Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday June 21 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 66° Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. High 66F.Higher wind gusts possible.

A gezunten Zummer: Summer started today Wednesday at 10:57 a.m. Longest day of the year called tekufas Tamuz.

- Hampshire Hills Shul approved:  Jackson Township Zoning Board on Wednesday night unanimously granted conditional-use variance approval to Khal Hampshire Hills. Along with a mikva and simcha hall on North County Line Road and Piccadilly Drive. Full story on 

- Tonight at 9 pm Venus and Mars cluster with the moon. Venus – is approaching its brightest phase. Looking northwest approximately 40 minutes after shkia, a brilliant Venus will appear just below the moon and the dimmer Mars will be nearby.

- Good news for NJ Seniors: Most older homeowners would see their property tax bills cut in half, with a maximum benefit of $6,500. The agreement still must be approved as part of a proposed $53 billion budget, which is due July 1, but passage in the Democrat-led Legislature is considered likely. Under the program, known as StayNJ, any homeowner 65 or older with an annual income of $500,000 or less would be eligible for the tax cut starting in January 2026.

- Gvir culture: Mocha Burger Lux, a forthcoming NYC kosher restaurant underbth OU, is upping the ante with its “24K Gold Plated Golden-Burger,” which has an eye-popping price: $175. The 12-ounce short-rib burger is wrapped in leaves of real, 24-karat gold.“You’re not paying for the piece of meat,” proprietor Naftali Abenaim told the New York Jewish Week. “You’re paying for the experience

- Change of routine with the last day of school for the girls today parents have a change of the daily routine which is important to keep in mind if bringing baby to babysitter or playgroup. Cases of forgetting babies in car happen during the transition of school and camp as the morning routine changes.

- Tonight ג' תמוז yartzeit of Rav Shneur Kotler zatzal there will be hespedim and shiur zikaron in yeshiva. 

- Rain and thunderstorms in the forecast for the next 14 days straight.

- Knessiah Ashreichem gathering for Lakewood children of the heimish olam will take place Monday at the Lakewood high school 855 Somerset Ave with the attendance of the Rosahei Yeshiva and Admorim 

- I-95 in Philly to reopen this weekend after rapid project to build a temporary overpass built less than two weeks after the incident that severed one of the nation’s busiest highways.

- Pfizer is warning about a shortage of two penicillin drug products used to treat syphilis, strep in kids and other bacterial infections. Pfizer letter to customers about its “limited supply and impending stock out” of Bicillin L-A and Bicillin C-R prefilled syringes. The pediatric formula is rarely used on children because it is painful to administer, and the preferred treatment, amoxicillin which had been in short supply for months  is now more readily available.

- The Lakewood Planning Board last night approved a new retail shopping center on New Hampshire Avenue near Route 70, just down the block from where the fatal crash occurred and no sidewalk exists. the building will include nearly 24,000 sq feet across 14 retail stores on a single story. Faanews reports

- Lakewood Township's Planning Board approved construction of  two 8-story high office buildings on Avenue of the States. ach building will contain 123,200 sq feet of office space; 15,400 sq feet on each floor. This equates to a total of 246,400 sq feet of office space.
988 parking spaces will be provided, which just barely meets the Township's requirements of 1 space per 250 sq feet of office floor area. Faanews.

- BDE: Petirah of HaRav Amihud Yitzchok Meir HaLevi Levin ZTL Rosh Kollel Tiferes Netanya His Brothers, HaRav HaGaon Eliyahu Levin shlita and Rav Yehuda shlita will be sitting shiva at 341 11th Street Lakewood 

- Gov. Phil Murphy's administration is urging New Jerseyans to conserve water after a very dry period that has caused reservoirs to fall to levels below where they were at the same point last year

Photo: Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita R"Y Slabodka visits Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita


  1. תקופת תמוז לא חל היום רק בי"ט תמוז בשעה ז' ומחצה

    and as for the brocha, that's the correct brocha for motza paysach as stated in the קדמונים and in use till today in those good old yekkishe ק"ק

    but a continued gezunten Zummer anyhow

  2. There is a very important and eye opening event tomorrow night open to the public. (Zoom or call-in.) This expert is in his 90’s and has been warning since 1964 about the rishus of the U.N. and what they are really trying to achieve. Unfortunately his words have proven true, and the evil we are facing now with the promotion of transgenderism, with government intrusion into chinuch, and other attempts to destroy our Yahadus and communities are emanating from the UN/WHO. Call in: 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 952 175 3151
    Passcode: 1818. The Zoom link and more information are in this article:

    1. If it were true, there would indeed be nothing to do about it. So what is the point? To prevent people from fighting back?

