Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sunday June 11 News Updates

 Weather: 84° Partly cloudy. High 84F.
Smell of smoke in Lakewood 

- BDE: Petira of R’ Yisroel Shimon Friedman Z"L (father of R’ Menachem & R' Nissan) Levaya will be Monday 11:00 am at 7th street Chapel. S hiva 310 Damiano Way (Enclave)

- Rav Dov Landau went via Helicopter to give a chizuk shmuess in Philadelphia yeshiva and will depart back to EY tonight.

- Lakewood cheder annual dinner tonight with men at Fountain Ballroom and ladies at Kesser Moshe Yehuda hall

- Reporter Paul Sperry: Special Counsel Smith's indictment alleges Trump showed off a military paper that he boasted was classified "highly confidential" and "secret," but the transcript reveals Trump actually said: "like, highly confidential" and "a secret." Smith omitted the words "like" and "a.

- Adirei Hatorah: Local papers reported the kollel check raise that Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita mentioned will be a 5% increase beginning this coming Elul iyh. Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita will speak this Tuesday evening to a gathering of girls in the parsha of shidduchim will take place at the Lakewood high school on somerset Ave.

- Several chadorim are having their chumash seudos today.

- CDC confirms that COVID vaccinations increase risk of myocarditis by 13,200%, according to new study.

- TVOL apologies  for publishing a article a few weeks ago in a financial column that questioned the kollel way of life. It triggered angry responses from  readers. The paper said that it was a misjudgment to print it as it does not reflect the Lakewood standard.

- Barnegat Lighthouse will again be open for visitors starting June 10 it will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weather permitting, through Labor Day,  the climb is 217 steps.

- Portion of Interstate 95 collapses in Philadelphia after tanker fire burns under overpass. A tanker fire underneath Interstate 95 northbound in Philadelphia has caused part of the highway to collapse. All lanes are currently shut down. The fire broke out just after 6 a.m. Sunday between Exit 32 for Academy Road and Exit 30 for Cottman Avenue in the Tacony section of the city. Crews are working to get the fire under control. There has been no word on any injuries.

- Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment asserted that the allegations against Trump lack the clear evidence of obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, or bribery that characterized Nixon’s case. Dershowitz contended, “There’s not enough to justify this. It doesn’t meet what I call the Richard Nixon standard, which was very clear obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, paying bribes. This is too close a case to bring against the man running for president, against the incumbent president.”

- Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita at Havdala in Lakewood last night
 Rav Dov Landau on way to Philadelphia yeshiva 


  1. So everyone cheered for $50 per month. And this was a kavod for the yungeleit?!

    1. For many yungerleit where every penny counts, $50 a month is very helpful. Additionally, the hope is to do this yearly. Also, think about this- a 5% raise for all yungerleit amounts to over 3 million dollars a year added to the Kollel budget.

    2. 50 a month is gavaldig. Keep in mind the check has not been raised for over 25 years the fact that Louie tool it to $1000 a month should not dwarf an additional 50 a month.

    3. It may be helpful, it is still a bizayon

    4. Of course, as someone who hasn't spent a minute raising money for the cause, your opinion is worth less than a used tissue, but for the benefit of those who aren't purposely negative, I'll share a perspective that sheds light on why they increased it this way.
      As is well-known, one of the direct results of the recent raise to $1,000 was the raise in rents that followed it immediately. Landlords correctly reasoned that they could now get much higher rents from their tenants and they made out like bandits.
      If BMG were to raise it again in similar fashion, the yungerleit would not be the beneficiaries, but the landlords, supermarkets, playgroups etc. Therefore, they wisely decided to raise it, but only by a percentage and to stagger it on an annual basis. This way, it won't be seen as a big raise and will hopefully hold the vultures at bay.
      Pretty smart thinking, to be honest. Kudos to those who work so hard for this cause and support Torah. Shame on those who run their mouths like fools and spew negativity and כפייה בטובה at every turn.

    5. Wow! Nice story but the reality is that is not what happened - Here is what happened - There were no rentals to be found so landlords took advantage and went up - it’s a fact they may have reasoned inflation expenses etc. fact is newly married couples are not eligible to get a kollel check - you need to be in bmg x amount of time - ouch. Playgroups went up because they want more money chs places are getting 1500 per kid office jobs we’re getting 20k more than what they used to - expenses were going up - why not raise the prices. Food prices went up everywhere not just in Lakewood and they are staying up because you have a monopoly owned by kayco or poultry run by 2 companies - until the monopoly gets broken up kosher food prices are here to stay - Food prices may have been helped by the massive food stamps Covid increase - You have to be delusional to think the 5l kollel check raise had any affect on raising of food / rent prices -


    1. Slifkin is back a blast from the past

    2. In the past there MAY have been what to argue about. At this point the guy has gone so far that according to my cousin who is a rebbe in YU, today even in YU, Slifkin is a controversial person

  3. The voice is not a paper of lakewood standards. Theres a reason why bnei torah don't allow these magazines or rags into their homes. They have articles that sublimely push woke left agendas and foreign hashkafos of Lakewood yeshiva leit. Not to mention the gashmiyus promoted and now full pages of weekly sports leagues with photos so our innocent children have to see this garbage and get educated about how so many children are part of these baseball and basketball leagues. It's fine to play sports but to make it a official league and report on it is just beyond. There's no public rabbinical backing to all this stuff. This apology is too late and only because of heavier than expected backlash. The media in Lakewood ignored Adirei Hatorah and now mocks the kollel way of life.
    Had this been written in any Frei or Modox paper there would be an outcry but when it comes from those who give good coverage to the politicians and others, all are silent.

