Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday January 6 News Updates Lakewod

- Weather: 31° Snow this morning will transition to snow showers this afternoon. High 31F. Chance of snow 90%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.

- Zoning board  tonight denies application on E County Line by office complex more

- Route 9 is closed in both directions in Toms River on Monday afternoon after a crash that brought down a utility pole, authorities said.
The closure is from Silverton Road to Riverwood Road, the Ocean County Sheriff's Office said in an alert.

- Donald Trump is going on again about Canada being the 51st state. "Many people in Canada LOVE being the 51st State. The United States can no longer suffer the massive Trade Deficits and Subsidies that Canada needs to stay afloat. Justin Trudeau knew this, and resigned. If Canada merged with the U.S., there would be no Tariffs, taxes would go way down, and they would be TOTALLY SECURE from the threat of the Russian and Chinese Ships that are constantly surrounding them. Together, what a great Nation it would be!!!"

- Pro-Palestine protesters are outside of NYU Tisch Hospital in New York City spewing antisemitic remarks.

- Outgoing VP Kamala Harris certifies Donald Trump as the next President of the United States and JD Vance as next Vice President of the United States.

- Jake turx Lakewood/Toms River resident and former Whitehouse correspondent for Ami Magazine will now be working  for Mishpacha magazine. His Twitter page shows the Mishpacha logo.  
Ami magazine tweeted Congratulations to our former White House Correspondent JakeTurx for joining  mishpacha. We wish him continued success. We would also like to thank him for his past contributions to Ami, as we excitedly look forward to the future with our new WH correspondent Shloime Zionce.

- Giyus: The Mekubal Rav Yaakov Adas shlita remarked about the new Chashmonaim  IDF battalion geard for charedim calling it instead "antiyochus" as the intent is to change the fabric of the charedim and bring them to melt with Israeli society.

- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita Rav Yeruchom Olshin, chavrei hanhala and a group of tomchim were on hand today for a hanochas even hapina to pour cement as construction commences to the new BMG campus building 600 apartments at the Georgian Court property  purchased between 9th st and 14th along Forest Ave. The R"Y Rav Malkiel said that these homes will have kedusha as they will enable youngeleit to live in them and learn in yeshiva. 

- Trump: I see it just came over that Biden has banned all oil and gas drilling across 625 million acres of U.S. coastal territory. It's ridiculous. I'll unban it immediately.

- Members of Congress will  certify Trump's 2024 election victory, today January  6th as Kamala Harris will officially certify her own loss as thr Vice President casts the vote.

- Bingo bulk value sale Kleenex tissues csse of 10x230 for $19, 1200 cups $8, 1000 piece plastic cutlery $4.79 sale ends Jan 14 

- Tax increase  again on Lakewood residents
Lakewood Fire district 2025 budget will raise taxes again while they voted themselves a 50% salary increase for the commissioners. They raised taxes by $2 million over last year.
A typical new duplex, such as in Oak and Vine,  assessed at $560,000, will pay $695.02 in 2025, a $75.56 increase over the 2024 tax of $619.46. See more at 

- First yartzeit: Siyum hashas and mishnayos this morning for Eliyohu and Raizel Neydavoud Z"L who were tragically killed last year in a accident on the GSP. The seder limud will take place at 1009 Brook Rd from 10am - 12pm followed by the siyum and yartzeit seuda.

- Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has resigned this morning 

- Ad in this week Lakewood publications "Breakthrough chesed service in town is currently in its recruitment phase seeking experienced female medical professionals & Doulas with willingness to volunteer. Submit credentials There was no reference to the Ezras Nashim organization  all women's volunteer EMS.

- Some safardim have a minhag not to drink water this morning of 6 Teves from 10:00am - 11:00am as the onset of Tekufas Teves begins

- Lakewood zoning board  meeting tonight  watch livdtream Here see Agenda HERE
Items on agenda 1501 Prospect Street, Block Use and density variance to construct up to 66 duplex lots using the R-7.5 requirements.
– 535 County Line, LLC, 525 East County Line Road, OT Zone. Seeking use variance to construct 6 duplexes/12 dwelling units. 

- SK Prospect Lakewood, LLC. Pittman Court, Block 490 Lot 1.02 M-1 zone. Subdivision to create 8 duplex lots and 1 single residential unit
Off Prospect St and Cross see faa

- Bobov 45 rebbe spoke to bochurim this motzei shabbos about proper payos length,telling them that recently some boys are growing them too long which is not the minhag of our leaders. The rebbe showed by example what the proper length should  be coming to the middle of the chin.

- Asbury Park Press headline about Lakewood committe refusing to hold in person meetings contrary to claims that the online only zoom meeting reaches more residents APP reports: 
Lakewood township meetings online only as citizen involvement shrinks
"In the four years since Covid-19 restricted the township committee to virtual-only gatherings after 2020, the meetings have averaged 20 minutes and less than one public comment per meeting. In 2024, for example, 12 meetings were held, averaging 21 minutes but only five included any public comments or questions at all, with most of those limited to one or two residents offering input."

