Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday November 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Overcast, otherwise cloudy. High 51F. 

- 44 new covid cases+1 death in Lakewood over weekend totals 17271/326
- 35 new cases in Jackson 8217/122
- 71 new cases +1 death in Toms River 13755/352

-  Murphy "We are not there yet" when asked about lifting the mask mandate for school children. Said there are no numbers as of yet to lift the mandate.

-Waukesha, WI Police say Darrell Brooks "intentionally drove his maroon SUV through barricades into a crowd of people" at the holiday parade 5 dead. 48 injured.

- TRUMP: "The whole world is watching the tragedy which just took place in is devastating, horrible, and very very sick! We must find the answers to this terrible crime, and stop these violent and depraved acts from happening again."

 - 2 rollover accidents in Lakewood this morning on Cedarbridge Ave and New Central Ave

- Tehillim serious car accident in Boro Park 3 family members injured at 14 Ave and 46 St  last night   names are   משה דוד בן נחמה, רייזל בת נחמה, נחמה בת חיה רבקה

- Kaliv rebbe will be in Lakewood at B:M Shemen Lmincha for the next week

- Group of Baalei batim looking to address the rental shortage and price increase for Lakewood youngeleit. There is talk of building 1500 - 2000 rental units in the Cedarbridge area with a rent controlled system put in place. 

- Chassidish community in Linden, NJ have formed a committee to combat price gouging with real estate and  keep housing prices affordable by buying and selling properties through the newly formed Vaad of the ichud hakehilos. 

- Israel committee investigating ther Meron tragedy have compiled the interim report among the recommendations is to only allow one hadaka by the Boyan rebbe, to limit visitors to  20k and not to have food tents set up.

- Mir yeshiva yarchei kallah gets underway in Yerushalayim ar the Plaza hotel


  1. Why Cedarbridge? That sounds like a major traffic safety issue waiting to happen, and perhaps other types of safety as well.

    1. The traffic on cedarbridge is already bad. Imagine another 2,000 cars that need to go that way.

    2. at least yungerleit can survive on a kolel budget .....

  2. Rent control is complete and utter nonsense. Allow the market to develop on its own, and new communities will sprout up to address the shortage.

    1. Menashe the abolisher worked very hard to get rid of rent control in Lakewood. He won't allow it.

  3. simple solution for the rental crisis-which in turn will create deeper shidduch crisis as the cost of support is becoming beyond control if not put in place- is that all the yeshiva owned apartments the rent should be lowered will immediately create a substantial change- ludicrous that a yungerman should struggle with such rent especially when its owned by bmg and for the excuse of holding out the yungerleit

    1. "The Rent Is Too Damn High"November 22, 2021 at 12:01 PM

      It has long been incredulous that BMG is profiting off of yungeleit. A yeshiva should never own vast real estate holdings to make money off families learning in kollel. They should make it affordable in order to help keep people learning. After all, isn't that their sole mission??

    2. how much are the rents in yeshiva apts? and about how many are there? in the past ten years has there been any new yeshiva apts

    3. most apt. buildings in town are owned by bmg if that rent was lowered it would cause a universal effect across the board

    4. rent in yeshiva apartment is way less then anywhere else 880 for 1 bedroom and 1010 for 2 bedrooms

  4. The same way its rent control by yeshiva apartments?

  5. Forget about apt rent prices. There ARE NO apts available now.

    There is a shortage and couples that are getting married are having a very hard time finding. I know at least 5 couples looking that are already married

  6. rent in those apartments is way less than anywhere else.

  7. If your looking to escape the Lakewood housing crisis, have you thought about out of town? For more info on an oot community just an Hr away w/ all amenities, jobs, and kollel openings, text 2156883928

  8. There's no apt shortage, just today the Yungerlite are all fine sharkers and need 3 bedroom 2 baths w/d etc etc

  9. During testimony at a planning board meeting, from Mueller of Cedarbridge Corportaion, they can not put schools or housing in Cedarbridge area.

  10. No one is interested in Apartment buildings

    This is not Manhattan or Miami Beach

    Lakewood needs Thousands of more houses with Rentable Basements

    The problem is there is no more room for that in Lakewood
    And Jackson and Howell do not allow that in their Zoning

    The only solution is to try to change the Zoning In Jackson and plumstead Township

    And that will happen when enough people move in and can change the Status Quo with their votes

    As was me ruined earlier 2000 apartments on Cedarbridge are not enough

    Lakewood needs two thousand new units every year

    And all it will do is create major Traffic on Cedarbridge

  11. The only solution
    Stop building Lakewood has the max occupancy when people move out new people can come
