Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tuesday Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5783 June 20 Lakewood

 Weather:  70° Cloudy skies. High near 70F

- Construction site for Chai lifeline building defaced with anti semitic graffiti: "Today, our hearts were both horrified and deeply pained by the discovery of anti-Semitic graffiti at the construction site of the future home of Chai Lifeline New Jersey in Jackson, NJ,"This reprehensible incident stands in stark contrast to the values of acceptance, kindness, and community Chai Lifeline holds dear.

- Names for tehillim of those injured in the terror attack today in the city of Eli  מוראל מואיז בן הלנה, ערן בן נעמה, אורי בן סמדר אלישע בן רעות. 4 others were killed they were identified as 18 year old Bnei Akiva student a 21 year old from Yad Binyomin, 

- TVOL asays the shared account series about kollel families will be coming to a close The topic of finances especially those of kollel families sparked much debate as the series comes to a close  we salute our kollel yooungeleit who raise the banner of Torah we encourage everyone to reach out to their rebbeim for guidance..

- Last full day for elementry girls schools

- Lakewood Planning board meeting tonight at town hall 6:00pm watch livestrean Here see Agenda Here. Some items on the agenda: Application for new shopping center at Locust st & New Hampshire, New office building Ave of the states, Bnos Devorah Height variance request, office on Prospect st.

- Terror attack: Four Israelis were killed and another four were wounded in a shooting attack at a gas station outside of the West Bank settlement of Eli on Tuesday afternoon. The IDF confirmed that terrorists had opened fire on the gas station on Highway 60 near Eli. During an exchange of fire, one of the terrorists was shot and killed. The IDF is searching the area after the other terrorist involved.

- Trial date in Trump classified docs case fast-tracked for August 14, 2023 Just 8 weeks from today

- A Project to construct a 5-story Courtyard Marriott hotel on Pine Street and New Hampshire Avenue imn Lakewood is moving forward more at Faanews https://www.faanews.com/2023/06/thanks-to-zoning-fixup-by-lakewoods.html

 - Hunter Biden is expected to plead guilty to tax-related misdemeanor crimes as part of a plea agreement with no jail time. Conservative pundits say this is a way for the Biden DOJ to claim they are being fair, as they go after Trump. "100 year charges for Trump over paperwork filing, a plea deal for Hunter over the laptop"

- Goodbye, menthol cigarettes? N.J. moves closer to ban. The state Senate Health Committee on Thursday advanced a bipartisan but hotly debated bill that would ban the sale and distribution of menthol cigarettes in the Garden State menthol, known for its cooling effect and minty flavor that helps mask the taste of tobacco. Menthol accounts for about one-third of all tobacco sales in America. Sponsors say it’s needed because the federal ban could still take years and the health risks of smoking and second hand smoke continue to be alarming  Sen. Robert Singer, R-Ocean, another top sponsor, said menthol’s cooling effects “make cigarettes easier to smoke and tougher to quit and are especially addictive for younger individuals.”

- Congressman Rep. James Comer: Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery.

- Gov. Phil Murphy and top lawmakers have tentatively agreed on a revised new property tax relief plan for New Jersey seniors, the plan is to cut their taxes in half.

- Photo: Rav Chaim Ginsberg shlita Senior Rosh Chabura in BMG gave a shiur at the Ponovezh yeshiva in Bnei Brak.


  1. Is the ger toshav a convert in some sense or is he only formally accepting what he is already obligated in? See the following for a discussion https://musingsonthetorah.blogspot.com/2023/06/is-ger-toshav-convert.html?m=1

  2. R S markowitz s Yeshiva

  3. So ask "rebeim about finances".... Are we allowed to ask a financial advisor about finances? What about medical advise should we ask a doctor or Rav? Maybe I should talk in learning to the lawyer as the rabonim are going to be so busy giving all this advise to people....

