Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday July 1 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Sunny to partly cloudy. High 82F

Tucker Carlson: Biden is done. Bet on it. Too many prominent Democrats have suggested he’s brain damaged. They can’t walk that back. They have to remove him, and they will. The only question is when. If they’re smart, they’ll do it immediately. If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as well be the president first. That leaves the question of Trump, and his sentencing on July 11. Biden’s collapse makes this a much more perilous moment than it was. At this point Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president. If you’re going to put him in jail, it had better be for a very serious crime that everyone agrees he committed. Otherwise you risk destroying the system completely and forever. We’re in legitimate danger. Democrats need to pull back.

- Israeli chief Rabbis Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and Rabbi David Lau now officially concluded their 11 year roles as Israel's chief Rabbis.  Due to absence of appointed successors, Rabbi Eliezer Igra and Rabbi Yaakov Roza stepped in as interim chief rabbis. belaaz

-Trump: The Supreme Court totally dismantled most of the charges against me. Joe Biden should now call off his “dogs.” Our Country should now be focused on GREATNESS again!

-Obama: "With the Supreme Court immunity ruling, the president could decide to kiII any U.S. citizen without a trial!" 

-Steve Bannon just surrendered to federal prison while surrounded by fans and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to serve 4-months for ‘resisting a subpoena

- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,l, has threatened to bring articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court after today's immunity ruling regarding former President Trump.

- Toms River reminder to pay the quarterly payment to Toms River MUA  for sewer charges as they are due today July 1st and could place a lien on your property for non payment.

 Campaign launched  for yeaomim donate Here 

- Keren Olam HaTorah: Organizers say there may be  30% drop of contributions to other yeshivos  and kollelim due to the campaign to raise $107 Million from an article in Mishpacha :
"Isn’t there a concern that a significant share of the foundation’s funds will come at the expense of longstanding donations to specific yeshivos and kollelim? This matter was considered from the outset, with the cutoff being set at a ratio of 70-30: “Rav Moshe Hillel emphasizes to the donors that the donations should not be made at the expense of existing commitments to yeshivos and kollelim,” an organizer told me. “But we calculate that even if only 70% of the funds raised are new money, it will still have been worth it.

"There’s a big difference between the American gvirim whose names we’ve known for years and the new faces,” one person involved in the fundraising effort told me in a call from America this week. “There are some for whom a request from gedolei Yisrael is sacred, and if there’s a statement that this is a time for mesirus nefesh, they’ll bring in millions from wherever they can.
“But there are others for whom philanthropy was until now, to some extent a ‘fad.’ And this is where we discovered, to our surprise, that despite or perhaps precisely because of the vicious attacks against Torah learners in Israel, the Jewish heart in America has opened up, and there’s a genuine desire to help.”

-The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Trump enjoys "absolute" immunity from prosecution for "official acts" during his presidency.  The justices ordered lower courts to figure out precisely how to apply the decision to Trump’s case.
Trump responds  Big win for our constitution and democracy" proud to be an American “I have been harassed by the Democrat party, Joe Bidən, Ob*ma and their thugs, fascists and communists for years, and the courts have spoken.”

-First day of girls camp begins today expect traffic at drop off and pick up times 

-Bais Medrash farher season continues this week for bochurim going into 1st year or 2nd year 

- Giyus: The National media in the US report in massive protest yesterday in Yerushalayim against Giyus law including extensive coverage in the Wall Street Journal 

-LSTA charges of $340 appearing on credit card statements for courtesy busing 

- Lakewood Zoning board meeting today, on the agenda Lake terrace banquet hall and application for a cell communications tower on the Georgian court property behind 14th street at Cedarview, a new mikva next to the Satmar B"M off E Kennedy Blvd under the leadership of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum 

-Dave & Buster's, arcades coming to Freehold mall  including five pickleball courts, to the lower level of the former Sears store, after the planning board gives the ok. 

-Tucker Carlson: from an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention.

