Monday, July 11, 2022

Photos: Week 2 At The Woodbourne Shul

 Summer 2022 Week 2 in the Catskills at the Klal Yisrael shul in Woodbourne under the leadership of Rabbi Mordechai Jungreis shlita the Nikolsburg Rebbe


  1. What Klal Yisroel Shul? Rebbe Jungreis bought it, and runs it like a HungarianHasidic shtiebel/minyan factory.

    1. Klal yisrael shul because every single member of klal yisrael is welcome there with open arms (literally) to daven, to have something to eat, to get a little chizzuk from a real emesdike ohev yisrael.

      Really starting to get tired of the constant bashing that goes on here...

    2. Go there yourself and your kalt litvak heart will warm up and melt

    3. What LkwdGuy hides behind his anti-hating agenda is the idea that other Shuls are not welcoming to strangers.
      That is a disgusting piece of Lashon Hara, that is just not true.
      No Shul that I know of does not allow or welcome strangers.

      It may be Klal Yisroel's free restaurant, because it has food. But then again, there are plenty of those in the post rebshayabenrebmoishe world we live in.

      But there are plenty of Klal Yisroel's Shuls all over Brooklyn, Lakewood, Monsey, London, Antwerp, Melbourne, Bney Berak, and Zurich. All welcome strangers, not just Woodbourne/Nikolsburg.

  2. He would even give a bear hug and a bracha to the guy who wrote that nasty comment.

  3. גענוג שויןJuly 12, 2022 at 11:38 PM

    I don't want to daven in a Hasidic minyan factory. I want a proper Litvish-Yeshivish davening, nusach Ashkenaz, according to my heiligeh mesorah, slowly, and with proper kavannah. I don't want a chapped-up Hungarian minyan factory davening, even if I can get free kokosh and chulent afterward. Even if the Rebbuh hugs me too. My main purpose in going to Shul is davening, not eating or getting hugged.
