Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Song of יבמות

Daf Yomi will makes a Siyum on Maseches Yevamos tomorrow. From the Songs of Shas series here's the song of Yevamos by R' Yossi Gleiberman. For lyrics see Here The Song of Yevamos by R' Yossi Gleiberman. This is the newest addition to the Songs of Shas series, which offers a summarizing, concise, and joyful chazara of the klallim and yesodos of each masechta in an easy-to-remember and retainable rhyme.

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing. I was at first skeptical but I now realize how this started a new genre which is extremely useful to remember the main sugyas of the mesechta. I also feel good realizing that most of the points he mentions I vaguely remember, meaning that I actually do remember a great deal of the mesechta.

    As these are available for free, I hope someone else comes along to add illustrations or diagrams for each sentence of the poem, so one could briefly see a sketch of the sugya the song is alluding to.

    Ashrei chelko.