-New Jersey Transit 15% rate hike took effect today Monday July 1st  and it will rise again by another 3% next July 1. For the first time in nine years, NJ Transit commuters are paying an increase on trains and buses after the fare hike went into effect at midnight.

- Gas prices in Lakewood jump up by 25 cents ahead of July 4th weekend

-A decision just released by the New Jersey Appellate Division highlights the importance of reporting hazardous conditions on the road such as potholes and broken sidewalk before you get injured by the hazardous condition, as otherwise the owner of the road will not be responsible for any injuries. Faanews 

-Money from the 2025 state budget passed by the democrats  some  of it will be going to Lakewood FAA reports.

• Garden State Parkway Interchange 83 Improvements - $3,200,000 in federal funds (Read more about this project here on FAA News)
• Township of Lakewood; Public Health and Safety - $7,000,000
• ShoreTown Ballpark blueclaws stadium Improvements - $4,200,000
• Jackson School District, Infrastructure Improvements - $2,500,000
• Beth Medrash Govoha, Security Needs and Anti-terrorism - $2,000,000
• Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, Networking Events - $50,000
See more

- Menendez corruption trial defense lawyers will begin making their case today Monday.


  1. I saw the LSTA charge on my card as well. Why did they charge in June for bussing in Sept before I even have a route???

    1. If all the properties which are tax-exempt would be paying taxes we wouldn't have to pay the LSTA anything for example cedar bridge corporate campus which is still registered as township property to avoid taxes even though being sold.

    2. Corruption beyond!! How can we bring our township to court?

    3. Stop whining already!

    4. You like corruption?

  2. What took the Supreme court so long to reach this ruling? It is an explicit mishna in Horoyos that you judge in accordance to that persons status at the time of the transgression
    כֹּהֵן מָשִׁיחַ שֶׁחָטָא וְאַחַר כָּךְ עָבַר מִמְּשִׁיחוּתוֹ, וְכֵן נָשִׂיא שֶׁחָטָא וְאַחַר
    כָּךְ עָבַר מִגְּדֻלָּתוֹ, כֹּהֵן מָשִׁיחַ מֵבִיא פַר, וְהַנָּשִׂיא מֵבִיא שָׂעִיר

  3. It depends when he was made aware of the mistake.

  4. Obama’s tweet.... was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people....

    Everything about him has always been this way. The reason the woman whom he had a long relationship with and he asked her twice to marry him, refused to marry him was because he told her how much he hates Jews and would like them... R"L.

    Tells you all you need to know about the woman he did marry.

  5. why would gevirim cut back on helping other yeshivas and kollelim? dont they know they are shluchim of Ha=hem the $ is NOT theirs!!! gevalt.

  6. An organizer said 'it will still have been worth it'.

    Of course it was worth it. For him and the others that received a cut. For the local mosdos? Who knows?

  7. When the Supreme Court openly endorses the fascist totalitarian idea that the President can do what he wants with impunity, we know we have reached halfway down the incline of the descent of America.

    Wake up and smell the coffee!

    First, against all odds, a nutjob, peabrained, halfwit, moron like Trump becomes president. People actually think that the less qualifications the better, and ignorance rules the land.
    He then manages to make permanent changes to the SCOTUS, causing irreparable damage and underlining his fascist ideas.
    They then endorse the craziest of ideas and seem to have no limits to the amount of legislation they will do from the bench.

    Just listen to that debate, where they bicker about their respective golf handicaps. In the entire country, they can't find two more qualified people than the serial politician with no actual agenda, and the know-nothing, shoot-from-the-hip manchild.

    America is going down quickly, we will one day look back and wonder why they ever considered themselves 'the shining city on the hill'.

    1. Thanks for coming here to press ctrl+v. Which PR agency did the write-up?

    2. The president cannot do what he wants, that's not what the Supreme Court said. But it shields him from having to answer to the other branches while executing his official duties. The desperate spinning by the left against Trump is getting nauseating, and explains how the "deranged" Trump is managing so well in the polls. When you are the only smart guy in the room, you are the problem. America has seen through the charades being played by the Democrats.

