Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday July 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 91° Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 91F. Winds at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

- Two senators slam Nicodemo for prosecutorial misconduct Deputy attorney general withheld evidence that led to Lakewood rabbi’s conviction, judge said(NJGlobe)

- At the levaya in E"Y, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Soleveitchik shlita the Brisker R"Y was maspid saying the petirah was a loss for the entire America.

-2:15 pm LIVE NOW Levaya in Eretz Yisroel for Rav Shmuel Yehuda Levine ZTL at approx 2:00 pm EST 9:00pm in Israel watch live stream Here 

- Dr. Fauci to retire at the end of Bidens term 

- Asifa in Trenton for yeshiva bochurim ahead of summer bein hazmanim regarding cell phones and other topics. At cure arena 

- Extended heat wave through the rest of the week with temperatures expected to climb to 90 degrees or higher across much of the state.

- Zoning board meeting tonight watch 7:00 Pm watch live Here see Agenda Here on the agenda
-Cell tower application for Georgian Court will continue tonight 
-Aisle nine market on Madison Ave looking to expand purchasing property from BMG
-Applications for Duplexes on Lanes Mills,single homes on Drake rd,West Cross st

- Letter signed by BMG Roshei Yeshiva states "these towers do not come free of serious health concerns and risks for the Lakewood community". The letter also states that installation of cell towers in residential areas "defies Torah law", and calls on Lakewood residents to "join the efforts to oppose these advancements". See more at FAA

- Vice President Kamala Harris will be in Atlantic City today to deliver the keynote address at the NAACP National Convention followed by a roundtable discussion with Lt. Gov. Oliver to "discuss reproductive rights." the White House says.

- Food boxes: signup for Food Box Delivery from Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah To sign up: Jot Form Here or text: 848-326-8078, email:, or call: 732-419-8553. Please provide parent’s first and last name, cell phone, address, and number of children eligible. Eligibility is for children ages 0-18 who are not already receiving meals elsewhere.


  1. What about these?

    Duplexes on Lanes Mills,single homes on Drake rd,West Cross st


    1. A neighbor with seichelJuly 18, 2022 at 1:19 PM

      Aisle Nine (Appeal # 4244) has a chutzpah to try expanding their store and bring even more customers and cars into the tiny lot. It was originally supposed to be similar to a convenience store and that's all. But the traffic mess generated by that place is just too much.

      The place is a constant sakanah due to the overwhelming number of vehicles constantly going in and out of that place with NO ROOM TO PARK. In fact, many customers are forced to park on the sidewalks, in neighboring private parking lots, or illegally on 10th St. Route 9 also gets constantly backed up from cars trying to get in there but get stuck because there's no room to navigate in the tiny lot. Their food truck deliveries are also beyond insane and cause everyone in the area big headaches.

      Simply put, the place is in a constant state of vehicular chaos. It needs to get downsized instead of expanded by several thousand square feet! Let’s hope the Board members have the common sense to DENY this application.

    2. Of course it won’t be denied - it’s not a Shul!!

    3. Why can't you fargin another yid should have a parnassa

    4. Anon 4:32,

      Why can't the store owner not be so selfish, just so he can make more money, at the expense of the neighborhood's safety? This is besides the place looking like a slum.

      If he wants to make more money let him find a bigger location, instead of stuffing it where it does not belong!

    5. Aisle 9 is using the Lakewood location as their operation center and dumping ground for their Jackson store. There is no way in the world that the Jackson zoning board would ever let them get away with the crazy traffic chaos they created here in Lakewood. Why is it fair that we should get stuck with this dump? If they outgrew the current location, then it's time for them to move to a bigger place and not squeeze more use into this tiny location!



  5. Duplexes have no business on Lanes Mill . Keep it single family.

  6. Which delivered boxes have the best stuff? And how do I sign up for that?

    1. All the same make sure nothing is spoiled cuz there's not good refrigeration since the boxes for delivery sit in warehouse and trucks in the heat.

  7. While we're so concerned about the potential health risks of cell towers, what about the definite health risks of adding cars to our roads?

    1. Anon 8:16,

      I think your question isn't really a question. Adding cars to our roads is not a definite health risk.

  8. Yeah aisle 9! One if the local stores that understands that good customer service brings good business. I hope they will expand the terrible parking situation

    1. They don’t provide baskets

    2. Ha ha the parking situation is courtesy of our Zoning Board and isn't going to change

    3. Nuch an Anonymous CommenterJuly 18, 2022 at 11:19 AM

      Suggestion for you: Shop somewhere else that has basket! Option B: Jealous of the oilum that shops in Aisle 9? Swallow it and shop there.

    4. That is pure sheker. There is a sign by every register about the charge for using a CC under a set amount. And for all those kvetching about the parking in the Lakewood location and blaming the boards here, the shopping center in Jackson by the new store is an utter disaster for parking and you can't blame the Lakewood boards for that mess.

    5. clearly the sign is no good as I missed it and I'm sure others have too.

