Monday, November 8, 2021

Tonight: Zoning Board Meering

 Lakewood Zoning board meeting tonight 7:00 pm

Watch live stream Here
See Agenda here
On the agenda a cell tower application on the roof of the senior building on Clifton Ave
 -Cellco Partnership, 500 Clifton Avenue, Block 94 Lot 1ot 1, R-OP zone.
 Use variance to construct a wireless communications facility on an existing


  1. Appeal # 4210 Aderet Offices is requesting the Board permission to remove a shul and construct an office building in its place. Are they crazy?? It’s an explicit issur D’oraisah to commit such a terrible act. And anyone that helps this happen is a mesayeah l’dvar aveirah!!

    1. That’s terrible! How can such a travesty be allowed to take place in our town..

      Do the board members read through the entire application to know the background? Do they realize what they’re being asked to do?

    2. If the shul was built as a temporary one, there is room to allow it. A shul may also be sold if the funds are used for community purposes. You make it sound like a blanket issur which it isn't.

    3. ab-

      Your comment evinces an ignorance of the Halacha. There is absolutely no heter to sell a shul and use the funds for "community purposes", especially in a town like Lakewood where almost every shul is at or near capacity and more are needed.

      You can attempt to write your own Shulchan Aruch, but then you cannot call yourself orthodox or frum.

      According to the Halacha, any allowance for the knocking down of a shul has to be due to an extreme circumstance where the building is in such a state of ruin that it cannot be repaired, or it is too small and needs to be made larger to accommodate the congregation. It also requires that another shul be immediately constructed to replace the the old one. See OC 152. Do you see "Aderet Offices LLC" submitting a second contemporaneous application to build a replacement shul? I don't.

      A few years ago, some investors tried demolishing a shul in Brooklyn so they could build condos on the property and dedicate a sizable area of the building for a shul. The outcry from the Gedolim and the yeshiva world was deafening, as it was a severe violation of one of our Torah's negative commandments.

      Our Halacha is sacred and it should never be tampered with, especially when an investor just wants to make a couple of dollars.

  2. They never read the documents or letters submitted. They vote gutless based on what fakery they're told at the hearing.
