Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Food Boxes Resume for the Summer Months

 Registration for Lakewood food box OTL distribution at Schi/Center HERE 

The food boxes have been approved by the state and Lakewood schools and mosdos will once again resume the weekly food boxes. The program was approved for 3 months, it would run through September. Vendors and schools will start again where they left off last year. Should take about a week for logistics to get the boxes up and running. Same eligibility rules as last years program. Some schools may set-up  a delivery system look out for more details, with skyrocketing costs of groceries more people are expected to take advantage.


  1. does anyone think this wont cause food price inflation?

    1. In theory it should cause deflation.

    2. Inflation. People are saving money on food, allowing them to spend extra elsewhere, causing rising demand for goods and services.
      Food boxes is just another way to package a stimulus check.

  2. Ye sliced peaches and falafel balls will skyrocket

  3. obviously tuition will go up now.
    There will be a need for mosdos to hire help to provide this service for the tzibur and give for the klal.

  4. Lol.
    But really. If ppl rely on the food in boxes then they wouldnt buy as much....

  5. Expired spoiled grape juice and moldy bread will skyrocket too

  6. This time around the olam will be vigilant no more dumping old food or failed products into the boxes. The olam is expecting fresh food fresh bread and no expired items.

  7. What’s with the sense of entitlement??? If you don’t like what’s in the boxes DON’T TAKE THEM! Just stop kvetching!!

    1. The food is given to US, not to the Mosdos and not the people who made millions of it.
      Yes, we are entitled to OUR money that the US government provided for us. Those who take maaser on the way are stealing from US.
      Just like when your children's school bus doesn't bother showing up, it is stealing from US, not the government.

    2. The govt. gave money for food boxes. Some of Acheinu were able to profit from it. B"H! The govt. was giving the money anyway. Do I detect some jealousy towards those who benefited from the distribution? If you feel the govt. money could have been used more efficiently, please let your govt. representatives know. But please don't let your kinah take over.

    3. Where does jealousy come in?
      All I wrote was that we ARE entitled to it, nobody is doing us a favor by giving us that which is ours.

  8. They need to give ebt cards instead

  9. Exactly what we don't need at a time of food supply chain shortages.

  10. It’s not kinah to feel like you’re being taken advantage of when the schools made a mint on boxes and ppp while charging everyone full tuition and now it even went up crazy high!

    1. Do you know any school that has a surplus of funds? I don't. If they found another way to get funds, instead of going directly to the parents, that's good for all of us.

    2. How would you know did you see their books ?

    3. Please tell us how you know they dont have a surplus

    4. How would you know if schools have a surplus?
      What we do know is that between PPP, testing protocols and food boxes, schools made a killing. And not one penny of that was passed on to parents.

    5. Depends what you call surplus. vihameivin yavin...

    6. If you know of a school that's willing to open their books, I have a bridge to sell you.

    7. the only ones that know how much money the schools have are the school owners.
      They say the school struggles financially. But They will NEVER open the books. I guess were to assume its because they don't want anyone to know how LITTLE money they really have...

    8. Here we go again with the Rosh Mosod bashing.
      Will everyone stop the hate please! What they do is none of our business. There is a Hashem in this world! If they're doing something wrong don't you think Hashem knows how to deal with it???
      Why do we need to be involved?
      Its between the Rosh Mosod and Hashem

    9. "none of our business"?!
      With the right to be treated as a public charity?

      Arafat? Hussain? Rubashkin? Bernie Madoff
      Is the public supposed to always hold their silence?
      Does The Borei Olam want us to say and do nothing

  11. The schools admitted that they had a surplus from boxes and ppp, it’s not rocket science. Anyway I fargin them a surplus but during covid when there was no school and everyone was suffering they should have given everyone a break on tuition. Most schools did not.

  12. let us remember very clearly how much pressure the moisdos put on the middle class parents while providing sub-par recognition for the middle class parents
