Saturday, June 3, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Naso Lakewood

- Crowds were menachem Avel tonight by Maariv Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita in Lakewood. It is unclear at this time when he will be returning to E"Y. There is a possibility he will attend the Adirei Hatorah event despite in middle of Shiva based on a psak he received He will speak briefly and music will not be played while he's there.

Update: Matzav reports Rav Meir Tzvi will be attending the Adirei Hatorah event a peak was written by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita who discussed it with Rav Bentzion Kook for this unique maamad of kavod haTorah, will be’ezras Hashem participate. More

- BDE: Petirah of R' Moshe Buchler ZL who was nifter over shabbos in Lakewood after an ilness. Originally from Brooklyn and settled in Lakewood on recent years in Pine River Village. He was 88 years old and predeceased by his wife a"h. His children R' Aaron Shmuel, R' Avrohom, R' Shabsi R' Yechiel R' Yaakov Mrs. Miriam Apter, Mrs. Tzipy Zaks Levaya tomorrow morning 10:30 am in Lakewood at the chapel off 7th street.

- 3 IDF soldiers were killed today. live fire adjacent to the Egyptian border.

- At least 288 people have died in India's worst rail crash in over two decades, officials said on Saturday, after a passenger train went off the tracks and hit another one in an accident a preliminary report blamed on signal failure.

- Rav Dov Landau on his way to the US for a week of chizuk. He will be attending the Adirei Hatorah event

Psak from Rav Simcha Bunim


  1. There will be a Center open for last minute ticket issues and extremely limited amountof standing only tickets- walk in only in the westgate shopping plaza (top of West Cuts) at 80 Hillside Blvd Suite 201
    Sunday Morning from 10-1
    100$ cash or check only. First come basis, while supplies last.

  2. Why keep the shtus going?
    Reb Dov Landau is coming to America to collect money for his Yeshiva. There is nothing shameful about that. Stop infantilizing people.
