Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita

A father's fateful decision after receiving incriminating info on a bochur How imperative it is to be a bar daas ] "Super-Lomdus": The obsession with abstract subtleties My roommate is habitually sleeping through zman krias shema


  1. The father, in my opinion, despite his daughters non confrontational nature, is putting his child into a marriage with a guy that is very possibly not going to treat her with the proper respect and sensitivity, as sichsuchim inevitably come up, personalities notwithstanding. Winning in marriage in the long term entails losing in the short term, something that seems beyond this boys ken. I hope the father wasn’t risking his daughters marital happiness to snag a “top” eidim

    1. What is it that you're basing your opinion on? What is it that you're basing your baseless assertion of 'top' eidim on?? Au contraire - everyone knew that he has aggressive personality. And to you, an aggressive personality is automatically a person to be cancelled. So, what is "top" about that?

      The reality though, is that an aggressive personality can be very beneficial when channeled correctly. (This is true about every personality.) This father was caring and aware enough of what personality would complement
      his daughter's properly, and what his daughter needed.
