Wednesday, January 1, 2025

והדלקו נרות בחצרות קדשך זאת חנוכה תשפ"ה

אמר רבי ישראל מרוז'ין: מה שהצדיקים יכולים לפעול מהשם יתברך בראש השנה ויום הכיפורים - יכול יהודי  פשוט לפעול מהשם יתברך בזאת חנוכה   

Admor Mskulen Hadlakah and Tish 8:15pm

Bluzhev rebbe at 1404 14th st 8:30pm

Alexander rebbe at his BM 23 High st 8:30pm

Rachmistrivka  E. County Line

Rachmastrivka Oak and Vine

Mordys  shteible mesibas chanuka 9:30 pm

Lutzk mesibas Chanuka 9:00 pm

Minyan tehillim 4:40am at khal Bnei Baruch 14th st Lakewood 

Zos Chanukah: the Gra (O.C. 670) brings Chazal that the mishkun was finished on 25 kislev but the dedication was pushed off till Nissan because that was the month Yitzchuk avinu was born, but kislev was paid back with the chanuka of the chashmonuim.
Yitzchuk avinu was moser nefesh by the Akeida and the Rambam says that the makom akeida is the makom mizbayach! The dedication of the mishkan and Bais hamikdush needed total mesiras nefesh! When the chashmonuim were moser nefesh for the avodas hamikdush then kislev was zoche to have its own Chanukah! (Rav Eliyuhu Levin shlita) May we all be zoche be mamshich and internalize the oirois of Chanukah!

1 comment:

  1. Both Rachmistrivka Rebbes have Tischen tonight.
