Monday, June 19, 2023

Monday June 19 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz Lakewood News Updates

Rosh Chodesh Tamuz
Weather: 77° Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 77F

- A brief power outage along Central Ave in Lakewood a bit after 11:00pm affecting thousands of customers power was restored after 5 minutes. No cause was given

- TRUMP Interview with fox news : “Everything was declassified. A president has the right to declassify”says he fired bill Barr and that’s why he is now bitter, asked for his letter of resignation.

- Juneteenth federal holiday today; Since NJ celebrated it on Friday all state and township offices are open today.  There will be no regular mail FedEx will be fully operating despite the federal holiday. UPS pickup and delivery services will be available, and all UPS stores will open on Monday, June 19.Most banks will be closed.

- Gov Murphy said he will make NJ The safest and most equitable state in the nation to deliver and raise a baby and  Juneteenth  is a powerful reminder of the centuries of oppression that deprived Black Americans of liberty and justice for all.

- A Kinnus is planned for all children of the heimish chasidishe communities of the Lakewood area to take place next week Monday details TBA.

 Toms River askanim warn of  gangs that are targeting cars and stealing items

- A section of Interstate 95 in Philadelphia that collapsed last weekend after the fiery crash of a gasoline tanker truck will reopen to traffic in the next two weeks, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said yesterday after joining President Biden on a helicopter tour of the vital East Coast artery.

- Kingda Ka, roller coaster in six Flags great adventure, has been shut down temporarily, after an incident  that involved "a mechanical failure of a component of the launch system" during the launch of one of the trains.On the other hand the El Toro roller coaster has reopened after it was shut down last year.

- A house in Lakewood that sold for $2 million tops the list of the most expensive residential real estate sales in Lakewood area between June 5 and June 11. In total, 19 residential real estate sales were recorded in the area during the past two weeks, with an average price of $496,542. The average price per square foot was $294.(

- Lakewood officials continue with blame game not taking responsibility Faa news reports A member of the public requested that the Township stop the sale of land, because the Township's 2017 Master Plan expressly recommends that the "the lands east of the Parkway adjoining the Township boundary with Brick Township" be conserved as Open Space! Mayor Coles responded that he is mistaken as there was other land in that area that was conserved, however, this land was not conserved. Mayor Coles added that "there is no reason to stop the sale of the land which is anyways going to be done by the LIC and not by the Committee." More


  1. When I grew up in Lakewood, Pirchei events were open to all. No exclusivity. The idea of of a kinnus only for Chasidishe kids is offending and cuts straight to the issue of the wariness people had for Chasidim from their inception.

    לא תתגודדו

    1. You sound like a silly liberal.
      There is nothing wrong with having separate events designed for different communities and cultures.
      Pirchei style is not accepted by all.
      It has been years that the chasidishe crowd in NY had their own groups for children whether it was each kehilla separately or the general chasidish oilam with a group called Tiferes Yonah.
      These were in yiddish and also run by mechanchim vs Pirchei which was in English and run by young activists and alot of them bochurim.

    2. They are probably going to tell them stuff we don't want our kids to hear. Better this way.

    3. Ironic as chassidiss supposed was invented to be Inclusive

    4. Once again the litvak is hiding behind the torah and using terms like לא תתגודדו as if to create credibility to his argument. Would you allow your daughter to marry a chasid? Since you are so inclusive? This is why chasidim believe that if you cut open a litvak's heart you will find a cross.

    5. This how they develop Us vs Them
      While they got the best of all worlds
      we as kids were then left with bad choices of begging to join or gritting teeth

    6. Chasidishe kids speak Polishe yiddish, or in the US some humble jumble hungarian Yinglish, the other kids don't understand that language so what is the point of them attending?
      BTW is TBA, Talmud Torah Bais Avrohom, or something else.

    7. by "TBA" he meant "to be announced"

    8. ab - Chassidim have no greater detractors than the peasants/amei ha'aretz that repeat that statement of a tzeilem in hartz. If I were Chassidish, i would be embarrassed of anyone who talks like that.

      And I love that 'misnaged hiding behind the Torah' as though quoting, using, and listening to the Torah is a bad thing. We don't care about Torah, only what our great-grandmothers did, their recipes, songs and traditions. Sounds gypsy to me, but to each their own.

