Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday January 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 32° Cloudy skies. High 32F

President Biden won't enforce a ban on TikTok, set to take effect on Sunday, just a day before he leaves office on Monday, leaving the fate of the social media app in the hands of President-elect Trump.

- Philanthropic Safra family from Brazil paid a visit today at BMG Lakewood yeshiva reportedly pledging to cover one months kollel budget over over next 5 years 5 million a year for next 5 years. The kollel check was recently raised again.

- Major lawsuit just filed to overturn lakewood's plans for dormitories, wedding halls and mid-rise residential apartment buildings on cross street Faanews

- Lufthansa airlines will resume flights to Israel on February 

- Tri City Plaza (Stop & Shop) by the lakewood/Toms River border is closed Due to a fire on the sprinkler system.(Submitted)

- Hespedim tonight for Rav Asher Deutsch ZTL R"Y Pomovezh, in BMG Beren hall 6:30pm divrei hesped by Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Aaron Feldman shlita RY Ner Yisroel Baltimore 

- Nancy Pelosi will not be attending Donald Trump's inauguration.

- BDE petirah of Mrs. Shifra Brand A”H of Lakewood,  following an illness she was 34, wife of ybl"c Reb Yehoshua Leib Brand shlita, and leaves behind small children. Daughter of Rabbi & mrs. Weingarten of Boro Park. 
 Levaya  today in Lakewood 1:45 p.m. at the 7th Street Chapel  with kevura at the local Bais Hachaim.

- Yaffed, the organization who has been fighting against yeshiva education has recently launched a mail writing campaign and sent out letters to students who went to chasidishe mosdos decrying the educational rights they didn't receive. The letters are written in Yiddish to appear 

- Lakewood township virtual commitee meeting today see livestream Here Agenda HERE on the agenda salary increases for committee members deputy mayor and township employees across the board. See list here (click on ordnance)
More tax abatements and street vacations
4 way Stop Sign coming to Linden Avenue and Sterling Avenue intersection  

- Weddings halls in the Oak street area have hired traffic guards for nightly weddongs to organize traffic flow and parking as new halls open up.

- The Democrat Josh Gottheimer  gubernatorial campaign has hired Tzvi Herman manager for Assemblyman Avi Schnall’s 2023 election in New Jersey’s 30th District, to advise on the Orthodox Jewish voters.

- Toms River to sell property for revenue to plug boe shortfall The district has had appraisals done on 27 acres of land near the Joseph A. Citta School, as well as property near Toms River High School East, for possible sale.

- Bloomberg Report: Consensus among Trump's advisors to return the "maximum pressure" policy on Iran and impose a wide range of sanctions on it after the inauguration, and similar planning is expected against Venezuela

- Yaffed, the organization who has been fighting against yeshiva education has recently launched a mail writing  campaign and sent out letters to students who went to chasidishe mosdos decrying the educational rights they didn't receive. The letters are written in Yiddish to appear 

-Mesivta farhers: Local Lakewood chadorim representatives have called upon all mesivtos to adhere to the takona, of not giving any farhers before the agreed upon start date the week of Tu Bshvat. Unfortunately, last year some mesivtos broke the rule which caused others to do the same and caused a stressful and chaotic farher season.


  1. Alert:
    The popular "buy now, pay later" company Affirm has been listed on the Kosher Bank Directory ( as Unadvisable unless and until a Kosher Heter Iska is implemented.

  2. Why doesn't any school in Lakewood have a mesivta?

    1. Why do most mesivtas everywhere not have elementary schools? Yeshivas that go from kindergarten through kollel is pretty much unique to Brooklyn. And even there not every Yeshiva works that way.

    2. The expense of a mesivta is more than the income. The only ones opening a mesivta are those seeking a shteller. The elementary is a business while mesivta is for kavod.

    3. Some mesivtas are owned by the same who own chadorim? Why should a cheder have a mesivta? Do any girl schools have high schools? It's a separate expertise and great that it is kept seperate

    4. yes, some girls schools have high schools

    5. Why don't any schools in Lakewood have a fleet of sail boats?

  3. Some people feel OOT's have the same right to the Lakewood wedding halls as people living locally. Guess what, when the wedding halls destroy the quality of living in this town causing all kinds of traffic, I feel like local users should at least have some kind of "right" to these halls being that they are giving up on their quality of life on a daily basis.
    Will Route 9 by Oak turn into a traffic Nightmare? You're going to have chupas and an end of seder all converging the same time!

    1. Why shouldn't OOT's have the right to use Lakewood wedding halls? Did a local Lakewood tzedoka pay for them? No one in Lakewood had any problems with getting someone who lives in Brooklyn building cheaper chasuna halls in Lakewood. Before Bais Faiga was built no one complained about people from Lakewood taking the cheaper Brooklyn wedding halls

    2. before bais faiga was built? how old are you?

    3. I'm old enough to know how the world works better than the young people with no life experience

  4. Tri City Plaza (Stop & Shop) by the lakewood/Toms River border is closed Due to a fire on the sprinkler system.

  5. The Lakewood BOE is making a mistake by trying to intervene in my case. My case has nothing to do with how good a job Michael Inzelbuch, Laura Winters, the BOE, or the district organization are doing. That is what the state wants the Court to think.

    It's the duty of the state under the NJ Constitution to ensure T & E and the Court found a violation of T & E. The state has to answer for that, not the Lakewood BOE. The state's argument of mismanagement, even if true, misses the point. The intervention of the BOE to dispute the mismanagement argument is a distraction that shifts focus away from the heart of the matter, that the school funding formula has no rational relationship to the district's actual expenses that are mandated by law.

    It's not about mismanagement. It is about the founding formula.

    We have this covered. It's too little, too late.

    A Lang

    PS WE don't anticipate even getting to court for oral argument until mid-Spring. I have been warning of the impending collapse. Not my problem. The Court will order the formula fixed, but anything can happen until then. There is no reason for the BOE, all of a sudden, to wake up at the eleventh hour, after we have solidified our position, that the case is not about them, but the kids, to enter the case.

  6. Any connection with RUOC and the liason

  7. The question is why fonyvall the mesivtas have a continuing Bais Medrish? That was the model of all Lakewood Mesivtas such as Philly, Scranton,Denver
