Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tuesday July 12 News Updates

 Weather: 92° Some clouds and possibly an isolated thunderstorm this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 92F. Winds 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.


Yahoo News Lakewood SCHI founder gets retrial: Upon learning of Paone's decision granting his client a new trial, Vartan said the defense team looks forward to the future proceeding."We have never once waivered from the fact that Osher Eisemann is innocent," Vartan said. "The newly discovered evidence — evidence that prosecutors sat on for years — proves that. We are eager to get that evidence before a new trial jury and see Rabbi Eisemann fully and finally exonerated." 

“It does more than merely contradict the evidence adduced at trial; it goes to the central issue of defendant’s guilt and has the probable effect of exonerating the defendant," Paone wrote.”This court certainly agrees with the state that her testimony is ’evidence (which) must be reviewed with a certain degree of circumspection to ensure that it is not the product of fabrication and, if credible and material, is of sufficient weight that it would probably alter the outcome of the verdict in a new trial,’” Paone wrote. ”In the most literal sense, however, there can be no doubt that if Janowski is believed by a jury, the verdict will be different

- The judge scheduled a court date for August 9th, to serve as a pretrial hearing for a new trial. The case is still in a precarious state, and the Eisemann Family has asked that people continue to daven for Osher ben Chana Frumet.

-1:45 pm BREAKING New Jersey Superior Court Judge Joseph Paone has issued an order granting a new trial for SCHI founder and Lakewood resident Rabbi Osher Eisemann, the family confirms. (Reporter Shlomo Schorr on Twitter/ Lakewood shopper)

- Food Box:  Mesoras Hatorah will be distributing 5 day food boxes, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 7:30 Pm at 66 Neiman Road. To sign up – text: 848-326-8078, email: office@mesorashatorah.org, or call: 732-419-8553. Please provide us with parent’s first and last name, cell phone, address, and number of children eligible. Eligibility is for children ages 0-18 who are not already receiving meals elsewhere. The box contains pastrami, corned beef, pizza crusts, pastries to go, frozen fruit, pickles and more.

- Bnos Yaakov food box distribution this Thursday  2:00 PM and every week @ Pine Park. 

OCHD updated covid cases  6/29/22 - 7/6/22
- 73 new cases in Jackson totals 13843/148
- 38 new covid cases in Lakewood totals  25256/377
- 131 new cases in Toms River totals  23566/455

- Yesodei boxes distribution today at schi  345 Oak st 5:15- 6:30 for reservations only after 6:30 for non reserved

- LNN reports concerned citizens met with Lakewood mayor and Bob Singer to voice their concern about the cell towers going up around lakewood as it poses a health hazard. They complained about not being given a chance to give testimony at the zoning board  meeting while one tower was already approved. The mayor said there's not much they  can do since the zoning board is a independent entity 

- Today at Lampost kosher Bistro July 12th, Mixcraft will be offering a curated menu of their all-time favorite cocktails, alongside the incredible cuisine limited availability, so if you’d like to reserve a table, please RSVP

- Lakewood Planning Board meeting today July 12 at 6:00 pm see Agenda HERE Watch livestream Here 

NJ state troopers in Lakewood this morning conducting traffic enforcement 

- Biden admin tells Hospitals they must perform abortions in medical emergencies

- Adirei Hatorah event for Nshei Hakollel planned for after the summer

- Tragedy in N. Miami Beach 3 year old passes away RL after left in hot car by accident More

- Lakewood MVA's continued averging 450 crashes a month during June including rollovers and injuries. 

- Lakewood youngeleit will now receive their kolell check in one monthly payment instead of bi weekly

- Amazon Prime day today and tomorrow for members 

- All Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and some Roshei chabura went to the sheiner Applegrad wedding  wishing Mazel tov to R" Louie Sheiner on the marriage of his daughter. 


  1. I went to his adirei hatorah event and he doesn’t invite me to this?

    1. You sure sound farbissen.

    2. Now he made it big he goes to next step.
      Got to make strong separation from the plebes

  2. Judge Paone ruled just a short time ago that R. Osher Eisemann is entitled to a new trial where he can establish his innocence.

    1. How soon will this new trial take place?

  3. I think tonight after second Seder I will skip mussar Seder and get a babysitter and go with my wife out to lampost Bistro and have some cocktails and a ribsteak for supper. Ashreynu Talmidey Chachamim!

    1. Welcome to the "New Lakewood" as the chasidish advertisements call it. I also saw an ad for a house in TR with a "man cave". Crazy what has become of this town.

    2. That is not it Lakewood. It’s for the grubbe balabatim in Toms River.

  4. It’s always a good idea to take your wife out. She may not want you to skip mussar seder though. You certainly shouldn’t leave second Seder early.

