparation are underway for the massive atzeres tefillah against gezeiras giyus taking place next week Sunday rumored to be at Metlife life stadium as there's no NFL game on that day. Organizers say the event will have backing of Chasidishe Litvish and Sefardi gedolim.

- Former top Clinton adviser Mark Penn calls for an internal probe of ABC for rigging the debate against Trump.

- Poll: ‘Shy’ Jewish voters, key in swing districts, are turning against the Democrats Teach Coalition says  Our estimates indicate there are 23,000 to 82,000 Jewish voters in each one of these swing districts — more than enough to decide the election. The robust turnout among Jewish voters in recent primaries is likely to continue through November.” NEARLY HALF OF PA JEWS PLAN TO VOTE FOR TRUMP The survey found that 49% of Jewish PA voters back Harris, while 42% support Trump.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Min Hameitzar

Min Hameitzar - מן המצר | Motty Steinmetz מוטי שטיינמץ | Dovy Meisels דובי מייזעלס | Shir Vashevach

Oif Simchas Thursday 10 Elul

Schustal - Rosengarten  Fountain Ballroom 
Eisenberg - Tarter Cedar Palace
Goldberger - Kohn Ateres Reva 
Lifshitz  -  Snyder Bais Faiga
Kappel  - Mandelbaum Kesser Moshe Yehuda 

-Parlor meeting benefiting the Pri Chaim Organization to help childless couples, guest Rav Moshe Shlesinger shlita at 1 Juniper, Lakewood 

-RCCS Parlor meeting Miller Rd Hope Chapel area at 101 Forest Drive 

Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977

Thursday Sept 12 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 79° Sunny. High 79F

- Trump: "Because we've done two debates and because they were successful, there will be no third debate."

- Bde: Petirah of   האברך רפאל חיים ישעיה שטיינברג ז"ל  from Yerushalayim who was injured in a car accident 2 weeks ago in Kerestir. He leaves behind an almana with 3 children.

- Tonight at the township meeting several Vizznitz and other chasidim from Oak and Vine strongly opposed the ordnance to change a street name from Argyle to Gorlitz. In emails sent to the township meeting they said that it represents a specific dynasty and the rest of the community wasn't consulted. As a result of the opposition mayor Coles let the motion die and keep the current street names.

- ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.

- A massiva atzeres Tefillah for gezeiras Giyus will take place Sunday 19 Elul September 22  in the New York area with the participation of the olam hatorah and the chasidishe communities with the backing of gedolei Roshei yeshiva Adfmorim and the badatz eidah hacharedis. Rav Tzvi meir Zilberberg shlita will grace the maamad, tens of thousands anticipated to attend. the location has yet to be announced rumors say it will be in Metlife stadium.

-A 12 year Lakewood girl  בת שבע אסתר בת דינה זהבה who was injured 4 month ago in a accident was released from hospital B"H and back home the family asks everyone to continue davening and they will make a large seudas Hodaah in the near future 

- The new BMG minyan Avreichim building on 10th st and Clifton Ave had been named Bais Moshe. It is across the street from Bais Aaron and Bais Sholom

- 3 girls were accepted into high school yesterday there's still a few waiting

-Hespedim tonight for Rav Avrohom Ausband Zatzal  at the Kodshim Kollel located in Coventry Sq shul in Lakewood 6:30 pm to 7:15 talmidim will deliver divrei Zikaron 

-On Tuesday night, Lakewood Township’s Planning Board announced that application for a major child care center on Spruce Street between Washington and Vine Avenue has been adjourned  "until further notice."
- The all new "Fishing Line" in Howell, NJ,  dips on sale for $3.69 see video here 

- New at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood now available Uncle Edik’s Pickles

- Lakewood township committee meeting today 5:30PM watch livestream Here see agenda Here 
On the agenda adopting the 2024-25 budget with a $8 million tax increase. Changing a street name in Oak and Vine to Gorlitz
Vacating some streets, swimming pool ordnance,  interest free loan of $2.7 million to LSTA.

- SpaceX's private crew of four astronauts performed the world's first commercial spacewalk while soaring high above Earth on Thursday (Sept. 12) during the third day of a five-day trip to Earth orbit. 

- Trump: People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE. The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn’t giving the credit that was due. Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more - and saying, WOW! Remember, I wasn’t debating one person, I was debating three. They should fire everybody at ABC Fake News, whose two lightweight “anchors” have brought disgrace onto the company!

- BDE: petirah of Faigie Gilbert, A'H of Lakewood she was 51. survived by her parents  Arthur and Elaine Gilbert. The levaya will be held today at 3:30 PM at the Lakewood Chapel off 7th st Shiva is at 43 Goldcrest Dr. Alley 3, in Pine River Village.