Asked directly why the township committee could not take the same approach (as the BOE) with an in-person town hall meeting coupled with an online video option for those who wish to watch from home, none of the committee members offered a clear reason other than claiming it was more convenient to be online and they had personally received few complaints. See more at APP


  1. Bobov 45 going OTD?

  2. I think the Bobov 45 should be more concerned about his Chassidim wearing these newfangled ridiculous Purimdik HUGE spiked up shriemels rather than them growing their payos too long !!!

  3. That should be the biggest problem he has with his Chassidim is that they grow their payos too long. How about his tuna bagel crowd that go around with croseldik payos , clown huge shriemels and TRIM face beards LOL!!!

    1. And they think your 6 inch brim on your Borsalino, and your shaven beard is ridiculous. Why is your way any better? At least they have a rebbe that stands for something. I have yet to see a litvishe leader that has a crowd that will listen to him.

    2. why did you assume the first comment was from a Litvisher?

    3. because a chusid doesn't speak that way

    4. You can ignore almost every societal issue in Kllal Yisroel by saying "That should be the biggest problem" R' Ahron Kotler gave even yungerleit a hard time for growing beards. He didn't say "That should be the biggest problem" And that is even though RAK was of the opinion that it is assur to use an electric shaver like most of them were using.

    5. R Aharon was at war with Americaner "gass" of his day

    6. The Alter of Slabodka did not allow facial hair in his yeshiva. Other litvish yeshivot too Telz, for example. They also wore colored shirts.

    7. Exceptions were made for chassidic talmidim.

      By the way, tzitzit had to be tucked in, too

    8. Yes to some exceptions.R'Ruderman however who hailed from a chassidish background stated:they rid him of that naarishkeiten

  4. I think the 45 should be much more concerned about them putting on these silly oversized HUGE spiked up shriemels. They look like fools!!

    1. Broken windows. You deal with the big stuff much more effectively if you deal with the smaller aberrations.

      Once this is under control, you can deal with other trends.

    2. His uncle is very busy with the tall shpitz shreimels already.
      He can mention a different new style. Not every minute point has to be taken out of its proportions.

  5. What a chilul Hashem from the township elected officials who ignore the Lakewood people by denying their right to attend public meetings in person. The story is now a front page news on he APP and the reporter can't even get a coherent response from the committee members. This shtick of hiding from the public is an abuse of the voters and residents. The fact that almost no towns in the entire country are meeting only on zoom says that what lakewood township is doing is a disgrace and chutzpah our elected officials are giving us a bad name and bad press.
    A bigger slap in the face that the vaad and avi schnall remain silent and don't call out the cowardice of the committee

    1. Our leaders are led by daas Torah, askanim and aguda

    2. What's takkeh the real reason they are avoiding in person public meetings there obvious something they are scared of

    3. Lovely oxymoron. For morons

  6. Why is going around with kroseldik payos with a trim beard, polo shirt, cute little chup, skinny pants, tucked in tzitzis, called listening to your Rebbe? Does your Rebbe endorse all this tuna bagel goyishkite?

    1. So if I go with trim beard, polo shirt, cute little chup, skinny pants, tucked in tzitzis, and no payos that is better?
      Question: What do you call a litvisher tuna beigel?? Answer: Ben torah.
      I watch all the "bnei torah" with goyishe clothing, huge hairdo's, tight pants, and davening without a jacket. But they have the chutzpa to criticize others.

    2. Tight pants is against שולחן ערוך

    3. Tight pants is flat pruste krum

  7. Which is more weird, the machmeir briskers with wide sideburns, little payos behind their ears, but clean shaven, or Chassidim with krasildik payos & shteiem, but with trim beards?

    1. If you trim your beard you may as well shave. The difference is that Briskers don't have an issue with not having beards. Look at a picture of the Brisk Yeshiva in the 1930s in Brisk. Almost no one had a beard. On the flip side people who have krasildik payos come from a kehilla that has an issue with shaving.

  8. Reb Shach and Reb Aaron held that shaving your beard with a electric shaver is like shaving with a razor

    1. Unlikely.
      R E Svei held a bachur with a beard is like a monkey in pajamas

    2. Firstly it was R' Ahron Kotler who said " A bochur with a beard is like pajamas and a tie" Secondly not having a beard does not equal using an electric shaver. Rav Malkiel Kotler and close Talmidim of RAK confirmed to me that he held people should use shaving cream, NOT shavers.

    3. Cohen, גברא אגברא קרמית, besides that there is no סתירה. You could use a clipper or cream.

    4. the other option for shaving is a "trimmer" not "shaving cream". Most frum bochurim use a trimmer, which is not an electric shaver and is muttar according to all opinions (besides the chasidishe one that thinks not having a beard is "lo silbash"). no one uses shaving cream and R' Malkiel definitely never said that.

