Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tuesday July 19 News Updates

 Weather: 94° Partly cloudy skies. High 94F.

-Multiple members of Congress, including AOC, were arrested by Capitol Police for blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court in abortion rights demonstration others arrested Dean, Velasquez, Lee, Speier, Clark, Jacobs, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, Andy Levin, Carolyn Maloney, 

- Please daven for Eliezer ben Liba a 41 year old who was stabbed today in a  Terrorist attack on a bus in the Ramot neighborhood of Yerushalayim by an Arab terrorist who was than shot and killed by a civilian. 

A civilian shot the suspected terrorist before Israeli police arrived on the scene.

-A new bipartisan political action committee, Justice Equity Wins (JEWPAC), has been formed to help Jewish candidates win public office in New Jersey.(NJglobe)

- Putin lands in Tehran for talks with Iran, Turkey's Erdogan.

- A asifa for older mesivta and Bais Mesrash age yeshiva bochurim took place last night at the cure arena in Trenton, NJ to give chizuk and awareness of cell phones and other issues. Among the speakers Harav Elya Ber Wachtfogel,Rav Uren Reich, Rav Dovid Breslauer.

- Last night at the zoning board the cell tower application was not heard. For the Aisle nine application testimony was given by the professionals the plan calls for the removal of the gas pumps and to construct a 3 story building. The application will continue to be heard in September.

-Today is the last full day for boys elementary schools. They end the year tomorrow with a half day. This year most day camps will not begin until a week from this coming monday. Parents will have to make arrangements for these 10 days in-between school and camp.

- Prolonged heat wave is expected to hit New Jersey starting Today  with "dangerously high" temperatures slated to linger in the Garden State through the weekend, forecasters said.
Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat illnesses to occur," the National Weather Service wrote in the advisory. "Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. 

- Photos: At the Levayah in Bnei Brak of Rav Shmuel Yehuda Levin zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Telshe Chicago Here

- The new normal'? In NJ, higher prices may be here to stay, say economists in the Garden State, gas prices have spiked 44% in the past year. The cost of new car in the New York Metro Area jumped 16% in June from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Labor Department. Meat, chicken, fish and eggs climbed 10%. Housing costs were up 4%. Economists expect the pain to drag on at least through the end of the year. Volatile energy and food prices may come back down, but some of the eye-watering increases are likely here to stay.(NJ Media)

Photo bochurim Asifa at Cure arena in Trenton,NJ last night.


  1. many boys camps are starting next week

  2. What was the point of this asifa? Will there be weekly stadium events going forward? This is fun

    1. Kosher fun is great!

    2. follow the money-the chassidish event planners need big events in order to make money; we "ahssered" concerts so how are they gonna make a parnassah now?
      they find a cause, make it into a big deal, find some sponsors, have the rabbonim convince everyone how important this matter is; PROFIT!!
      wash, rinse , repeat.

    3. The Kosher cell business hopefully is paying I actually heard they are the pushers. One RY told he didn’t understand the whole thing, he ossered he boys to have phones at all and the askonim keep on coming to him to be part of it. He has no clue why

    4. TCG 1333 rt 9 has chocolate painting ! Great activity for all ages . Will help fill the long days until camp starts. 7187884475 kosher parve

  3. Some boys camps are starting in middle of the week next week..

  4. Highly suspect when or if some group uses the term Equity - unless it's financial

    1. Correct.if it is not financial and it is for political power

  5. Terminology does matter
    irrespectivewhether or not whoever is behind it have semi legitimate concerns

  6. Why does everything have to be in a stadium nowadays?