  5. Unlike Christianity mainstream Judaism (the famous Mishnah in Avos notwithstanding) does not hold poverty and self abnegation as values
    God wants us to partake of His wonderful world (within reason of course not running afoul of Rambans kedoshim tihiyu)
    Chareidi/kollel Judaism which is an entirely new concept in our nations long history which needs to promote poverty as a value to make it work is not and has never been the norm for our people

    1. יאה עניותא לישראל
      Your 'mainstream' Judaism seems to be influenced by inspiring speakers and uplifting weekends.
      My Torah does believe that olam hazeh outside of the realm of need is problematic. My Torah gave us the (oft misunderstood) concept of נבל ברשות התורה, which means a בעל תאווה, who eats and drinks whatever he/she wants to.

      All your 'notwithstandings' will not erase a Mishna from existence, as well as many other מאמרי חז"ל.

    2. This is the most farkrumt post I have ever read. It’s not about poverty, it’s about being shakua in gashmius and it has been frowned upon in by “our people” since Matan Torah @har Sinai.

    3. How about the nazir's korban for abstaining from olam hazeh

    4. His korbon is for ENDING his Nezirus, not starting it! It's a korbon for lowering his kedusha, not for being poresh from olam hazeh!

    5. You’re wrong
      It’s clearly for abstaining from wine
      ר"א הקפר (בר רבי) אומר מה ת"ל (במדבר ו, יא) מאשר חטא על הנפש וכי באיזו נפש חטא זה אלא מפני שציער עצמו מן היין נקרא חוטא והלא דברים ק"ו ומה זה שלא ציער עצמו אלא מן היין נקרא חוטא המצער עצמו מכל דבר על אחת כמה וכמה
      Additionally, aside from getting your facts straight I don’t see the need for ad hominem attacks - if you have something to say I’m glad to reckon with it on its own merit or demerit as the case may be

    6. The Nazir brings a Korban for making a new prohibition on himself. Not for abstaining from a new restaurant in Lakewood/TomsRiver

    7. Only a Nazir who completed the spirituality uplifting state of nezirus may bring that korbon. For anyone else who refrained from indulging in some olam hazeh, such a korban would be a sin.

      Nezirus is a big deal. And only after the spiritual cleaning by being mufrash from olam hazeh, is a Nazir at a level to correct his not having properly used olam hazeh for spirituality. His korban is a correction - which is only possible after nezirus. The Ramban makes it very clear what a naval birshus haTorah is and how it defiles us.

    8. Sounds like a distinction without a difference to me

    9. Wow, I threw out the nazir's korban expecting better canned answers from the yeshiva oilam, but I was sorely disappointed.

  6. I reserved online a Yesodei box, where they promised to deliver the boxes. They didn't deliver today. Will they deliver tomorrow?

    1. Go to the distribution at Pine Park

  7. You can evince maamerei chazal for either side of the aisle

    Bottom line in practice we have always believed in moderately partaking of all this world has to offer (eg yalta and rav nachmans tit for tat of all sorts of ways to enjoy the taste of issurim bheter and the yerushalmi in kidushin that "In the future, a person is required to give an accounting for every opportunity that they had to enjoy this world and refrained from it.")

    I don’t see why enjoying an elegant dinner with one’s spouse is frowned upon

    And ftr i myself never eat out nor go on vacations

    This is about the principal of the matter with the latest iteration of orthodoxy sounding like christian mendicants

  8. They saw you got another box delivered so you’re not eligible.

    1. I didn't get any other box delivered at all

  9. Matters don’t have principals, schools do.

  10. Mesiras Nefesh as the way of elevating oneself was/will be always a crucial element of Yahadus

    And as it was what the town was (re)founded upon, exponentially more so here

  11. And the mesiras nefesh claim is also getting old real quick — no one is being moser nefesh — those that wanna stick it out in kollel are gonna do that and those that wanna work are also gonna do so, if anything folks that need to go out and support their families are the ones being moser nefesh — now they are unable to sit and learn as much and they would otherwise like to but are responsibly supporting the family they brought into this world and that is dependent upon them

  12. Funny how people get all intolerant of others lifestyle choices with a need to glorify their own
    The learners say learning is the only way
    The earners say providing is the only way
    Folks need to accept that different options work for different people
    People should be confident enough with their own life choices without having to bash everyone else or require monolithic conformance
    When people attack others for every little thing that is different then their potentially legitimate concerns also get written off with healthy dialogue towards the collective betterment of klal yisroel declining

    1. This isn't about learning vs working. This is about a life of gashmiyus and chasing after more and more.
      Working people are not necessarily chasing more and more gashmiyus, and learning people are not necessarily being moser nefesh

  13. There is a wide window and spectrum of acceptability within orthodoxy and we should be accepting of differences within that spectrum
    When we aren’t then legitimate concerns like live music at a restaurant get written off as jealousy and zealotry

  14. If you live in your own house own a car weigh 250 pounds that's not called poverty.