    5. How do you know R' Malkiel definitely never said that. Did you ever speak to him about it? I was also surprised when he confirmed that R' AK held you are not allowed to use an electric shaver.

    6. Lo Yilbash not Lo Silbash.

    7. על בעל האגרות משה סמכינן.
      לא על מרן משנת רבי אהרן ולא על בעל המשנה ברורה בס׳ ליקוטי הלכות וכ”ש לא על ס׳תפארת האדם

  9. And you're not an embarrassment to your rabbeim Making such inventure unthoughtful mean comments?

  10. Wonder how these apartments will be priced? If the current situation is any predictor The yeshiva owned apartments are the most expensive in town......

  11. Will there be enough parking for the 3 simcha halls plus the daycares
    Will the new apartments be open for the olam or will it be like Princeton

    1. Please explain - what is Princeton?

    2. There was a 3 million grant to aliviate traffic in Lakewood for this project how will 1200 cars on Forest Avenue not make any traffic. The 14th street area is done once the project is complete. Most ladies will be driving to work and the school buses will make the area a parking lot

    3. Princeton is the Apts on Princeton campus that you needed pull to get in

    4. Princeton twin towers apartments was open to the public -on the waiting list-
      The sukkah is communal, split.

      The original yeshiva apartments as well as any Jewish built apartments up until then had sukkah - friendly porches.

    5. I think it is smart not to have sukka porches- when your up to the point of staying home for sukkos - time to move out and give someone else a chance..

    6. Some jews practice halacha observance as soon ASAP
      Seems the international Jewish builders don't have an issue accommodating sukah observant tenants, till Princeton came around now you're even backing this Texan designer

  12. First yartzeit: Siyum hashas and mishnayos this morning to mark the 2nd yartzeit of Eliyohu and Raizel Neydavoud Z"L who were tragically killed last year in a accident on the GSP. The seder limud will take place at 1009 Brook Rd from 10am - 12pm followed by the siyum and yartzeit seuda.

    First yartzeit or 2nd? Also I think that it was Vov Shvat. Probably some mistake

  13. Some safardim have a minhag?
    ז"ל הרמ"א (סי' קט"ז סע' ה'), ומנהג פשוט שלא לשתות מים בשעת התקופה וכן כתבו הקדמונים ואין לשנות (אבודרהם ומרדכי ס"פ כל שעה רוקח סימן ער"ה ומהרי"ל ומנהגים), עכ"ל.

  14. Today among the thousands of bochurim and yungerlite who go clean shaven ( that means they don't use a manual hand trimmer) there are for sure less than 10 that use a cream/powder. 99%are using electric shavers going AGAINST the DAAS of R Aaron and R Shach

    1. no genius, again, most use electric TRIMMERS, not electric shavers. there is a huge difference.

    2. In the Yeshiva I learned, there were a few bochurim who used cream.

    3. "there are for sure less than 10 that use a cream/powder"
      How do you know? Did you take a survey?

    4. Cream or powder has a terrible smell.
      Don't bring it into the Bet Medrash.

  15. How does it make and sense for the machmeir briskers to go with wide sideburns, and have little Lubavicher payos behind their ears ,and still be clean shaven with a elevtric shaver. Makes no sense at all

    1. it makes sense if you care about halacha and not "culture" (like the chasidim)

  16. Since when do REAL Chassidim trim their payos. A nayah madah

  17. Att: Shloime Z. Bobov AmiJanuary 6, 2025 at 6:58 PM

    Shloime Zionce is a talmid of Bobov Toronto IIRC. Will he trim his peiyes now al pi the words of the Bobov 45 Rebbe?

  18. Why do the cleanshaven brisket machmeirim have little kids payos behind their ears if they go clean shaven? They are just as dumb as the tuna bagels with krasildik payos and trim beards

    1. if you really believe that you are a complete moron.

  19. Please then explain me why either makes sense??

    1. shaving with an electric timmer (not shaver) is 100% muttar al pi halacha and is not in any way a contradiction to any litvish mesorah, which is mostly based on halacha. the chasidish mesorah is based entirely on ethnic culture (levush, language, cultural minhagim and food). therefore, changing any of that is a stirah to being chasidish.

    2. Which halacha says that you must have "payos" behind your ears (way more than is required midoraysa) and shave as a bochur, and then a few years after your chasuna grow a trimmed beard? Nothing wrong, but isn't it all cultural?

  20. A trimmed beard trimmed on the face as is often found in the Yeshiva world is 100% just gaivah. Nothing to do with Yiddishkiet

  21. A true litvak (a rare breed) speaking here what mesirus do we have to shave??? First of all no jews ever shaved till about 150 years ago or so.... Second of all there is no positive mesora to shave but rather a lack of priority to oppose it. The chafetz Chaim the Chazon ish r aharon were opposed. the Chazon ish opposed even shaving cream.....

  22. The CC was opposed.He was a proponent of beards & long reckels.However for contrast he instructed his grandchildren to also little tchups, so that people shouldn't confuse them for chassidim
