Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Wednesday June 7 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:78° Sunshine and clouds mixed. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. High 78F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.

7:00am June 8 AQI is 222

1:30 am 305 AQI

12:00 AM 361 AQI

- Tonight: Jackson Township's Zoning Board tonight denied to grant a Use Variance which would have legalized Yotzer Ohr Torah Academy's operations, effectively ordering the school to shut its doors.more on Faanews 

 10:30 pm current air quality Index is 367 based on

 - 9:00pm Number rises to 359 Lakewood,Jackson Howell Toms River

- 8:00 PM Lakewood area now in Hazardous level as air quality numbers go over 300 currently at 329  At this category everyone is affected 

- A special tefillah will take place tonight at B"M Chelek Levi for Hamtokas Hadin on the current matzav resulting from the Canadian wild fires. 7:50 pm Clifron Ave corner E. County LineRf

- Thousands were in attendance to greet and listen to a shiur from Rav Dov Landau shlita at BMG during 2nd seder. Due to current weather conditions there were alternative transportation options which didn't allow time for the Slabodka R"Y to visit other mosdos.

- R" Hershel Herskowitz has officially filed a petition with the Ocean County Clerk to run for membership on the Lakewood Township Committee, FAA News has learned. R' Hershel is running as an independent candidate on the ballot for the General Election. Faa

- Smoke to linger: The Garden State probably won’t see clear, blue skies and experience completely smoke-free conditions until the winds shift or we get a soaking rain, the weather service said. Light rain is possible Thursday and Friday, but any precipitation that falls is not expected to be substantial enough to clear the air.

- 7:00 pm numbers are at 297

- 5:30 pm Air quality Numbers climb to 261 for Lakewood, Jackson, Howell, Toms River area. Which is in the very unhealthy category 

- 4:45 pm poor Air quality Numbers rise to 189 in Lakewood and surrounding towns.

- Chevra Hatzolah issues important notice for the NY/NJ region to minimize outdoor activities to the greatest extent possible. Individuals who are vulnerable including those with heart or respiratory issues, children and older adults are practically susceptible to the current air quality conditions. It is strongly advised for them to remain indoors.

-  NJ State offices are CLOSING today at 3:30 p.m. due to worsening air quality conditions.

- DOJ notifies President Trump that he will be indicted next week. Federal prosecutors have notified Donald Trump that he is a criminal target and likely to be indicted imminently in a probe into alleged classified documents – even as the Justice Department declined to delay charges to give time to investigate allegations of witness tampering submitted by the former president’s legal team.

Airports in NYC are throttling down operations due to the poor visibility. The FAA’s system status shows 82 minute average ground delays for takeoffs to Newark, with it expected to climb to 107 minutes.

- As of 2 pm Air quality in Lakewood, Jackson, Howell, Toms River  was at 164, putting it in the unhealthy category from 151 to 200. Some members of the general public may experience health effects; members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects. Monsey NY is very unhealthy at 238 NYC is 235. The highest number is 500 once it is above 300 it effects everyone.

- Gov Murphy: As the effects of the Canadian wildfires on our air quality worsen, I strongly urge everyone to stay safe, limit strenuous activities, and reduce the amount of time spent outdoors today. Stay safe, NJ.

- Today 18 Sivan is the Yartzeit of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z"L (Kenny) He was niftar 8 years ago at the age of 36 while learning in BMG please learn l’illui nishmas Chaim Yitzchok ben Yaakov z”l.

- Jackson Forest fire fully contained and under control 100% all roads are now open

- NWS: Air quality will be very poor today due to the smoke and haze from wildfires in Canada. It is recommend to limit time and any exertion outdoors. Wearing a mask may hpelp limit irritation of the respiratory system if you must spend time outdoors today. 

- Heavier than usual  traffic this morning 

- Adirei Hatorah: Organizers that over 27,000 participants attended the event in person. The caterer prepared 1000 potato kugels and 50,000 pieces were given out. Speaking on kol mevaser one of the organizers conveyed there's hope to make another event next year in a larger venue to accommodate more people and children.

-Restaurant Review: Kosher Mexican Restaurant  Taquito in Lakewood, NJ located at 116 Clifton Avenue, Lakewood, NJ. It is kosher-certified by the KCL. Taquito is open Sunday – Wednesday: 6:00pm – 12:00am and Thursday: 6:00pm – 1:00am. See review Here

- Rav Dov Landau shlita will deliver a shiur in BMG today at 6:15 pm in Beren hall. The מראי מקומות for the shiur were hung up on signs around the Yeshiva the shiur is on the sugya of קנין כפילא לשומר and בהמה ליוקרא in Perek  המפקיד. The shiur will also be live on the Yeshiva conference line  857-347-0100 conference ID 125005

- Landlord responds to tenants lawsuit Here

Photo: A delegation from Belz Lakewood  was sent by the Rebbe to be menachem avel Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman 

Yartzeit of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg A"H


  1. oy. poor chaim a"h

  2. While the aderie Torah had to push & shove for their 50,000 pieces of BMG's kitchens potatoes kugel, the givirim in the boxes were busy fressing sushi and gourmet catered food including fine wine & tequila. Two men had to be taken away by hatzalah for over drinking!! Lol Real Kavod HaTorah

    1. I wish you a refuah shleimah b'karov for whatever ails you. You must be in a lot of pain and I'm sorry for you.

    2. Got to Get personal for a retort,huh?

    3. This is kavod haTorah, bnei Torah eating kugel while businessmen are getting wasted

  3. Although puts Lakewood at 359 at 9PM, says 186 and AccuWeather says 124. On the other hand PurpleAir says 422. Really unclear whom to trust .

  4. Any chance schools will close or bussing canceled due to air quality? Kids waiting for buses outside and all

    1. The zchus of torah will protect them.

  5. Thwe smoke from Canada My foot. Russia warned the US after the pipeline, next time we nuke NY, then the dam, a day later a nuclear winter during summer in NY. maybe not an A bomb, but a few little dirty nukes for now, just saying, because too many figers point that direction. What think you?

    1. I think you should take up a career as a comedian. You're hysterical.

  6. 7:00 am - AQI = 222
    according to
