Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday June 28 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 83° Sun and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 83F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph

- Tomorrow Thursday code orange air quality alert in NJ from Canadian wild fires

- 9:15pm: UPS issues statement "The UPS facility in Lakewood, N.J. has been evacuated out of an abundance of caution to address a fire. We are working with authorities. Our employees are safe and will return to work as soon as we can be confident they can safely resume their activities.”

- 8:00 pm Update -  APP reports from Lakewood police “I’m being told that at least six trailers and the building are on fire, “Looks under control at this time. Vassar Avenue is completely closed at both ends until further notice.  Simcha hall parking is now at Orchos chaim hall and people are walking to the halls. Hundreds of packages were destroyed.

- 7:15pm UPS building fire is visible from the entire area Traffic on Vasser Ave is one way only. Those trying to access the wedding halls have to go all the way around past Orchos Chaim. The fire may have started in the facility and spread to the trucks or vice versa.

- 7:00pm: A 3rd  alarm fire at UPS facility in Lakewood. Heavy  traffic at the Lakewood Cheder Simcha halls 

- Attorney in Prime apt case files that the appropriate venue to adjudicate this entire matter would be before Lakewood Township's Rent Control Board as they are vested with jurisdiction to hear hardship increase applications - however, the Township Committee has abolished the Board, leaving him with no appropriate venue to establish the rent so that he can avoid operating a severe financial loss. more at FAA 

- Bde: Petirah of Rabbi Aryeh Spero Z"L of Allentown, PA known as Americas Rabbi a talmid of Telz yeshiva in Cleveland  was an early and outspoken advocate for religious liberty. He has testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee regarding religious liberty was president of Quality Kosher Supervision. Spokesman for the Conference of Jewish Affairs

 - Malaria found in US for first time in 20 years, alarming officials, Malaria, a potentially deadly disease caused by a mosquito-borne parasite, is making inroads into the US. Five new cases of malaria  one in Texas and four in Florida, are alarming officials because they were locally acquired, meaning a mosquito in the US was carrying the parasite. Conservative media pundits all pointing out that  Bill Gates has released genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida and Texas since 2018.

- Update American Roshei yeshiva will be traveling to E"Y to discuss the proposals in helping the shidduch crisis among those going Rav Elya Chaim Swerldloff, Rav Yuddy Svei Rav Mendel Slomovitz, Rav Mottel Dick, Novominker rebbe and others they will meet with Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch and other gedolim. As they work on lowering the age gap there's a proposal to cut out a grade somewhere either 12th in Mesivta or first year B"M. Another aspext is to  have bochurim stay in Eretz Yisrael for a shorter period possibly for only one year,there's also talk of eliminating the freezer too. 

- Activists continue with their food pricing comparison charts  of stores in the tri state area including Lakewood. The charts were hanging in Williamsburg shuls over shabbos se below 

- More than $200 billion in Covid aid disbursed by the Small Business Administration may have been stolen by fraudsters, according to a federal watchdog. This would represent 17% of the $1.2 trillion disbursed.

- Another lawsuit filed on Lakewood planning board application denial FAAnews 

- Satmar Rebbe Rav Aron Teitelbaum visited the stunning Satmar Shul on Kennedy Blvd in Lakewood yesterday the Rebbe davened Mincha and greeted Lakewood’s Satmar Dayan Rabbi Mordechai Betzalel Klein and other Mispallelim see photos below

- Ocean county replaces traffic lights at Intersection of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire Avenue in Lakewood 

- A local news site covering Lakewood has continued in its campaign of not reporting or showing pictures of BMG and the Roshei yeshiva. A  Asifa for chassidishe  mosdos took place with a huge dais and Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita attended. While the other news sites in Lakewood showed the real pictures, this site blocked out any image that would show the Rosh hayeshiva. social media accounts called it out and urged everyone to stop following the fake news

- An unusual event occurred last night at the famed Scheiner's  shul in Monsey  a torrential rain poured overhead yet the moon was clearly visible and a minyan formed to say kiddush levana in the rain. The last chance to say it is this coming Sunday night. 

