Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday July 13 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 89F

- Long lines at public school distribution they ran out of boxes. Deliveries also mot working out with many not receiving their orders.

- Ami Magazine’s White House Correspondent and Lakewood resident Jake Turx  accompanied President Joe Biden on his visit to Israel. He reported Biden is staying at the King David hotel, per the WH. Though, he's expected to be at the Waldorf for a bilateral meeting with the PM and possibly a press conference later on.

- Haircut alert 3 weeks begins Sunday with the fast of 17 Tamuz.

Food boxes:  some locations are giving weekend boxes for kids that are only getting 5 day boxes.

- Bnos Melech distribution of shabbos/weekend box Thursday night
- Food boxes today by the public schools 4 pm 7 day boxes and weekend boxes for those that are only getting 5 day boxes

- Mesoras Hatorah will be distributing 5 day food boxes, today, Wednesday, at 7:30 Pm at 66 Neiman Road. To sign up – text: 848-326-8078, email:, or call: 732-419-8553. Enter and exit only from Drake Rd.

- Biden lands in Israel for 2 day visit. Road closures in Yerushalayim 

- Yartzeit seuda was held in Coventry Sq last night for Benny and Malky Weiss ZL victims of the Surfside tower collapse last year.

- Tonight Hespedim commemorating the Shloshim of Rav Michoel Bender ZTL at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 8:45 pm 410 Oberlin. Rav Yerachmiel Ungarisher shlita  Rav Yaakov Yankelowitz shlita R'Y Monsey

- Joyous celebration and dancing at the home of R- Osher Eiseman last night in response to the ruling of a retrial with the next hearing scheduled August 9th after Tisha B'Av.

- Township to install a pocket park on a portion of the former property that had the community center at 4th st and railroad dr. Township is also vacating a portion of Steckler street along the property

- Lakewood BOE meeting today see agenda HERE 

- Food boxes today by the public schools 4 pm 7 day boxes and weekend boxes for those that are only getting 5 day boxes

- Update on Chestnut application at the zoning board from FAA

- Numerous car accidents yesterday on Lakewood roads

Photos Photogropher of gedolim R Shuki Lerer shows his photo book of gedolei Yisrael to the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel

Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yeruchom Olshin at a simchas Sheva brachos with the president of Agudas Yisrael


  1. taking a haircut just before בין המצרים is לענ"ד קרוב להיות עוקר the whole inyin of not cutting one’s hair during בין המצרים. It truly boggles my humble mind to understand how anyone can think otherwise

    1. Please explain. Sounds like random הרגש to me.

    2. What are you hocking is there a mekor for that. So you know that Tisha bav on shabbos you can eat a full course seudas shlomo for shaloshudes according to halacha. Do you also say not to do so.

    3. You can't make your own halachos. כל המוסיף גורע

    4. לענ"ד you need more עניית דעת

    5. לענ"ד
      you shouldn't be posting Purim Torah right before בין המצרים.
      It truly boggles my humble mind...

    6. פשוט כדברי המעורר, ובפחות מל' יום הרי אינו צריך כלל להסתפר, והרי הוא כמנובל ברשות התורה, שעושה שלא יצטרך לנהוג דין האבילות.
      כדמות ראיה לדבריו מדברי הרמב"ם על עצמו בענין אכילה בערב ת"ב, אבל לרוב פשיטותו אינו צריך לשום ראיה

    7. Total amharatzus this is what happens when you don't have a מורה הוראה and you come up with a בויך סברא

    8. Oh come on.
      First , were this to be some new Poretz geder it would be incumbent upon us to object - but it isn't.
      And, As written on a previous post:
      We have many more crucial bigger issues waiting to be dealt with .

    9. While not the original poster I do agree that it does look like you are getting a haircut in honor of the 3 weeks. Almost like you are out smarting Chazel. After all who gets a haircut more than once a month? So you basically avoid any Aveilus of haircutting!
      It's not assur you can partake in a siyum every night during the 9 days too! You can do kriah on a ripped shirt - hey it ain't assur

    10. לענ"ד
      Not taking a haircut is assur because of that fresh feeling someone gets from taking a haircut not for the fact that long hair is uncomfortable

    11. I think I saw this in Shaarei Hergesh - a Seder or potential pirush on the Shaarei Zion.
      You should take all haircuts ( and showers before the nine days) within 30 days before ‘ mit a shivereh hartz’. Then you Start your aveilus earlier and settle all ‘nehrvan’ issues.