    1. I think you meant "subliminally" not "sublimely"

  4. The Voice is an old rag which preys on innocent residents that aren’t yet familiar with their anti-torah hashkafos. We use it for biur chometz and lag baomer fires.

  5. The high standards of living took a big hit after a few financial stories broke last week with people loosing millions in ponzi and other bad deals with credit cards

  6. I remember when the “publisher’s” column The Voice made a massive chillul hashem when he used his sad platform to publicly attack a resident which was in a bitter fight with his brother in law. The Voice article was actually used as an exhibit in a court case to prove the mean-spirited way this family behaved against people they believed were exposing their corrupt Lakewood twp land swapping activities.

    Since then, I’ve kept them and their family fights away from my house.

  7. Why do we need to wait for TVOL to write something so blatant before there is outrage. We should've screamed about them a long time ago. They're not regretting what they wrote, they are sorry for publishing it. They still believe their hashkafa. Any store that advertise there should be boycotted.

  8. You’re complaining about $50 a month? Should we keep raising them $1000 a month?? Pretty soon I’ll go back to bmg and I’ll be better off financially.

    1. and then what?
      i mean, like, what's wrong if You go back?
      are you rotten by now that you wont fit back in?
      something is seriously wrong with what you wrote
      certainly, anyone who is in this real learning should be paid even more than i am (and that's a lot:)

    2. I think the point is if you are going to over incentivize people to learn in bmg, you will end up with people that are just there for the money. You do need some kind of balance to keep the the learning segment in Klal Yisroel serious..

    3. There are far better ways to do that then by making the real men doing our job, and who are the source of our brocha and supporting us, live in anything less then complete financial security, and their wives too should be able to stay home if they so wish.
      I can't fathom how one's mind can even think such cruel thought to suggest that we should have them live in poverty in order that only the fully committed be learning. It's just so terribly wrong and perverted to be so kofoi tov.

      I realize that even though i don't live in the USA, all what Hashem gives me is in the zechus of those men who are learning his torah with amaylus and thereby bring all brocha for me down to earth

    4. The picture seems to me, that if a person was willing to support a Kollel of 30 yungeleit in Cleveland, paying each of them $150,000, with no pressures (Shemiras Hasdarim etc), the Yungeleit would live up to it. Nobody would use the Kollel as an excuse not to go to work, even though he is 'living it up'.

      It is possible that Lakewood is different, because a person not working has others like him. But in any regular town - Cleveland, Los Angeles, Toronto, London, Melbourne, Miami Beach, Detroit etc. this would not happen.

      Just my hunch.

    5. So your comparing a small place with 30 yungelite that also btw have to get accepted into the kollel and they know it’s paying way more than a standard kollel obviously they are ALL going to be way more serious … say what you want but if it would be a standard for everyone to get 150k no questions asked you’d unfortunately have many guys overstay their time in kollel after all they’d get the same $ going to work.. Maybe open up small well paying kollel I’m inLakewood close down the bmg model - but right now we have it and O don’t think it’ll be too smart to pay like a regular job..

  9. TVOL is an old rag precisely because they are controlled by bmg not the other way around.

  10. So when are we all starting a campaign for Harold Herskowitz for township committee to help bring a stop to the corruption going on in this town

    1. TVOL is not even the voice of the people. They would not allow HH to advertise in their rag. The publisher has a personal agenda and it’s not for the benefit of Lakewood’s residents.

    2. He’s going to run on his own - the only people that ever help a candidate are those that stand to gain $ - hence just like last time he ran by himself he’ll be stuck again fighting on his own..

  11. TVOL’s apology is no different than the Angel’s bakery in eretz yisroel. They don’t mean it, but they also don’t want to lose their customers. The magazine belongs in the garbage. As it is anyways, all it’s doing now is stuffing up the storm drains on my street.

  12. what is the real cause of the smoke? obviously it isn't canadian wildfires, so what is it really?

    1. It's from the legalized Marijuana you are smoking.

    2. Canada legalized it first..

  13. Now that you mention stuffing storm drains. Can anything be done to curb the incessant amount of shaimos (ie. “parsha“ sheets and other items) littering shuls every-week? Not to mention the posters plastered to the shul walls?

  14. YWN is the same trash with click bate sensational kindergarten level headlines. And a hatred for anyone their small brains can't agree with or comprehend.
    Respectable frum Jews don't fo there

  15. Do you believe that the truck under the i-95 was an accident, it all adds up, the same way the smake was caused by natural wildfires?
    WE had Dever (covid-19) Cherev (Ukraine proxy war) Roov (famine, baby formula, supply chain, countries with neo wheat), & no fire aish, see Mharsho chidushei agodos, Shavuos daf vov, & he says see what I wrote in Bova Kama daf gimel.
    You will see it all there. maybe I don't have the keilim, but you could make a post bringing those 2 maharsho's & my comentry.
    Time for tshuva, no kidding it is getting serious.

    1. Time for xanax

    2. Oh. Good
      Because I was waiting to do teshuva until I saw the signs.
      I definitely wouldn't do teshuva without seeing these signs first. Thank you for your comment

  16. It's in our hands. don't click on those websites!!!
    They will feel it.
    Everytime u click u give them chizuk!