- Bais Yaakov High School is seeking to expand their existing campus at 277 James Street Street in Lakewood. more Here 

- Free school lunch: New Jersey is looking at the idea of providing every student with free school lunch, at an eventual cost of more than $500 million per year. Under the measure that's sponsored by four Democrats, including Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, schools would provide free lunch to a growing number of kids with looser income restrictions each year  until every student is included in the sixth year, regardless of household income. As a result of the advocacy of Agudath Israel’s New Jersey office, the bill’s sponsors have now amended the bill to include private school children as well.

- Gen. Sergei Surovikin, Russia's 2nd-in-command, disappeared amid claims he had prior knowledge of the weekend revolt against Putin's regime. One theory is, he's under interrogation over a plot to oust Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and eliminate internal enemies. A former Russian diplomat says the attempted Wagner mutiny is 'just another step' toward Putin's eventual ouster

- Price comparison chart from last week of disposable cutlery sold in frum stores.

At the Lakewood chasidishe asifa on technology 

Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron with Satmar Dayan in Lakewood 


  1. The local news site also doesn't cover Agudah/Schnal stories - Free lunch legistlastion once again not reported..
    A Site that demands the biggest Org. Yeshiva in Klal Yisroel to do as they require etc. is despicable - Their advertisers are in the hundreds - Sickening - time to call their advertisers

    1. Tomchei Shabbos and Hatzolah should publicly anounce they are pulling their ads.Tav Malkile is the Nassie of those organizations yet they spit him in the face by advertising there.

    2. We only report news when it's about our advertisers, billboard advertisers get an extra does of reporting

    3. Who cares if the website reports news about BMG or it doesn’t. I’m sure BMG could care less, and if anything they would rather nothing about them gets posted on the treifene internet. Who are these bored hockers that are always on the lookout for things to waste everyone’s time hocking about. How are they any different than Stam rabble-rousers? Tell them to get a life and move on already.

    4. I no longer donate to those and the other organizations that advertise with them.

  2. Old Lakewooder trying to keep upJune 28, 2023 at 9:39 AM

    Satmar on Kennedy is Aroni? And Rockwell is Zaly? Where does the original Lakewood satmar shul on Forest with Rav Klein, and the original Lakewood satmar boys and girls schools stand?

    1. The satmar on Forest was neutral sarmar until the split. The dayn dayyeinee is more of an Aroni however the money and payment from satmar came from the central committee which is controlled by the zalis. So it's a balancing act game to keep the money flowing yet not take sides.

    2. The Dayan visits with both Rebbes when they visit Lakewood, yet neither Rebbe went into the shul in Forest nor the original Satmar Cheder. Even under the previous Rebbe, he was pretty independent of the Central committee.

  3. Are you doing your part? Every business advertising with them has a competitor How about HV offer free advertising for any business that pulls out? How about calling up Tomchei Shabbos or Hatzaloh offering to double your donation if they pull out?

  4. I thought it is לכבוד הראש ישיבה that they don't show him as שלמה המלך says in משלי that ואת הצנועים חכמה.

  5. Why is it justified to mess up the shteiging of bochurim in their prime years to fix the shidduch crisis which is not proven. Bochurim in 11th grade are not geoinei olam they need their formative years to learn and shteig. Marrying them off young will impede their learning and they will go out to work earlier and possibly major shalom bayis issues.