  4. The voice rag articles just poked a big hole in the lives of youngeleit deflating them and making them look bad in the eyes of the world.
    And they also had a anti Trump article spitting in his face calling him guilty without a trial
    That trash does not belong inside your home

    1. So the snowflakes can't handle an anti-Trump article. He himself has announced how guilty he is, but poor soul can't handle it.

      If you can't read things with which you don't agree, you are doomed to a life of ignorance.

    2. Publishing anti Trump articles in a town that voted for him over 90% one of the best presidents for klal Yisrael all over the world an ohev Yisrael is as kafoy tov as you can be. The voice showed its true colors by spitting in the face of Lakewood yidden it is a leftist liberal rag that stuffs up the storm drains.

    3. I think you have explained eloquently why you disagree with the article.

      You still did not explain why you cannot read something with which you do not agree.

      And the idea that Trump is guilty has nothing to do with leftism. It's a simple legal question, based on actual facts.

    4. Anyone can read articles they disagree with. That is not the point here.
      It is what you publish and where you stand that shows what you are.

      As for Trump everyone knows this is a political attack.
      But for your own self righteousness
      Trump will only be charged after a trial. At this point he is an innocent man the ones calling him guilty are the left and his enemies on the right. So as you stated it is simple legal facts ok but there was no trial yet
      That makes you a leftist or a Trump hater and a major kafoy Tov too.

    5. 'Anyone' can read them, besides some people on this site. TVOL prints all kinds of articles, a tiny percent of which are on one side of the politics.
      Better than the nauseatingly sycophantic articles in the Yated or the Shopper. All kinds of fake news and nonsense, as long as it fits the right wing fearpolitics of the day.

      And he is not an innocent person at this point. He himself has admitted to committing crimes, and that makes him a criminal.

      Btw, what favors did he do for me again? What do I owe him?

    6. It's so interesting how these same guys don't think we owe any hakaras hatov to Adams when he arranged for cops to patrol shuls and yeshivos. Or when Obama worked to fund the iron dome. Then all of this fake hakaras hatov talk disappears.

    7. Hakara Hatov to a couple other GOP candidates in advance who hopefully will fix the country.As they have already in their own states

  5. Bunch of snowflakes. Can’t stick up for your opinions. Shared accounts was an amazing and thought-provoking column and it will be missed.

    1. You sound like a crybaby snowflake yourself. Can't see your articles criticized amd can't defend it, so you resort to your snowflake attacks.

  6. This is what happens anytime such an article is written that might potentially allow our children to properly plan their lives and realize the financial realities that come along with marriage and large families, we're doing a tremendous disservice to our children by burying these important economic facts from them.

    1. The articles were disgusting the opposite of tznius. We adont look at yenem how he lives his life. These are private issues it's mind boggling that people have no shame to broadcast their finances to the world. We have lost all sensitivity. We are Bayshanim,and gomlei chasadim at the same time. Does not mean open your front door and let the whole world peek inside.

  7. Alot of frum media outlets are trash, YWN has become a branch of CNN with publishing anti Trump articles non stop with childish immature headlines. Whatever the politics we owe him hakoras hatov but the low gutter trash frum click bate media are sick and disgusting
    Klal Yisrael must stand up and not patronize all this filth.

  8. The "Shared Accounts" was well written and carefully researched. The writer made an obvious effort to keep the privacy of families by using different names and changing basic identifying features. Budgeting and being fiscally responsible is vital for the proper running of a home and family.. the series should continue! Or a different forum should be introduced to educate for financial probity.

  9. The shared accounts was bologna if you read it clearly and ever learned anything about money and finance it didn’t add up.

    1. The numbers were all made up

      Source: I helped write them

  10. Bottom line w/o der Feter Shmeel, all Toradika kahillos in the US would not exist

  11. BDE HaRav Amihud Yitzchok Meir HaLevi Levin Rosh Kollel Tiferes Netanya was niftar. His Brothers HaRav HaGaon Eliyahu Levin and Rav Yehuda will be sitting shiva at 341 11th Street.
