Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday June 25 News Update Lakewood

 Weather: 83° Mixed clouds and sun this morning. Scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High 83F. Chance of rain 50%.

- The leaders of Paterson, NJ and the West Bank city of Ramallah will sign a “sister-city” agreement tomorrow, a step designed in part to show support for the Palestinian cause in the Middle East, city officials say.

NWS: A special weather statement has been issued for Toms River NJ, Lakewood NJ with severe thunderstorms winds up to 40mph and pea size hail effective up to 12:00pm

- Sunday off shabbos for bochurim, day camp starts tomorrow for girls.

-Murphy: One year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and took away a woman’s constitutional right to choose.  New Jersey will always protect reproductive rights. I’m proud that we’re leading the way on expanding access to health care.

- Rav Binyomin Finkel shlita will begin his chizuk tour in Lakewood tomorrow morning speakingvat Kollel Ohr shmuel at Lutzk B"M 6:45am

- Cedar Palace wedding hall opening after the 3 weeks in the new Toras Menachem building. A a Chanukas Habayis will take place this Tuesday at the new hall 1990 Swarthmore Lakewood 

- Check engine light on in minivan or car? some local gas statuon attendants are not closing the gas caps properly which causes the engine light to go on. Make sure to secure it tightly and after a few days the light will go off if there's no other issues.

- BDE: Petira of Rav Yosef Mitnick ZTL noted mechanech in Brooklyn. Levaya at 2:00 pm today in Boro Park  at Shomrei Hadas 14th Ave & 39th St. The aron will pass Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin on Coney Island Avenue in Flatbush at 4:30 p.m.kevurah on Har Hameunchos.
Son is Reb Yitzchok shlita of Lakewood . 

-Yeahiva Mir Yerushalayim mashgiach Hagaon Harav Binyomin Finkel Shilta will be making a special visit to the United States. From Monday, 7 Tamuz (June 26) through Monday, 14 Tamuz (July 3), The Mashgiach will embark on a short but impactful chizuk trip. During his visit, the ⁷Mashgiach will dedicate most of his time to Lakewood, where he will be speaking in various yeshivos, chadarim, and shuls. On Shabbos, the Deal community will have the zchus of hosting the Mashgiach.(mir yeshiva pr)

- Walden woods kehila in Toms River shul expansion campaign Here

- R' Aaron Lang on upcoming elections for the BOE with 3 seats open. "BOE doesn't understand the folly in denying me the summer school job this year that I had for almost two decades. Legal work comes in spurts. Otherwise, I have all day  to drum up resentment and support against them, their boss, and the whole system of governance in Lakewood. Again, I'm giving you a once in a century opportunity for reform. Who will oppose? The whole town and NJ is on our side. If system can't rein in someone so contrary to public interest for opposing my case IN  YOUR NAME, an enemy of the public trust, you can reform system easily.

- New Rosh yeshiva appointed in Ponovezh:Rav Dovid Levy shlita  The son in law of Rav Gershon Edelstein zatzal will take over his father in laws position and will deliver a weekly shiur klali. The announcement came friday night by Rav Lazer Kahanemen. Rav levy is a talmid muvhak of Rav Shmuel Rozovsky ZTL.


  1. What can we all do to support Aaron Lang? Aaron has done so much to help the taxpayers, the public school students and it appears he is getting 'thrown under the bus' We need to do something... protest? Support at board meetings? It is mamesh maseh sdom...

    1. Show up at boe board meetings and tell the board to fire the now lawyer and superintendent because they aren't helping in Aron Lang's fight.

    2. It is precisely nonsense like Anon 9:28 that puts people off. How will 'telling them to fire' help? Will they listen? Why should they listen?

      Give us practical eitzos, not stress relieving ones.

    3. It will do not good the show up before the present BOE. Most of them are scared of thier boss. Even the Vaad and BMG have no influence over them, so they certainly will not listen to the oilam. They would rather not attend a meeting than confront the attorney.

    4. They are not scared, they just don't care. Protesting helps, it takes away the claim that the public supports all their waste and shenanigans. Official public record has plenty use when making a legal case.

  2. People, this is your chance. The Commissioner is under fire, the monitors are ineffective and the kehilla, despite its best efforts to show support and rein in the tyranny, has been ineffective.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there a city of over 100,000 in America that has no competition in BOE elections? Maybe in a town of 5,000.

    How can a city of 150,000 have no competition for the public trust over a budget of $400,000,000?

    The Township budget is just $120,000,000.

    The center of gravity is the BOE.

    It seems to me that, b'syata d'shmaya, the people of Lakewood have been delivered, on a silver platter, a once in a century opportunity for change.