- Submitted: Lsta doesn't need a pat on the back for the routes they set up. Boys too early. Afternoon routes kids getting picked up from school at least 30 -45 min after dismissal. 1st and 2nd grade of Bais Faiga in the grater building have a dismissal of 3:10 because that's when lsta can give them bussing. You can't change dismissal time when parents make arrangements and appointments far in advance. On central ave the busses are only stopping in the Ave for the HS girls causing crazy traffic. This isn't called filling the routes.

Today: Lakewood Committee Votes on $8 million Tax Increase

 Lakewood township committee today will vote for the 2024 budget that will have a tax increase of $8 million dollars over last year.

In sum total, the average new duplex homeowners' property tax bill will see a $695 annual increase, according to faanews analysis.

The total tax levy for the municipal budget will be $87,031,508.98. The new tax rate will be $0.7807. the budget is $160 million

The township committee blames tax increases on necessary salary increases and make no mention of millions lost via tax abatements they give out.  the committee raised their own salaries this year by $20,000 and gave out tax abatements of 7 million dollars. The taxpayers of Lakewood will be the ones paying for it. 

This increase is also despite assemblyman Avi Schnall and Bob Singer who said they  have successfully secured $7 million in state budget funds for Lakewood. Why this money did not offset any tax increase has not been explained. 

Lakewood's Township Committee this past year granted short and long-term tax abatements to 29 new commercial buildings around town. This resulted in a loss of over $6.88 million in tax revenue for this year alone

the meeting takes place 5:30pm on zoom. The public can not attend the meeting as it is not in parson but can log in to the zoom meeting or send a email during the meeting as a public comment via

App reports Lakewood Township residents will see an average municipal tax hike of $220 next year -- twice as much as this year’s increase after the committee votes to approve the proposed $159.4 million municipal budget.  Officials blamed much of the increase on staffing and salary increases, as the township population and demand for services has grown.
Faa reports In total taxes for the average Duplex in Lakewood will increase by Year-over-year, the total increase will be $695, of which $309.96 will go to the municipal budget, $11.54 will go to the school budget, $61.18 will go to the fire budget, and $311.69 will go to the county budget.

Israel At War Thursday Sep 12

Israel at war day 342

- Heavy barrage of missiles over Tzfas tonight videos of interceptions over Tzfat There are thousands of people in the open for a special Selichos ceremony. 

Just in: The IDF Chief of Staff Herzi HaLevi has decided to resign by December

- IDF Spokesperson: The Rafah Brigade of Hams has been dismantled.

-Axios (Barak Ravid) confirms that the IDF did indeed conduct a ground operation in Syria last week. Ravid brings confirmation from three "sources" in Israel and the U.S. who are familiar with the operation. The target was a secret underground rocket factory/facility built and maintained by Iran.
The IDF's Tier 1 Sayeret Matkal unit conducted the raid, surprised and killed the Syrian guards, and then used explosives to completely destroy the underground facility from the inside. This was all done under heavy air cover from the Israeli Air Force, who prevented any reinforcements from approaching the site while forces were still on the ground.

The U.S. was notified of the operation beforehand and did not oppose it. Ravid writes that "the destruction of the factory appears to be a significant blow to an effort by Iran and Hezbollah to produce precision medium-range missiles on Syrian soil."

- Hamas's negotiating delegation claimed that the terror group is ready to implement a ceasefire agreement based on President Biden's original plan laid out in July but rejects any new conditions, according to their Telegram on Wednesday night.

-Israeli ground forces targeted an Iranian missile production facility in Syria during a strike this week attributed to Israel, according to Middle East expert Eva J. Koulouriotis, who wrote on X that special Israeli forces entered the facility, removed equipment, and then destroyed the site.
the operation began with airstrikes on several roads leading to the facility, located approximately six kilometers southwest of Masyaf. Following the airstrikes, Israeli helicopters carrying special units approached the facility, supported by combat helicopters and drones, which were deployed to prevent reinforcements from reaching the area.
Couvert operation
The operation reportedly lasted about an hour. Israeli special forces successfully entered the facility, removed key equipment and documents, rigged the site with explosives, and destroyed it, all while withdrawing under air cover.

Koulouriotis added that the facility was directly linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guards and was responsible for developing ballistic missiles and drones, providing logistical support to Hezbollah. The facility had been operational for over a decade and was also targeted by Israel last year.

- Prime Minister's Office: Hams is trying to hide the fact that it continues to oppose the deal for the release of hostages and thwarts it. While Israel accepted the "final mediation offer" put forward by the United States on August 16, 2024, Hams rejected the offer and even murdered six of our abductees in cold blood. The world must demand that Hams release our abductees immediately