  2. Will non heimish chassidish kids be allowed to attend
    Will there ever be events for only non chassidish kids

    1. Your kids can join
      However the intention of this event is to enact certain takunos for the chasidishe kids regarding smartphones, AI, Social media etc…
      Right now the lit is he Moscow are light ears behind the cahsidshe Moscow as parents are still alowed ot ahve smartphones at home

    2. 1. If they want.
      2. Any event with learning involved.

  3. What a joke.
    Which other land was conserved?For how long?!

  4. Biggest chutzpah most LIC board members DO NOT LIVE IN LAKEWOOD they were appointed by Ray Coles yet they are playing around with OUR tax dollars.
    They were not voted in and should have no power to buy sell or spend tax money that they have no part of.
    Another glaring issue when they sell land the money goes back into their coffers.
    The executive director gets 170k plus a monthly allowance of $600 for a car.
    They spend $2000 for PR and marketing for a spouse of a member.
    We must demand that no one be allowed to serve on a township board or commission if they are not a Lakewood resident.
    Ray Coles is fully responsible but blames the LIC when questioned about the goings on

    1. Check up Thomas Nast cartoon of Boss Tweed

  5. Ask most of the Chassidim that are BMG baced, and most of them will pause or not have what to say if you ask them what kind of chassid they are. That is become most are just into it for the culture, and know that TODAYS REBBES leave a lot to be desired and choose rather not to identify with them. A sad situation indeed

  6. Look at the retarded spiked HUGE shtriemels that are now the new thing. Today no shame to wear a shtriemel with a trim beard. Totally ABSURD!

    1. I don't wear a shtreimal or have a trimmed beard but why does the combination bother you? If you were to say no shame to wear a shtriemel and act like a ferd I would understand the issue, but a trimmed beard?

    2. Slick style. good for Shalom bayis :>

  7. It just shows how strong is the koach of advertising & peer pressure. Look at Lakewood how many yeshiva lite began wearing these silly tiny brim Purim hats

    1. Like the large brim ones were not a product of advertising & peer pressure.

      Halachically, a smaller brim is better. Ohel and stuff.

  8. I am embarrassed to read these comments. what is this Der Stürmer? The anonymity of the internet should not be a mask to hide behind. Have you been missing mussar seder?

  9. Please all speak respectfully to one another. Just because you dress differently does not give you the right ti criticize your fellow Jew. We are all one nation. If we all dressed the same and looked the same it would be extremely boring. Let us all respect and look up to our brothers and in that Zechus may me merit to great Mosiach speedy.


  11. (continued) The achdus has to go both ways.Except on their terms, has that ever happened? That should be obvious.It never has.Organically intrinsically incapable?

    This place is the very last chance

  12. They should Show Respect. Show respect to every dusty yungerman.

    ( Not just to those who conveniently have titles RY

  13. Really??? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Moving to Lakewood (and no I'm not a newcomer) has shown me why Chassidus had to happen. The arrogance and exclusivety of the Yeshivaleit thinking is beyond. Not getting kids into school??? Please do not insult my intelligence with the excuse "There are so many kids here" My Bobov neighbor back in Brooklyn has 11 kids and he did not have to worry about his kids being accepted into Yeshiva.

    1. So a Yeshivishe school in Lakewood has to accept non-Yeshivishe kids, and Bobov is great because they accept all Bobovers.
      How many Bobov 45 children are accepted into Bobov48?

    2. you chose to move to lakewood. no one asked you to. but you assumed that "the litvaks" have to accomodate you because you showed up and said, "Ich bin duh. Give me stuff!" i wonder how easy it would be for a litvak to show up in kiryas yoel or skver and to expect to have his kids accepted into the schools of his choice. are they arrogant and exclusive?
      the truth is that only litvaks are inclusive. the litvishe yeshivos and schools are the only ones with any diversity. No chasidish school or yeshiva has any litvish or sfardish kids (most don't even have chasidish kids from any chasidus besides their own) but litvishe yeshivos and girls schools accept chasidish, sfardish etc. kids.

    3. Besides ,where are the inclusive places that were before Bobov etc

      Do we want really to repeat that cycle

    4. How many non Bobovers are in the Bobover yeshiva?

    5. & even when they are allowed in, how many intangible stuff happen to make them move elsewhere