  6. Hunting for a legit source on if a woman only becomes assurah to her husband with gmar biah or if haaraah is sufficient . . see here for more color

    1. Don't give the local menuvalim more ways to be moreh heter


    2. שו"ת יביע אומר חלק ג - אבן העזר סימן ז

      ובאמת דמ"ש שעיקר הביאה היא שמזריע ומערה לתוכה, לא ידענא מנ"ל האי מילתא. ונהירנא כד הוינא טליא שהעירותי עמ"ש הרה"ג מהר"י פלאג'י בס' יפה ללב חלק ח (אה"ע סי' כ סק"א), שהביא דברי הלבוש שם שכ', שהבא על א"א משהכניס העטרה מן הגיד אע"פ שפירש מיד ולא גמר ביאתו ולא הוציא זרע חייב, ונאסרה על בעלה. אבל שפחה חרופה אין חייבים עליה אלא בגמר ביאה, דכתיב בה שכבת זרע. והקשה ע"ז, שהרי גם באשת איש כתיב ואל אשת עמיתך לא תתן שכבתך לזרע. וכה"א ושכב איש אותה שכבת זרע, אלמא שאף א"א הרי היא כשפחה חרופה שהיא בגמר ביאה. ע"כ. ודבשפחה חרופה אינו חייב עד שיפלוט שכבת זרע, דכתיב ואיש כי ישכב את אשה שכבת זרע והיא שפחה וכו'. ע"ש.

    3. Thank you! This is spot on

    4. Why is this relevant on these news in the article?

    5. Why are people allowed to post irrelevant shtusim here?

    6. Good to know you think Torah is shtusim, keep up the good work

    7. Anon 1125 posting on inyaney arayus is actually worse than shtusim. This goes into the kelal of harcheik min hakiur vedome lo.
      Not sure where your topics of arayus are tied to the shidduch unless you are obsessed with gori details of inyanei even haezer!

    8. רבי חנניא בן תרדיון אומר, שנים שיושבין ואין ביניהן דברי תורה, הרי זה מושב לצים, שנאמר (תהלים א), ובמושב לצים לא ישב.

      אבל שנים שיושבין ויש ביניהם דברי תורה, שכינה שרויה ביניהם, שנאמר (מלאכי ג), אז נדברו יראי יי איש אל רעהו ויקשב יי וישמע ויכתב ספר זכרון לפניו ליראי יי ולחושבי שמו

    9. Anon 11:52 it's sad to see someone in such a bad state that you'd refer to divrei torah as worse than shtusim and as kiur. You should get help for your all-consuming lusts (I know of a great therapist) and most definitely stay off the internet

    10. אין דורשין בעריות - לשלשה בני אדם כאחד אין דורשין להם סתרי עריות, כגון בתו מאנוסתו דלא כתיבא בקרא בהדיא ואתיא מדרשא. שמא בזמן שמדבר הרב עם אחד ישאו ויתנו השנים ביניהם, ולא יתנו לבם לשמוע מפי הרב כשדרש בו איסור, ויבואו להקל בעריות על ידי שנפשו של אדם מתאוה להן ומחמדתן יותר משאר איסורים שבתורה

    11. Teshuvaso btzido

  7. Hefker is trying justify the biyul tairah caused by them posting all the suppose it Yeshivah news. The Yeshivah and The Roshai Yeshivah are more pro TLS then Hefker for not causing a tayvah of BMG talmidim to peek at the treifineh internet.

  8. Did you receive psak from a Rav that it is permitted to call for a public boycott on someones business and effect his parnasa?

    1. Sure the same Rav that allows
      to publicize dashcam videos that gets people in trouble

      The same rav that allows the extortion of mosdos for exclusives

      The same Rav that allows blocking people who disagree yet showing the advertisers the number of followers

      The same Rav that allows bizuy talmidei chachmim on the highest degree

      The same Rav that allows hisgarus beumos and starting up with our neighbors

      The same Rav that allows the gneivas daas of owning news stories that have already been made public

    2. This is no different than the boycott on Angels bakery which was approved by the Rabbanim. If an organization is mevaze the leading torah figure in a community, he may be boycotted. Not everything requires a shaala, think for yourself sometimes.

