Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Events Tuesday July 19

 - Hachtoras dayanim and היתר הוראה for the bais havaad linyonei Mishpat and bais Horaah Linyonei Ribis tonight at Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak street 

-  Parlor meeting for Yeshiva Shaarei Orah R"Y Rav Doniel Cohen, Rav Dessler, Rav Rothchild at 8 Juniper Ln, (Pine River) 8:00 pm

Video Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron greets Lakewood satmar bochurim in New Hampshire 



  1. Why are the Bochurim kissing the Rebbes's hand ? A handshake is not good enough?

    1. This has been the minhag in klal Yisrael for generations.
      You kiss the Hand of people you respect as a Rabbi or parents.
      Parents when they bench their children Friday night or erev yom kippur stretch out their hand so their child can kiss it.

    2. This is a minhag from the goyim. Jews don't do this

    3. It's the accepted custom of Sefardim and all Hungarians chssidish and Ashkenazish. Nothing extraordinary here.

    4. Yeshivaleit kiss their Rosh Yeshiva too (on their face) when giving shalom.

    5. Quite the difference, ay?

  2. Is it legal for the boxes not to serve one child? Would that go against their "discrimination policy" I don't understand how there are too many families eligible for more than 1 child - most daycamps daycares are giving out meals..

  3. They are kids not in daycamp or daycamp not eligible to get from the government so parent are paying for it so they are eligible. Also on the seven day a week program the weekends aren’t being given

  4. It’s a chassidish minhag to kiss the rebbe’s hand. Hopefully he has hand sanitizer handy.

  5. I think this chevrah should be careful to since there mouths with listerene after kissing the hand of a "Rebbe" who doesn't speak with his brother