      The Chicken Littles of the world lull us into complacency, even as they claim to be waking us up.

    2. You make very little sense. If there would be nothing to do about it, what would be the point of lulling people into complacency?
      It happens to be that you’re wrong. The speaker, G. Edward Griffin, is the real deal, and yes, there is plenty what to do about the grave threats posed by the UN and WHO. Number 1, awareness of the enemy. Number 2, davening. Number 3, complete resistance to everything they try to force on us. Number 4, waking up everyone else to be aware, daven, and resist.

    3. 1. Awareness is not something to do. It is foolishness if there is nothing to do.
      2. Davening is always good. What's the issue now?
      3. Resistance is futile against an enemy of that size. If they were truly as powerful as 'the real deal' claims they are, he would have been eliminated already.
      4. See No. 1 above.

      Basically, another blog full of alarm and 'inside information', geared to distract foolish people from their true tachlis in life.

  3. Most people don't go running to Midtown Manhattan restaurants for the sake of the food. The fact that one is charging $175 doesn't indicate a greater gvir culture

  4. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's yartzeit is tonight as well.

    1. Is there a yartziet shiur for him somewhere?

    2. Will there be hespedim?

    3. Rav Yissocher Dov Illowy yartziet tonight as well.

    4. A real righteous person .He died miserable with where America was then heading
      Are we repeating the cycle with a black & white heimish exterior

  5. Can they make me a golden plated meat board?

  6. My paternal grandmother, Chana bas Yosef a"h yahrzeit tonight as well

  7. All juniors 65 and under will now hafta pick up the tab

  8. Why would the Lubavitcher Rebbe have a Yartziet if he is still alive?
    Yechi adonaynu!!


    1. Only he who is without sin, has a right to rebuke.

    2. Only he who is without sin, has a right to rebuke.

      Its not a right. It's a responsibility.

      It is akin to saying, only he is without sin has a right to put on tefilin. It is absolute idiocy. Each and every Jew has a responsibility to fulfil הוכח תוכיח את עמיתך ולא תשא עליו חטא.

      Its not a right. It's a responsibility.

    3. Directly quoting from the New Testament now?

    4. "Only he who is without sin, has a right to rebuke"
      You aware from where the phrase originated?
      Hint:it ain't jewish

    5. Who would you have ever accepted reproof from?! Nobody ??

      He/she who in"sin"uates that whataboutism-after failing all else in previous posts- is a wicked person in cahoots obviously with those actively making the world go to rot

      Many Americans held it wasn't their place to get involved to rebuke the Nazis.

      cf. Mashal of pebbly water in well, inferior for drinking, good for fire

    6. Those rants rarely make sense.
      A man lying with a man is indeed an abomination. Somehow, these people made a hekesh to all aberrations of today's society, without explaining it.

      A woman 'marrying' another woman is wrong, but not an abomination.

      Multiple genders may or may not be foolishness, but it's nothing to do with heresy. Hashem indeed made a Zachar and a Nekeivah. But that doesn't mean that it's impossible that things can change. Especially according to one Shita in the Gemara that Hashem made one androgynous being that He later split into two.

      The mishmash of the three issues together suggests that the author, and the other righteous Kanna'im that have sprouted recently like mushrooms after the rain, does not really care about the Torah's opinion, but more about conservativism, that he/she/they has converted to some kind of ersatz Judaism.
      ואני וביתי נעבוד את ה'

    7. “I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent"

    8. "silence is incredibly powerful,"
      "It's not neutral. It acts like a weapon. It's not even silent.


    9. He Doesn't want your pseudo Service. Better off dropping the rest

      "Even the the devil quoth Scripture.."

      The Imrei Emes said it was the yetzer hara who influenced the head of Mizrachi of Warsaw to get up early to go to the Mikvah as a better snare
      Yeshaya chap.1
      Chumash Bereishis come first
      After you continue to denigrate the fundamental of being a Human which even precedes basic Yahadus

    10. Writing articles online is not a form of rebuke. Rebuke is communicating to the sinner to change their ways, if one is incapable of communicating to them in an effective way, they don't have any mitvah rebuke, on the contrary it's forbidden. Radical incoherent rants generally have a counter effect.

      But don't be like that writer who doesn't understand the difference between rebuke and protest. Even when there's no mitzvah to rebuke, there's still a place to protest, but that too must be effective. The writings of confused lunatics, such as the author of that link, counter and ruin any effective protest.