    3. Many people have stopped donating to tzedakas that advertise on "frum" blog/ websites

    4. Loosing Parnasah - Just stop ignoring Klal Yisroels biggest yeshiva that made this town and Agudah which tries to help Klal Yisroel and you won’t loose $1! Is that too hard?

    5. You cant make this up
      Tls PR machine for Nasie project taking credit for the shidduch Trip

    6. Delusional. Just wait till the eretz yisroel gedolim say to keep everything as is, suddenly TLS will start badmouthing them.

    7. Rav Bergman speaks about shiduchim by adiri hatorah but somehow TLS thinks the rosh yeshivas that are involved is due to their billboards
      Shidduch Crisis: How The Historic Shidduch Summit in Eretz Yisroel with American Gedolim Evolved With the Help of TLS; The Staggering Numbers

    8. AB,
      You really believe that one should and can rely on that comparison, when going public? Would you rely on that with $100 million on the line??? Or would you verify first?

    9. What 100 million are you talking about. If we were to boycott business that advertise on sites that are mevaze talmidei chachamim, they would stop, and the only loss would be to the site that caused the bizayon. No one is saying stop supporting Hatzala, we are saying let them know that you are against it, and speak with your donations.

  9. Heres something else that was bothering me recently if anyone wants to weigh in

  10. what is the reason they are boycotting BMG?

    1. They were against the scoop outdoors or something like that

    2. Anon 11:53
      Like I said, they advertised everywhere else but TLS and the billboards.
      Why should they promote an event that doesn't pay them tribute?

  11. Did they ask any Shailah before they decided to Publicly boycott BMG or Agudah? Dragging all their thousands of readers into their personal fights!!


  13. Just because they do somthing wrong, does not permit you to say loshon harah berabim and do the opposite of supporting a yid. Even if they have the ability to prevent this, it does not give you the right to cause someone financial loss. You can ask a posek- if he permits then that is fine. But do not start comparing one boycott to the next, when you are very possibly playing with real serious issurim. Again, this is not condoning them, however it is an indictment on you if you did not ask a shaila!!

    1. Typical, Bully playing the victim card I can do whatever I want and hide behind my personal daas Torah but you better have asked a shailah
      Sorry there is no bigger lashon Hora berabim than besmirching the entire yeshiva and the youngeleit on a constant basis
      Crocodile tears ,
      Take a loong hard look in the mirror

    2. the owner of lakewood scoop was bullied and threatened by BMG 13 years ago for political reasons in the name of torah. Even now he cannot and does not post any local politics.
      at a minimum there is definitely another side here. if you don't know then don't judge.

    3. I'm sorry for misjudging TLS you are right he's correct for wrongly holding a grudge and taking it out against the yeshiva I never should've judged him, he has all the rights to be mevazeh torah and spread loshon horah and do public damage, all because of a personal vendetta. Just like קמצא ובר קמצא

    4. maybe the yeshiva wronged him and owe him an apology. there is a concept of asking mechila. who are you to judge ?
      כתוב בתורה כי השוחד יעור עיני חכמים

    5. Big talker- If it would have been you , I am SURE you would have gotton over it with ease

    6. As the largest news site in Lakewood - by him blatantly ignoring BMG and Agudah he is dragging Everyone in Lakewood into his personal fights - Sorry it is wrong and all we would like him to do is report on BMG (and not smudge us out like we dont exist) Agudah, If he cant manage to do so he is his own boycott

    7. What is the Loshon Hora - He has website viewable for all to see Smudging out BMG Not reporting one word about BMG or Agudah - Loshon Hora??? How much more B'rabim does it need to be?

  14. You can call it victim card or whatever you want, but you definitely do not mean Hashem, the Torah, or anything else leshaim shomaim, if you can not even ask a posek before you go out in the public square!! It smells from something entirely different!!

