Thursday, July 28, 2022

An Answer to The Tuition Crisis

 By R' Aaron Lang

The answer to the tuition crisis in not vouchers. The only reason why we have a right to nonpublic education is because of Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925). Otherwise everyone would be required to go to public school. Read my dogma at: Here 

In 2011 I wrote a paper explaining how the district can pay for public school teachers in nonpublic schools without violating Lemon v. Kutzman (1971) by way of Option Two. The advantage of this plan was that it did not need state approval since it was already in the administrative code.

I now have a better plan. The state provided $400,000 for public school STEM teachers in nonpublic schools. Under current law, this violates the Lemon case if the teacher stands alone because the teacher cannot be monitored


The solution is easy. We have the capability today to monitor the public school teacher by requiring him to record the lesson on his cellphone onto a server. Hence there will be no entanglement between state and religion.

I think the Court will overturn Lemon anyway but no one wants to give me the test case. They are cowards, .. and don't want the attention. A bigger problem is that English is assur in Lakewood but I am ready and willing.

Aaron Lang


  1. Unfortunately your plan would not work. It is highly unlikely that the religious schools would integrate STEM education into their secular curricula.

  2. I commend all your valiant efforts on behalf of our children and town (and up and coming towns Jackson Toms River etc) particularly in opposition to the established powers that be

    That said, I wonder at the practicality of your suggestion — and maybe that’s what you alluded to at the the end of your comment — as stem education isn’t really a priority around these parts and taking gov money earmarked for stem would open up the schools to all kinds of scrutiny they’d rather avoid as well as potentially having the gov dictate the particulars within stem that need to be taught which religious schools would not agree to

    Keep fighting the good fight and much thanks

  3. How about pushing up the level of stem without the T perhaps
    Will give many kids something to do rather than messing around online . And prospects for a better future

  4. to anonymous @219 pm
    you do not have the foggiest notion of what t is.
    as i suspect most of the asifa rabbonim as well.

    1. So both concur the level of the other three ought to be raised. Ditto

  5. Vouchers will not help, as the schools will raise tuition by that amount and you will be left with the same bill. I don’t believe there will be any gain for the parents. The schools just won’t have to fundraise so much.
