Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday July 8 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 85 with increasing clouds this afternoon. High around 85F. 
Shabbos day rain high of 72
Friday, July 8, 2022 / ט׳ תמוז תשפ״ב
ערב שבת פרשת חקת candle lighting 8:10 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:28 pm

- Elon Musk terminates $44 billion Twitter deal.

- Shortage of lettuce at several Lakewood stores 

- Bobov45 rebbe will be spending shabbos in Union New Jersey at the new growing Bobov community there. 

- Kashrus Alert from Hisachdus: Shoe peas and Sugar Snap peas have recently been found highly infested with insects therefore one should refrain from using them.

- Campaign has been launched in Brooklyn to save Maimonides hospital after recent complaints about the care over the years. a website has been set up

-Tefillos this morning  for Reb Osher Ben Chana Frumet who is having a hearing today with closing arguments  all are asked to say a few kapitlach Tehillim after davening.

- Son of Belzer rebbe R' Aaron Mordechai Rojeach  meets Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita. see video below

-Daf Yomi begins Maseches Kesubos today. MDY will have a daf yomi shiur in Lakewood this motzei shabbos followed by a Melava Malka and kumzitz at the Chestnut shul 11:00 pm.

- Final off shabbos for most yeshiva before the end of the zman

- Food boxes will consist of 7 day boxes of 14 meals for children 0-18. Boe officials initially said it was a 5 day box ages 3 - 18
- Yesodei food box Reservation HERE

-  stunning upset, former Ocean County Republican Chairman has won his old position, beating County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy 333-320.

- Ukraine announced that it will not allow visitors into the country to spend the Rosh Hashanah in Uman this year due to the ongoing war. Russian war in our country,”Korniychuk wrote, “despite all efforts, we can not guarantee the security of pilgrims and do not currently allow tourists and visitors to enter Ukraine.”

- Video Belz Rebbe son with Lakewood R"Y