  2. Township to install a pocket park on a portion

    Must be a really hugh pocket.

  3. I think he is making a good point
    The issur to cut hair on yomtov is to spur you to take one prior to yomtov and welcome yomtov like a mentch
    Whereas over here the issur is an outgrowth of aveilus — we should act in a way that keeps us a bit more cognizant of the lack of mikdash etc bdavka by not having our hair all neat and trim
    Haga barzmicha if a persons relative is gosesing and they quickly run to take a haircut to preempt the issur that is about to kick in
    Very solid hargashah where I’m sitting
    5 points

    1. RCK paskened that it's just fine (per sefer of shaylos that were put to him.) Is there any point in further speculation?!

    2. Many of my friends who’s parent was on deathbed ran to go take a haircut. It’s a not an inyan to walk around like a nazir and that’s exactly what you’ll look and feel like if you didn’t get a haircut in 4 weeks and then go straight into the 3 weeks.

    3. 11:05 AM:
      #1 It’s not a הרגשה, it’s a הרגש
      #2 That is exact what my father (zol ehr gezunt zein) did! A day before my mother was נפטרה, he ran to get a haircut to minimize his discomfort for the next month. No reason not to.

  4. It’s not about the actual Halacha per se it’s about the tzugong ditto for people who think about haircuts when their parents are dying it’s about where your head is

  5. Don’t see why people need to be nasty here the fellow was expressing how he feels about something everyone needs to chill a bit

    1. Halacha isn't dictated by feelings, and everyone else is just expressing their own feelings back.

    2. I personally know a senior Rosh Yeshiva who after his mother was nifteres made sure to take a haircut, before she was buried and wouldn't be allowed.
      Lo Am ha'aretz Chasid

    3. I personally know a senior Rosh Yeshiva who after his mother was nifteres made sure to take a haircut, before she was buried and wouldn't be allowed.
      Lo Am ha'aretz Chasi

  6. Think about what the 3 weeks are about and you’ll have the same hergesh plus you’ll stop with the nasty talk (borderline sinas chinam)

  7. Weekend boxes should also be for those children getting lunch in school/daycamp or is everyone just signing up for the full 7 because they are not getting 7 days at school?

  8. I think this Hergesh is flawed according to Halacha, since Halacha dictates how and when we should feel Aveilus. According to the Beis Yosef there isn't any "3 weeks" anyways, which means that absolutley no Aveilus applies for the Sefardim until שבוע שחל בו. In other words, so long as there's no aveilus, there's no aveilus. There is zero reason why a person should specifically not take a haircut to feel "more" aveilus, that is a Krumeh Sevara and against the Jewish Religion, just like the Rambam writes that one who mourns longer than 30 days is a weirdo

    1. When the aveilus starts is not at all relevant to this schmooze — just update to taking a haircut right before shavua shechal bo or what have you

  9. whos sheva brachos is R yeruchim by?

  10. Isn't it disingenuous, deceptive and disgusting how Agudah of NJ and the Boe politicians try to capitalize on the food boxes posting videos that you should think they get credit for it while it Has nothing to do with them. Is this what lakewood has to hear and listen too????

    1. The BOE and Agudah got the government to agree to boxes rather than having to eat the meals onsite on a daily basis.

    2. Not true you are mixing up 2 different programs. They are opportunists

  11. Dunno what everyone’s getting all worked up about. Everyone’s father and rosh yeshiva were definitely not in violation of Halacha. No one ever suggested that. The commenter was merely sharing a sentiment that he feels strongly about. From the fact that people are getting so riled up about it is proof positive that it is at the very least something stimulating to consider and food for thought. Now don’t forget to get your hair cut!

  12. To eat out of a sukkah right before sukkos laniyas dati you ruined the whole sukkos. Start sukkah eating at the very least from Rosh hashana
