Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday July 17 fast of 17 Tamuz Updates

 כל רודפיה השיגוה בין המצרים

Weather: 85 Cloudy early followed by heavy thunderstorms this afternoon. High around 85F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.

Fast is over at 9:12 pm

- Levaya of Rav Shmuel Yehuda Levine ZTL in Lakewood today at Bais Medrash Govoha Bais Yitzchok B"M 6:00 pm

- Bais Medrash Lutzk: Mincha 1:45/3:45/6:30/7:54

- B"M Lutzk Harav Gershon Ribner Shlita will speak between mincha/maariv Mincha at 7:54 Maariv 8:54 pm

- Annual Lakewood  parlor meeting for yeshiva Chayei Olam of Monsey R"Y Rav Yaakov Yankelowitz shlita tonight at Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak st at 8:35 pm followed by Maariv and refreshments. Rav Aryeh Sshirwinter shlita will speak at 9:50

- 300 Jews went up to the Har habayis today, thousands are expected to go during the 3 weeks.

- Covid numbers going up in Israel 1393 hospitalized, 435 in in serious condition 84 on respirators, 46 died in last 7 days

- New Jersey state Senator Joe Cryan says he is working on legislation to hold state prosecutors accountable after Superior Court Judge Joseph Paone last week issued an order granting a new trial for SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann due to a Brady Act violation. Based on the article in the NJGlobe. (Onejerseyschorr)

- Seasons kosher opening supermarket in Tom's River at the shopping center corner Cox cro and Route 9


  1. Senator Cryan is a criminal with a nefarious past. Not someone U want to be associated with.

    1. All politicians are shady people....

    2. Or maybe just targeted by a corrupt prosecutor like rabbi eisman was.


    Mass shooter at Indianapolis mall stopped by armed citizen...
