Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av July 29 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, July 29, 2022 / א׳ אב תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת מטות-מסעי ראש חודש אב 
                     משנכנס אב ממעטין השמחה 
 Weather: High 88F. shabbos day, Sunny along with a few clouds. High 89F
-Candle lighting 7:55 pm shkiah/sunset 8:13 pm
- Mega Millions lottery jackpot now $1.28 Billion drawing tonight with a cash value of $648.2 million.

- More schools in Lakewood raising tuition due to raising their Morahs & teachers  salaries and increased expenses. Schools sneaking in higher registration fees too. 

- The Lakewood Library Branch will be closed today for maintenance after bed bugs were found in books that were placed in the drop off box.

-LSTA increasing non mandated busing costs from 180 to $260 per student parents given short notice and  have until this Monday August 1stat 12:00 pm to opt up of busing otherwise they will bill the full new amount

- Nine days Falafel bar $20 all you van eat at SnapsKosher. Parve cholent in Fleishing keilim throughout 9 days at Gourmet Glatt

-Sprite is retiring its green plastic bottles after more than 60 years, CNN reports. Coca-Cola said that it’s changing the packaging from green to clear plastic beginning August 1 as part of broader efforts to become more environmentally responsible.

-Condition of Rav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss, gaon av bais din of the Badatz of the Eidah Hachareidis of Yerushalayim, has stabilized but he is still in critical condition  please daven for Rav Yitzchok Tuvia ben Rikel.

- Rosh Chodesh at the kosel Reform movement women cause provocation during davening


  1. Environmentally, whats the difference a green or clear bottle

    1. The untinted bottle can be easier recycled

  2. Although teachers do need more money to live, the Mosdos do need to find other sources of revenue and can't rely only on the parents.

    1. Heimish,

      Schools are not supposed to be run like for-profit businesses that are looking for new ways to make money. They’re objective is simply to educate, and that’s it. Tuition and government grants are the only revenue sources they should be focusing on.

      Perhaps you should be spending your time to listen to your suggestion to work on other revenue sources to help your school. Good luck.

    2. Never said a school should be a for profit business. Yes their objective is to educate. However they need to find other revenue sources than parents and the government. Parents are being crushed and can't afford it.

      I will give you my example and I'm sure there are others in worse shape than me.

      Earn 97,000 before taxes and I'm paying 6 tuitions. My housing cost is under $2,000 a month - includes real estate taxes and homeowner insurance. Not eligible for any program other than Jersey Care for the kids. Made a Chasuna this year and a Bar Mitzva next year. What would you think is a normal amount for me to pay yearly per kid for tuition? 3000 / 4000 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000???

    3. As the number of baal habatim increases, schools in Lakewood should act like other places where tuition is higher but breaks are more readily available even for those who work. The guys making big bucks should support their schools like in all other cities even if the schools don't make exclusive cigar rolling events.

    4. Heimish, even if you didn't pay tuition at all the school owners would have a very comfortable and cozy surplus.
      How do I know? The same way you could know:
      If you know how much Rabeim and teachers are being paid, and how many kids in the class, then all you need is a calculator.
      Now you know.

    5. Why should how much you earn matter when it comes to tuition? Did the caterer at the wedding and bar mitzva adjust their price based on your income? There is a cost to educate a child and you should be paying that share.

    6. Halachic authorities throughout the ages have acknowledged the collective responsibility to provide a Torah education to Jewish children. Yes parents should pay as much as they are able to, however there is a community responsibility also. And therefore schools need to fundraise and find sources of revenue and not only rely on the parents.

  3. No Toameha with schnapps should be like that every Friday

    1. If your gonna try to sound frum at least don’t show your amaratzis. Schnapps is totally mutar in the 9 days

  4. raising tuition for moros is a total scam.
    The day you find a rosh mosed who will show you the books is the day you will realize what a racket this is

    1. Do you realize how many chashuvim you are accusing of "making money" off the tzibur? please stop!

    2. even the very greatest are obligated to give accounting cf.Pekudei

    3. Please. Go open a school for the kids who are clamoring to get in. And we fargin you to make a profit.

  5. with proper fundraising the tuition raise could be avoided. there are ppl who are able and more than happy to donate.

  6. Very simple, everyone running a school should be eligible to a nice pay check, but shouldn't get any ownership in the building. And after 20 years the school is basically self sufficient, being that they are mortgage free. More so the wealthy would donate to the building of schools much more. And not just to get in their kids