    3. Firstly, if you are going to take things so seriously you really should not follow politics. No need to risk your health by getting so worked up over things that probably won't impact you personally and you can't change anyhow. Secondly, the ruling says that "a former president have SOME immunity from criminal prosecution for OFFICIAL acts during his tenure in office". So the liberals claiming that it allows him to kill someone without consequence is baloney to get people like you worked into a frenzy. Thirdly, Democrats like Alvin Bragg have demonstrated how they can create a felony act out of thin air, while at the same time ignoring statutes of limitations when it serves their purposes of getting rid of political opponents. So they really need to be counteracted.

    4. Silly you! Not one of his supporters think that he is a moral upstanding person Or that he spends time every day is the learning mussar.... People are sick of what what is going on in Washington and they want someone to go there and tear it down they feel that he can do it. The more his opponents point out his recklessness the more he's appealing to his supporters

  8. "The Change of the G'vulos of Eretz Yisroel After Chet ha'Meraglim" - A Special Shiur by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin upon the 29th of Sivan - Yom Shiluach ha'Meraglim

  9. The 107 million campaign definitely created an environment of people eager to give, and more so because of peer pressure to give. I worried about those who committed to sums greater than they had access to, in the frenzy to keep up with the Cohens. What of the people who felt that to keep their credit standing intact, they had to loudly pledge grandiose sums, especially at the exclusive dinners and events that only a select clientele was invited to? It's true that Torah supports its supporters, yet a person is not supposed to give more than chomesh.

    1. A Gvir IS supposed to give much more than chomesh.
      Of course, that word comes from conflicted Rabbonim.

  10. Amazing how a nut job peabrain moron made so many millions in his life. He must not be as great a nut job as the moron who posted that comment.

    1. That's where America has arrived. That making money is a yardstick for sechel and brains. That America has deteriorated is one problem, but how has it affected Yidden like that? We have a Torah, we should know better.

      Btw, Trump inherited money, he didn't make it himself. Any 'profit' he made was from scamming banks, not from producing a successful product.

    2. Ditto!
      A ehrliche person who used to be (but still leans) Republican

    3. Scamming banks who never lost a penny investing in him.
      They even testified they have no problem investing him during civil trial. Judge was smart / biased enough to not allow their testimony in criminal trial

  11. @ Anonymous July 1, 2024 at 12:53 PM

    I love reading your rants against Trump. Please keep them coming. I love seeing wack-job libs lose their minds when it suddenly dawns on them that the country actually wants Trump to be president again!

    1. Again? They never stopped wanting it. But sadly, the coming election will be stolen no less than the last one.

  12. There is no reason blue claws stadium should get any public funds. It's a drain on resources and brings in zero revenue for the township.

  13. @ Anonymous 5:47 PM
    “That's where America has arrived. That making money is a yardstick for sechel and brains.” Also, as per many in Lakewood, more $$ is the yardstick for having Dass Torah!! V’hameivin Yavin.

  14. I don’t know accounting that well but writing “ Organizers say there may be 30% drop of contributions to other yeshivos and kollelim” is totally misleading and false. They said 30% of the new keren may have been from money that would’ve gone to yeshivas and kollelim anyway so it’s not new money…. How does that become a 30% drop in contributions to existing yeshivos isn’t even 5th grade math

    1. Very simple. 30% of the money would have gone to existing local USA Mosdos and is now instead going to the Keren . So the USA mosdos will in turn raise your tuition to cover that shortfall

    2. Maybe, much more probable is a lot of it was people who already give to yeshivos in e.y. anyway and gave to this keren. Regardless what was written was Stam ludicrous, the number 30% was 30% of the kerens budget, absolutely nothing to do with that locals schools will be getting 30% less donations!?!

  15. PSA staples has copy paper and school supplies 50%off with coupon in store only. Must activate coupon befkre purchase.

  16. If Local organizations lose 30 percent in donations the loss is even bigger if you factor in trickle down economics
