Thursday, July 14, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 Haskafa by Reb Gershon Ribner shlita 

 When a newlywed is severely disappointed with the spouse Azus panim occasionally employed by the very refined Concerns Gedolei Yisroel voiced regarding translation of the Talmud

How a responsible rav took the initiative to restore shalom bais The art of dating is forever elusive even among the experienced A casual comment from the Or Sameach reveals the greatness of achronim


  1. It’s now on spotify

    1. Link? Can't seem to find it...

  2. Reb Gershon got “ honorable “ mention a few times this week on Natan Slifkins rationalist Judaism


  3. Not worth mentioning.
    That site is just a cover for
    espousing virtual OpenOrthodoxy- a tad less daring and more socially acceptable though perhaps
    That mostly marginal orthoprax in all but name crowd and their bar kamtza -lucky fella, how many others have fantasies of making it like he, but don't because they more integrity -chief are awfully mean spirited, backstabbing defensive, and shrill! So, who cares?
    All the supposed rationalism is out the window promptly, in case any were lulled into still believing it ever existed prior in the first place.

    When losing and weak on defense, gotta keep on the offense!

    1. Take a look at the people closest to him to see who's winning or losing

    2. "hardly worth mentioning."
      *Proceeds with a barely coherent rant on said topic*

  4. Who are the people closest to him? They certainly aren't Talmidey Chachomim. I have a cousin who is a Rebbe in YU and even he looks at Slifkin as a borderline apikorus with the question being which side of the border(He also said that different Rebbeim in YU view Slifkin differently. Some view Slifkin like he does. Others are less hostile)

  5. Roughly around the end of the ‘80s the yeshiva velt went away from dealing head on with hashkafa. They became possibly triumphant ,a little smug, and believed the old battles were won. That left a gap unfortunately for a new generation to grow without the awareness that haskafic issues of import having been dealt with. And it was unnecessary to reinvent the wheel over and over as most of it is just variations of largely similar agendas. My conjecture roughly age 27 – 47 for males. Different likely for females.
    However letting down the guard was indeed a mistake. It allowed the younger generation to be ensnared convincingly by predators in sheepskin with disguised goals pretending these endless permutations haven't been effectively dealt with in recent generations and the frum velt lack comprehensive responses-And often that need to be responded to, even if it might to the Johnny come lately appear they haven't been dealt with at all: the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    To world detriment, we gave those sly fellas like him an inch or two, and they ran with it . And are still running…
    R G to his credit realizes & that's why he's now addressing issues some of which was previously less relevant, some may have fallen through the cracks, but mostly what used to be obvious to those a generation older- probably less capable of articulating.

    Oh..if getting personal is your need, the duplicitous fella who runs the site has a daughter with a nose ring

  6. Cohen Y,
    As usual, you’re spot on.
