Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday July 24 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: 98° Sunshine and a few clouds. Near record high temperatures. High 98F. Heat advisory remains in effect until 8:00pm tonight. Heat index values up to 102.

- Temps in Lakewood officially hit 101 today

- According to Agudah their campaign on behalf of Ukrainian refugees has so far raised $6 million in Lakewood alone over the last several months. A total of $33,105,923 of their $50 million goal has been raised to date (shlomo Schorr)

- A teen was reported  missing this afternoon in Lakewood near Sprinkles North on the Howell border. A search team was quickly assembled from several organizations BH he was found a short while later. The heat was over 100 today.

- James and Cross street Lak Planning Board is set to hear applications for an additional 125 homes plus basement apartments (500 cars), and 2 yeshiva campuses with dormitories and Simcha Halls in this area. See story  at FAA news

- Last week of the zman for for boys mesivtas, zman ends wed/Thursday.

- Kollel Chazu summer yeshiva bein Hazmanim will take place this week for Lakewood bochurim at participating neighborhood shuls. Breakfast served after davening.

- Bde: Rebbetzin Sarah Ettel Freifeld A"h wife of Rav Shlomo Freifeld ztl The levayah today 11 a.m at Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv, 1 CedarLawn Ave in Far Rockaway, NY. (Matzav)

- Mega Millions Jackpot soars To $790 Million after No winning ticket was Sold. The next drawing is Tuesday night at 11pm with a cash option valued at $464.4 million

- Lakewood Catskills bus is $50 one way  leaving Sunday and Thursday to the Catskills 718-599-5040 option 2

- Food boxes today 7 day boxes from Aisle 9  at 3:15pm in the Masoras Avos parking lot (entrance from 198 Ocean Ave). Boxes are for 4 children.
 in Deal at 100 Grant Ave 7AM. Food boxes will continue this week through August in Lakewood there's no need to sign or register for eligible meals. The requested paperwork is for the vendors to keep track of how much to order and how many meals were distributed.

- TRUMP: “If I announced that I was not going to run for office, the persecution of Donald Trump would immediately stop. We know that, everybody knows that. But, that’s what they want me to do. And you know what? There’s no chance I do that. There’s just no chance I do that.”

- WHO declares monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The Biden administration is considering whether to declare the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency.

- At around 8:30 pm on Friday a woman was killed in a serious crash on South Lake Drive in Lakewood. Two vehicles were involved in the crash that included an overturned vehicle and a vehicle fire. A female passenger in the burning vehicle was pronounced dead and the driver of the overturned vehicle was rushed to Jersey Shore University Medical Center with serious injuries. (Shore News)

- Tuition increases: More schools in Lakewood have raised their tuition as receive the contracts for next year. Elementary girls schools went up by $500 - $1200 boys school up by $1000 and a new girls high school is charging $12,000 for this coming year.

- Three passengers die in a Toms River car crash that went thru a red light on Lakehurst road and Hospital drive. The passengers, a 54-year-old man, 52-year-old woman and 23-year-old man, were all citizens of China.

- State Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer, a Republican representing New Jersey’s 12th Legislative District, died Saturday at age 73. Dancer represented parts of Burlington, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties. Of the municipalities in Monmouth and Ocean counties. The former mayor of plumsted was elected for assembly last November It will now be up to the Republican Party in his district to select a replacement to fill the final year and a half of Dancer’s term.




  3. The Deal boxes were distributed at 7 AM. There are no boxes left for tonight.

  4. No way in the world should the board approve this development on Cross and James. Cross St is already a nightmare as is! I thought they weren’t approving these selfish and greedy plans anymore!

    1. This is just another example of a private investor/developer using the name of torah by using a school name (e.g. campus zone) to reap huge profits at the expense of the residents. This ridiculous ordinance to allow extremely flexible zoning regulations, which was originally written by a certain college to benefit itself, has been getting abused by greedy developers to unfairly destroy our town.

  5. Why can't these yeshivas be opened outside Lakewood to help attract people to a new community?

  6. How is this called a yeshiva to teach Torah if it is being used as a קרדום לחפור בו.
    The educational campus is a loophole that is being used

    1. As the saying goes: In Lakewood the biggest profits are the "non-profits"

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You are 1000% correct. The level of קרדום לחפור בה that goes on in this town with schools is insane. It is nothing short of a terrible abuse against the taxpaying public, which our well-paid committeemen are doing everything they can to keep it going. The "Chemdas Hatorah" application isn't the only one coming up. There are still others in the planning board pipeline attempting to circumvent our zoning laws without providing the necessary infrastructure.

  7. Tuition increases? Why?
    Mathematically speaking, based on the current tuition being charged per student, with 25 student's per class, even if only 90 percent (it's more) pay the "reduced Lakewood rate", that should cover any established or even semi established school budget and still be left with a handsome surplus.
    This is based on what we all know the approximate rate Rabbeim and Moros are being payed, AND taking into account other faculty salary, building, mortgage, and other expenses.
    This is not taking into account PPP, Covid grants, security grants and all the fundraisers etc.
    So please tell me: Why the tuition increase, and where is the surplus going?

    1. For the record, cheder english teachers are not getting raised. The school is taking the extra tuition charge and using it for the rabbeim only. It is unfair to the english staff which has a much harder time dealing with the kids in the afternoon. Why treat them like second class citizens and not raise them too?

    2. 1. The percentage of those paying tuition Lakewood is closer to 95% +
      2. Don't forget that there is a large percentage that don't pay the reduced Lakewood rate and pay the higher rate of $2000-$5000 more

  8. Before posting anonymous comments think twice. Mr Cohen suggest posting anonymously is the reason people are in white collar prison. I’m not sure I understand either but I won’t question him.

    1. Who is Mr. Cohen and why should anybody care what he thinks?

    2. Ehh..So an atmosphere which people cast insinuating aspersions on ehrliche impeccable
      individuals who davka post with names, as opposed to the converse instead,
      [and would seem to be so oppressive the vast majority need to post anonymously] is an atmosphere that somehow happens to breed respect for integrity

  9. The only way to bring the housing cost down is to build houses that have rentals..yes there is traffic but you have everything a yid can want and demand is what controls the market.. 100 families a year moving to Cleveland doesn't cut it when b
    Mg had 520 chassanim last yr

    1. They are building homes that are not affordable
      The rentals are over 2000 also not affordable for a young couple but the biggest issue is they are building it for chasidim from outsider Lakewood so all this need for new housing is not helping solve anything but enrich the investors. The young couples of Lakewood have been priced out and all are moving ti Jackson,Manchester, Howell and further. People are fed up with the traffic. There has been zero infrastructure improvements despite all the new planned building.

  10. Mr Cohen nobody is stopping you from commenting anonymously. Not sure why you’re getting so bent out of shape here.

  11. Gas prices have been dropping daily for forty days, yet all of the republican sheeple from this and other sites cannot credit Biden like they blamed him for the increase.
    I wonder why

    1. They're lower than they were but still sky high.

    2. 1) In 18 months he hiked the price of gas up from $2.30 a gallon to over $4.30 a gallon.

      2) The price of gas always drops after July 4th. Every year.

      3) He emptied the emergency gas put away for a war etc. (And he sold a chunk of it to China!) The US never had so little gas put away since 40 years ago.

    3. The sheeple are out in full force.

    4. Even so..sheeple is a better option defending against crows eating like vultures

  12. Because Biden said they were Putin’s prices so he doesn’t get credit when it goes down. Besides it ain’t exactly cheap now it’s just not as insane as it was.
