Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday June 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Sunshine and clouds mixed

- UPS Update News 12 Customers turned away from Lakewood UPS facility following fire those looking for packages should call 800 Pick UPS. The facility seemed partially open with trucks coming and going 

- Biden: U.S. Supreme Court "is not a normal court."

- Gov Phil Murphy: Another day, another U.S. Supreme Court decision that takes our country backwards. I condemn the Supreme Court for overturning affirmative action policies and remain committed to working with our partners in higher ed to find ways to promote equitable admissions in New Jersey.

- BDE: Petirah of R’ Avrohom Moshe (Avremi) Melohn Z"L of Monsey and the West side of Manhattan, after suffering a heart attack earlier today in Monsey. The levaya will take place today 5:30 pm at Yeshiva Ohr Sameach in Monsey with Kevurah in E"Y on Har hazeisim He was a supporter of Torah and chesed institutions a son of Philanthropist Joseph and Martha Melohn

- Lakewood air quality now at 120 Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children and teens:  in the code Orange as smoke  from the Canadian wildfires that are still burning is moving back into New Jersey this morning, causing air quality measures to crash across the state.

- UPS officials have not yet released any information to Lakewood residents on what to do going forward with sending and receiving packages

 - 2 big decisions today by the supreme court 
Supreme court rules against affirmative action The Supreme Court ruled that the affirmative action admission policies of Harvard and the University of North Carolina, which gave weight to a would-be student’s race, are unconstitutional. The ruling is a massive blow to decades-old efforts to boost enrollment of racial minorities at American universities.

- Supreme Court rules for Christian postal worker who refused to work Sundays
The case concerns an evangelical Christian who claimed the U.S. Postal Service did not do enough to accommodate his request not to work on Sundays. The Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier for employees to seek religious accommodations in a case involving a lawsuit brought by an evangelical Christian mail carrier who asked not to work on Sundays.

-Hachnosas Sefer Torah will take place today at the Bais medrash locates at 110 newport Avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm

- Adirei hatorah event tonight in Long Branch, NJ hosted by the Beyda family

 - Smaller Lakewood schools will not have busing from the jackson boe for this coming year parents will receive aid in lieu but private vendors are charging more forcing parents to pay additional hundreds of dollars. The bigger Lakewood schools got their routes picked up by the bus companies

 - Republican candidate for President Ron DeSantis is visiting New York today for a fundraiser with Orthodox Jewish donors. The event was organized by philanthropist Louis Scheiner.(Belaaz)

- Faa reports Tenants of Prime Apartments in Lakewood today told a Superior Court judge: Our landlord is demanding that we adjudicate our case in Bais Din. This is straight up harassment. We do not consent to go to Bais Din. more 

- The New Jersey Senate and Assembly Budget Committees have passed the the $54.3 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2024, setting up a full vote in both chambers for Friday morning, just hours prior to the July 1st deadline.

- Rav Binyomin Finkel shlita will be giving a hesped on Harav Gershon Edelstein zt”l in Monsey at an asifa that is starting at 8:15 PM by Bas Mikra 381 Viola Rd, Monsey, NY 


  1. A Dvar Torah for Chukas
    Is there an issue with becoming (and staying) tamei? Are people vessels for the Divine? See here for an exploration

  2. Which Melohn is this? One of the twins?

  3. Sure call UPS 800 number - but there is no scan so you get nowhere!! UPS has no customer service!

  4. Just checked on a UPS package from yesterday- just received a scan in Secaucus..

  5. As I mentioned last week about substantive due process and incorporation, the 14th amendment was about equality. It did not create new rights, (contract, business, contraception, abortion, same gender stuff). It also did not incorporate the Bill of Rights.

    Proof: Twitchell hanged even though the state deprived him of what would be the federal 5th amendment right. "These amendments contain no expression indicating an intention to apply them to state governments." Twitchell v. Commonwealth, 74 U.S. 321 (1868). Strauder did not hang because Blacks were excluded from juries. This was discrimination, exactly what the 14th amendment was to prevent. Strauder v. West Virginia :: 100 U.S. 303 (1880). These were the justices at the time of the Civil War and the ratification of the 14th amendment. They have to be right.

    As for the false doctrine of substantive due process, the only way the Court can really incorporate the Bill of Rights or create new rights, Justices Washington, Holmes, Brandeis, and Frankfurter held that a law is only unconstitutional if “all men of sense and reflection in the community may perceive the repugnancy” and “a rational and fair man necessarily would admit” and if it abrogates a “right, [belonging] to the citizens of all free governments.” This is a high standard.

    Holmes and Brandies, in some of the great Seditions Acts cases from WWI when you could not speak out so much against the war, held that First Amendment meets that category. (The Court generally held like Judge Hand's incitement standard, rather than Holmes clear and present danger, kind of like garmee). FIrst Amendment freedoms existed in America since the early 1700s (free press goes back to the Zenger case in 1730s). No rational man can conceive of a free constitutional without First Amendment rights.

    However, there was never a Miranda right (it was entirely made up), a right against self-incrimination (unless the police interrogation shocks the conscience as Frankfurter said), no right to exclude evidence without a warrant; only the First Amendment should apply to the states.

    The worse example is the Second Amendment. In that sense, Scalia was as liberal as they come for making up new laws. (It's so stupid to call justices liberal or conservation. The only think that matters is how they use the due process clause. They both use it to make new laws.) Everyone knows that the 2nd amendment was a safeguard against federal power because of Lexington and Concord. The same with the Fourth Amendment was because the British authorized judges to issue writs of assistance (searching whole areas without specificity).

    The federal judge (I don't want to name her) that ruled the NJ law unconstitutional was foolish to cite Jefferson. Jefferson was shocked that the Constitution left out the Bill of Rights that would protect the people and states from federal power. HE DID NOT worry or care about what the states will do. And the Ninth and Tenth Amendments were totally redundant. There was no history of them doing anything until the Court started with its shtick of making up laws.

    Again, the Bill of Rights only applies to the federal government. Holmes, Brandeis and Frankfurter were only moide when a right is so important to any republic that a man cannot conceive not having it and history does not record such a law even in colonial days.

    1. You have serious da'agos. Maybe find occupation

    2. What do you mean? My teacher was Wallace Mendelson, who was a protege of Frankfurter. I go to court all the time to litigate civil rights cases.

    3. Mendelson used to say that there was never a corrupt man on the Court. But why are so many opinions corrupt, like Miranda, which was more like psycho babble than real law? It is because power corrupts. The justices are the most powerful people in America. The President and Congress have to answer to the people, but not the Court. The temptation is too great not to legislate what you think should be the law, rather than say, what is the law.

      Now, Mendelson learned from Frankfufter, Frankfurter learned from Holmes and Brandeis, and all learned from Thayer. That is good yichos. And I can guarantee you that CJ Roberts agrees with this shitah. There are not too many of the old scholars left who ascribe to this derech, but I have learned by another one or two. Sure all lawyers know how to litigate given the Court decisions creating new rights, but it is something else to point out, and get published, about how the Court erred. And continues to err. The justices basically say, well if the other side can make up rights (liberal), so can we (conservative). But Frankfurter did not do that. That is why he is the one of the greatest justices we have had. Like Washington, he restrained himself and did not abuse power.

  6. I meant Espionage Act during WWI.


  7. Problem with"when a right is so important to any republic that a man cannot conceive not having it "
    as well as a few similar previous such statements is that they are so subjective you could drive the proverbial truck through the contours. Also what of the true Scotsman

  8. Frankfurter is given further too much credit .Though he toned down later on, he was pretty radical in the earlier years