    11. א"ל הקב"ה לגבריאל לך ורשום על מצחן של צדיקים תיו של דיו שלא ישלטו בהם מלאכי חבלה ועל מצחם של רשעים תיו של דם כדי שישלטו בהן מלאכי חבלה אמרה מדת הדין לפני הקב"ה רבש"ע מה נשתנו אלו מאלו אמר לה הללו צדיקים גמורים והללו רשעים גמורים אמרה לפניו רבש"ע היה בידם למחות ולא מיחו אמר לה גלוי וידוע לפני שאם מיחו בהם לא יקבלו מהם (אמר) לפניו רבש"ע אם לפניך גלוי להם מי גלוי

      Tzadikim gemurim are expected to protest, not someone less than a tzadik gamur who's protest will be thrown back in their faces.

      In this gemera (the basis of that article), the tzadikim were blamed because "how do you know it wouldn't have helped" anyone with a brain clearly understands protesting todays sickness is pointless. Protesting for it's own sake is no mitzvah.

    12. Here's another gem from the same madman, "Detox from the covid vaccine."


    14. Anon 3:54,
      You are of the same large crowd that forever shouts from the rooftops our "Collective responsibility" for secular Israel/ADL/your pet comfort zone!
      And of the same large crowd whose various shades of religion is: western liberal libertarianism- dressed up with ersatz Judaism !
      At least you were able to admit there such still is a thing as abomination!
      How come you still are entitled to be a part of the conversation?

    15. Anonymous 5:50, 6:25,etc.,

      Mishlei is all about your type
      Sly Deceitful scoffer
      Where & what have you ever attempted to accomplish regarding these
      His blog was enough to stir concern for you with his potential for success

    16. the drivel on that blog will only do damage

    17. Anonymous 9:01

      Circuses are filled with people like you

  10. Why exactly do seniors making 100k+ need a tax break? I understand a senior with just minimal income SS etc. but what is the logic for this money grab? Why exactly are we begging seniors to live in NJ? You gotta love the talking points -“Not every senior can afford to stay in nj near their children” huh? making 100k+ and you can’t afford to live in nj? What exactly are seniors expenses? If you need to give them all this money it must be they are really not interested in living near their kids at all!

    1. 1. Seniors use far less services, such as schools etc. A tax break makes sense.

      2. Seniors bring their retirement money from all over the place to our state. We want them to stay here.

      3. Seniors have more spare time on their hands to lobby for their interests.

    2. number 3 is the real reason. also, seniors vote at a much higher level than younger people, so politicians have an interest in padering to the (i.e., bribing them).

  11. Most people over 65 in Lakewood are supporting several married children in kollel and paying grandchildren tuitions in local mosdos 100k is not enough for them to buy bread

    1. most seniors over 65 are not doing that.

    2. שנאת התורה comes in all shapes and sizes. Some people can't fargin others sitting and learning, so they pretend to care about the older generation.
      Of course, the truth is, the people sitting and learning long-term in Lakewood are rarely, if ever doing so on the cheshbon of the older generation. Unless they are from the uber-rich, the yungeleit are getting by through other methods.

    3. I'm not sure where you saw any comment about שנאת התורה. The seniors in Lakewood over 65 are supporting Torah big time with children and grandchildren learning so they need the money. What does have to do with שנאת התורה ?

  12. Moitze zera levatalah is also an abomination according to the Torah. Is there 1 adult male today who has not transfered this multiple times RL. Why then are we not worse than any homo?

    1. bro, i think you should stop while you're behind.

    2. First there are those who never have been l'vatala
      Mor important,
      Where does it state that?
      Is it capital punishment?
      Is it of the 7 Bnei Noach?
      Is it of the 3 chamuros?
      Is there any basis to kill someone in that case before the act?
      How could you compare?
      Heaven forbid to diminish it but it's grevious source is only Kabbalah

    3. The weed has ruined your mind.

    4. Salami baloney it is not an abomination - non in the bible not in kaballah not in anywhere. על פי קבלה it is very bad. period. not an abomination.

    5. We get it, that's what you tell yourself to justify your own homo behavior, so sad.

    6. Not only kabbalah, clearly spelled out in the gemera that it's very bad. Sort of like equating eating chalav stam to eating lobster. Some people actually believe chalav stam is worse than lobster. Both forbidden, but you can't compare.

  13. Replies
    1. they died for they did. no שייכות to abomination.

  14. " for they did" what's that suppose to mean?

  15. " for there are those who never.."
    These days, yea sure

    1. There are.Stop projecting yourself

  16. Would any tzaddik ever have told someone who was motzi "go up to the roof & jump"?Never.Or anything even slightly like it.
    Such as has been indeed the cases with a guy who refused to stop being a h*&#&^ ?