    1. The rabbinic in Eretz Yisroel supported the boycott of Angel's bakery this is even worse to go and cut the Lakewood Rosh Yeahiva out of the event pictures is a CHILUL HASHEM and bemakom chill Hashwm ain't chalking kavod Lrav, kol shkein to those who support it we have every right to boycott them. Stop trying to play the did you ask a shailah and the Parnassa card

      What did Agudah do wrong to get boycotted?
      Please answer us
      What gives a right to be mevazeh roshei yeshuva and talmidei chachomim and expect people to just take it sitting down

    2. Hahaha not reporting on local politics....
      Tls has been the mouthpiece for the Lakewood vaad and a platform for the local corrupt politicians for years it's all about the Benjamin's.
      They report all about Inzelbuch and Boe not a word about Lang,
      They reported on BMG until recently including last year so what changed?
      Why is Agudah and Avi Shnall not mentioned anymore?

      There's new competition with other websites reporting on Lakewood with better coverage not only about car accidents and paid PR articles.
      And obviously some people don't take competition well especially when they give Agudah a place to post a article or a video and that was a bit much so now they get boycotted for going to a competitive news site is that the real reason?
      Seems lole it is all about power and Money and not HASHEM

    3. Lakewood scoop does not report on local politics connected to BMG. Bob singer, menashe miller etc.

  15. You would never in a million years rely on such a comparison when it would come to your money. You would run it by your lawyer first. As an aside- in Eretz Yisrael is was the Rabbinic leadership that called for the boycott- NOT some Blog!

    1. Check your facts the angels boycott started out on Twitter and social media first by regular people who were fed up and ut spread from there with support from rabbinim after it took off.
      It's ironic that a scanner news site can be mevazeh talmidei chachomim berabim yet cry victim and calling out people for saying LH about them being a Jewish news site

    2. I am not representing that website nor do I care. I am just saying that you would not rely on some flimsy comparison if would effect your money of reputation, nor would you like someone else to go public on your reputation by making such comps.


    "In an incredible instance of “you can’t make this up,” a local individual wrote “exclusively” about this non-exclusive meeting that he “helped” bring it to fruition. But, time for a reality check: This individual has actually sued R’ Mendel Slomovitz, the leader of the rosh yeshiva delegation, in arkaos, and most assuredly had nothing to do with this meeting happening."

    1. YWN and bhol news are trash any upstanding person in the US and Israel don't look at those sites

    2. Same article from TLS was also posted on this is getting ridiculous with all websites claiming exclusive talking credit while doing the PR for Nasie project

  17. Dear Parents,

    Until now the Cheder/Bais Faiga has been serving free meals to all students.

    Next year we will no longer be eligible for that program and we will have to charge if parents are not eligible for free\reduced meals.

    A bill providing free breakfast and lunch for all students will go for a vote in front of the Senate and Assembly.

    This legislation will have major ramifications for our parent body .

    We strongly encourage you to contact your legislature using the attached link.

    1. Didn't Agudah save the day
      Why is there a threat of no lunches?

    2. Agudah just got them to change the bill to include private schools The bill is still out there and needs to be voted on etc…

  18. Grocery Price List

  19. Just heard from Kosher Village that this was a mistake and was changed to $2.99 the day after it was discovered.

    It's working already!

  20. A few years ago there was an anonymous ad in the Lakewood Weekly that the BMG Roshei Yeshiva did not want their letters published on online websites. Since I saw that ad, TLS stopped posting their letters and the happenings around BMG (they had posted their letters prior, like by covid and before).

    1. This is the real story

    2. I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell if you believe this lie
      TLS was called out and exposed for how they operate

      How does that explain taking 26k last year to advertise adirei on the billboard
      How does that explain not mentioning the yartzeit of Rav Shneur Kotler
      Hoe does that explain not reporting about Agida that have norhing to to with lakewood

      How does that explain removing pictures of Rav Malkiel but posting pictures of the other roshei yeshiva.

      How does that explain the constant bizuy talmidei chachomim

      Sorry, come up with a better excuse

  21. Why is Gourmet Glatt Boro Park cheaper then Gourmet Glatt Lakewood ?