    6. anon 7:26,

      I've never seen the sign. Apparently, the wording is in very small print and placed in an inconspicuous place. Halacha mandates that if you're going to charge a cusomer extra, you have a duty to make absolutely certain he is fully aware of what you're charging him BEFORE you do so. If you refuse to place the sign in large and conspicuous print, you run a serious risk of geneivah. Is it really worth it??

  9. shiur by Rav Asher Weiss .the Minchaa ASher on issues of Gineyvas dass and onoah.Mincha at 8 followed by shiur at kollel imre kohen 185 miller road.


  11. There was a lot from the Township on 10th st next to bais Aaron is that for sale

  12. Does anyone believe that if the bochrim go to trenton, they will more comply than if the asifa is held in Lakewood?

    1. Why can't each Rosh Yeshiva take achrayus for his own bochurim? Why make assifos day in and day out?
      Just like each Rosh Yeshiva should be taking achrayus to teach his bochurim how to behave in other situations, so too with cellphones.


    2. The purpose behind the
      Asifa is likely well intended nonetheless it needs to be in Trenton because
      Askanim need to keep their show going and keep themselves occupied

    3. And those who are supposed to have responsibility to deal with these things outsourced it over to them

    4. Nothing to do with that. This was not only for Lakewood Yeshivos. This was for all tri-state Yeshivos, hence the need for a large more centrally located venue. Why would Yeshivos from Monsey and elsewhere shlep to lakewood. Trenton is closer to them.

    5. There was no need for this Assifa. This is a total leitzonus.
      People have this strange need to make huge gatherings just to show that they exist. It is the opposite of Tznius and is the furthest from what we need in these times.

    6. Nu.
      While we could accept that plausibly, the second post more than ever applies

  13. Why no duplexes on lanes mill? It’s only for the besere mentchen?

    1. Anon - 2:09

      Halberstam said they want affordable townhouses on Lanes Mill Road. He seems to like the whispering pines model. It's shocking how at tonight's meeting he clearly pushed the GM Lanes Mill, LLC application through and bullied the other board member to change an R-20 into an R-7.5 to basically triple the density of those lots.

    2. Matza min es mino. More of the same

  14. It’s like the shul that was supposed to be built in WG a few years ago. The shul they proposed was huge and there was going to be a whole 6 spots!

    1. Why do you keep spewing garbage and hate? Especially now in the 3 weeks? If you’re going to spew at least spew truthfully.

  15. What do ppl expect to happen? My cell service gets worse by the day. We need towers. Maybe if they hadn't built on every piece of empty land we would have a good place to put a tower.

    1. just noticed a beautiful cell tower overlooking the former flea market..

  16. I’m not spewing garbage and hate, just the facts as I know them. Is anything I said not true? Instead of attacking me why don’t you say what you believe is the truth? If you do everyone could use their own judgement who to believe, otherwise you’re just another blogger attacking someone for saying something you don’t like. I seem to recall that it was one side that was doing a lot of that and name calling. Let’s debate facts and substance instead of resorting to attacking anyone you disagree with.

    1. There were a lot more than 6 spots proposed. Anyways everyone knows that the parking had nothing to do with it being denied.

  17. Right it was denied because it was illegal to build there. I never said it was denied because of parking.

  18. No. It was denied because a lawyer was hired (with yiddishe gelt schnorred from people who don’t have money) to fight something that was ALREADY APPROVED, due to outright kinah. There have been many, many applications that were truly illegal and nonsensical that have been pushed through. As has been said numerous times, it depends who you are, who you know and how well connected you are to the higher ups.

  19. If I believe everything you said in the beginning it has nothing to do with who you know and who you are connected with as you say at the end. You say it was denied because of a lawyer hired and you claim those who paid for it don’t have money (opinion which may or may not be true) so was it the lawyer or connections?

    1. Interesting how as soon as kinah, sinah, hired lawyers etc are mentioned people feel the need to justify themselves! Oif a ganev Brent a hittel immediately comes to mind...

  20. Are there two types of kinah outright and not outright?

  21. When people are robbing the community and krum, the ones attempting to hold them accountable are suffering jealousy?!

  22. Huh? Mr Cohen you feel important when posting comments that don’t make any sense on every post?

  23. How come you are so frightened of the consequences that you,with nearly everyone else, need to post anonymously?!

  24. Mr Cohen why don’t you share your first name and while you’re at it your real last name as well?

  25. What more proof do you need for your immature impudence, Mr anonymous: rank, serial number, social security, hi witnesses
    Post your email address

  26. Did we strike a raw nerve Mr Cohen? I apologize I didn’t mean it

  27. Remarkable. Was honesty ever part of your worldview?
    Was it removed from the dictionary?No wonder there's so many members of the community sitting in White collar prison

    Hopefully enough of us are straight enough to unabashedly post our name. The concept must be for you too foreign

  28. Honesty? White collar prison? What are you talking about? Is the reason people are in prison because they remain anonymous when they comment online?