  3. Why do we pay BOE Atty well over 1,000,000 of OUR Hard earned $,when any 1st year law student could easily do it for a 10th the Price

  4. I will donate $1000 plus to start the Election Campaign to elect Aaron Lang for Committee.How long must we put with the Blatant Chillul H'.Where are all our Frum leaders who turn a blind eye to the Fleecing of the citizens of Lakewood, They've lost site of rite and WRONG.A total disconnect from Torah

  5. We are cursed by our very own SWAMP of leaders,Every Board member on Twp. Committee, Planning,Zoning,BOE,Sewer Authority...are involved in Pay to Play,Fact not Fiction except for One,Mr Ackerman,the rest are Fleecing us for every penny we have and at the same time Destroying our Quality of Life

    1. Ackerman? That's a funny a joke

    2. Can you name me one Honest politico in Lakewood,who sincerely cares about it's citizens

  6. I think it is too late to be on the ballot. A write-in will never work.

  7. I remember,quite sadly being in The Corporat and office of BMG in the boardroom and was shocked to see a huge map of Lakewood. A Torah institution,figure there would be Portraits of all the great leaders who built BMG on the walls,but instead a map of Real Estate Their Feefdom, and we are there indentured serfs

    1. If that's your problem, you are nowhere even close.
      Pictures on the walls prove nothing. We have people talking all day about Reb Aaron Kotler, yet never miss an opportunity to use their public personas to mistreat Yungeleit. All the while claiming to represent Yungeleit.

  8. Lang,Ackerman,Hershkowitz, a ticket for own Sanity and pocket book

    1. Leave Albert out his been in the committee for many years and before that the planning board he's done nothing, doesn't anymore pretend to care either.

  9. Another Major Swamp creature that we are instructed to vote for year after year is Bob Singer who has done a bunch of Little things for Lakewood but has taken care of himself and appointed cronies in a big way on our dime,and a big shout out to our mega swamp creatures called the Vaad,who tell us who to vote for,Thanks to them and others we keep voting in a Sickening and Damaging woke agenda

    1. singer has done a lot to help many people in lakewood. if everyone on the township committee was like him, we would be in good shape.

    2. People have their heads totally in the swamp of the mainstream media, who have convinced them that there is a leftist monster out to get them with 'woke' stuff.

      Stop listening to them and reading their papers, and you will see that the world is fine, and the agenda is nowhere.

    3. Is that comment for Real? Can he want us to go further than we have already?
      So you like sinking in the sick nevala?
      You sure like what your Creator hates
      cf.this weeks maftir
      What type of creature are you?
      Keep your distance from us.

      It's beyond even that generic nevala now.
      How much worse is it going to be before you can, if you ever can,decide it might be too much?!


    4. "I'm all in favour of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."

      "the world is fine"
      What an odious idiot
      We are in the mess we are in because we tolerated amiably for too long your swamp propaganda
      That type.
      This fella is almost as crafty than Bila'am

    5. Kinda like saying there are no traffic issues in Lakewood or over 100 accidents a week in town,where is this Fine world you talk about

    6. I'm not sure what is Woke, but LHS graduation was all Spanish. Seriously. There was just a small amount of English spoken, and that was translated into Spanish. The Spanish, about 90% of the speeches, was not translated into English.

      The BOE apparently approves of and encourages this because its meetings are translated into Spanish as if that were an official language of America. There is no reason why parents can't get a translation by way of the district website on their cell phone using earbuds.

      Problem solved. No more Spanish spoken out-loud to the oilam. A BOE member or district employee can translate a Spanish speaker rising to the podium pursuant to the First Amendment right to petition the government.

      By high school, the vast majority of students speak English. Even so, announcements in LHS are translated. What does your BOE say about this? Do they even know? Or is it like everything else, they don't have a clue.

      Take note that the compulsory education law in NY State that cause trouble with some yeshivas says you have to teach all required subjects in English (in both public and private schools). English learners get just three years and by then are expected to know English.

      Gibbon wrote that customs and law follow language. Accordingly, if we want to preserve the American way, all official tax supported communication has to be English. Just because so many parents that live in Lakewood don't bother to learn English should not be a reason for our tax our elected representatives to encourage Spanish. That is not the will of the people.

    7. BOE refuses to verify that students are actually residents of Lakewood. Lots of tax dollars going to provide for out of district pupils.

  10. Are you drinking Kool Aid

  11. Where is this fine world you live in

  12. Gee I just love sitting in nerve wracking traffic jams, driving thru pot holed streets along with ever increasing Taxes to pay our $100000 goldenboy BOE Atty,yes everything is just lovely

  13. Boy everyone is so jealous of the orech din, they can't fargin him making $100,000 a year doing nothing because this township is so fakoked. Let a Yid mach Gelt!!!
