Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Hashkafa Q&A

Hashkafa with Rav Gershon Ribner shlita
The challenge to Lakewood's insularity by the great influx (Sport Leagues)   A solid background in history could conceal the more sublime cause of events Parve cheeseburger and human hair shaitle


  1. Because of the very limited sources of History written by frum Jews, most of the History is documented from rabid anti religious sources. Rabbi wein quotes from gretz a non religious jew, and rabbi wein admits that he can't be trusted and he made stuff up. But nonetheless he uses him as a source and he claims he did try to sift out nuggets of truth. - this is tricky and not very reliable.

    1. Josephus is also unreliable and made many things up. unfortunately, most frum historians accept his words as facts, even when he contradicts Chazal.

    2. History or stories which are not mentioned in the torah shebiksav or baal peh and are also not mosif yiras shomayim or clarity in other chelkay hatorah, are limudei chol and are not a integral part of torah.

      I heard from my Rebeim beshem Reb Chaim Ozer Ztl that the maskilim have an interest what type of pipe the amoraim used.
      "Zay iz nogea tzu vissen vus farm lulke Abaye hut gereichert" "Uber tzu until hut es nisht"

    3. Btw. the josephus comment is completely false. Josephus has been quoted numerous times in shas by Rashi and many other Rishonim and Acharonim. It was the christian church that spread that false narrative about him because Josephus never once mentioned Yushka so they said he made things up. He was definelty trusted by our Gedolim

    4. Btw. the josephus comment is completely false. Josephus has been quoted numerous times in shas by Rashi and many other Rishonim and Acharonim. It was the christian church that spread that false narrative about him because Josephus never once mentioned Yushka so they said he made things up. He was definitely trusted by our Gedolim.

    5. 100% wrong. rashi and others quote "Yosifun", which is santized version of Josephus's history written hundreds of years after his death with the obvious lies and anti-Jewish tropes taken out. they never quote Josephus. there are many, many times josephus shows what a liar he was, including claiming the story with Rav Yochanan ben Zakai happened with him. He himself writes that he was hired by the Romans to write the history, which is why he is so loving towards them and so negative towards "the Pharisees". You can see the difference between his other works and Contra Apion, which was not commissioned by the Romans and is the only work that may be based on fact. btw, he menitons the chiristians numerous times, even if he doesn't meniton J by name.


  2. And the preponderance of the rest had /still have sly nefarious modox agendas,
    even if only due to simplistic default vacuum, &/or under influence of subtle others who supply them with info

  3. Plenty in Hungary including
    Ksav Sofer preached in German on occasion at least

  4. Difference.Parve cheeseburger is still a poretz geder

  5. If a bochur or a Yungerman needs money, he may disturb his Zman to make that money.

    If he does not need money, then even millions isn't a reason to disturb the Zman.

  6. Cheeseburger vs human hair? Huh? The whole hetter of a wig was on human hair. No comparison ….
