Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday November 26 News Uodates Lakewood

ערב שבת פרשת וישב מברכים חודש טבת candle lighting 4:15 shkiah/sunset 4:33 pm

Weather: Partly cloudy and windy this afternoon. High 46F. Winds WNW at 20 to 30 mph. Shabbos cold with wind gusts hi of 44

-  U.S. bans travel from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi amid Omicron variant starting Monday.

 -WHO designates new coronavirus strain as a variant of concern, names it Omicron

- World reacts with fear of the new covid variant B.1.1.529,  By imposing travel restrictions to Africa. Originating in South Africa has 32 mutations in spike protein with Fears it could be more transmissible, evade immunity. A few cases have been reported in Israel

- New Jewish radio station for the Lakewood area 104.7 FM WJUI with a focus on Mussar shmuessen and shiurim on bitachon with  Novahrdik hashkafa, also playing Jewish music classics

- Chanukah begins Sunday evening, the BMG Chanuka mesiba will take place Monday night at the Beren hall.

- Team Lakewood raised $497,656
for the RCCS auction from 5,119 donors.

- The new chasidisha eruv in South Lakewood is now up the boundaries run with the utility poles from Pine street along route 9 to  near rt 70 along New Hampshire to Pine street. It does not cross over Rt 9 ir include rt 70 or New Hampshire and pine streets themselves. There are signs indicating where the Eruv goes. It is under the Hashgacha of the Sanz  Kkausenberg Dayan in Lakewood Rav Hirsh Meilech Herskowitz & Rav Chaim Shea Gold רב ק''ק ליאון for notifications text @erivs to 81010.

-At the Agudah convention Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel discussed the shidduch crisis saying it is a big Tzara. He said he would encourage  bochurim to get married a year earlier at 22 by either going to learn in EY earlier than usual or to stay in the US and go to EY after getting married.

-At the Q & A session of the Agudah. Convention, Rav Yosef Elefant of the Mir spoke strongly about the so called issue that has been debated in various frum magazines on social media and in Modern Orthodox circles if A yeshiva bochur's behavior during bein hazmanim is an indication on his learning during the zman. He said the yeshivos are thriving and botei medrash packed with thousands of bohurim learning nightly at 10:00 pm. It should not be up to discussion among the masses and that he personaly saw many who took a break over bein hazmanim without opening a book yet went on to become talmidei chachomim and masmidim.

- The ומניח בקדושה dance craze continues going viral beyond weddings with people dancing randomly posting memes online.

- Black  Friday in store shopping is back sales mot as good as previous years due to inflation and supply chain issues. Lakewood police offer safety tips here 

- The kever of the Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt”l, was desecrated in a most shocking way by pouring black tar on the matzeivah and the words of his name. Just before his fourth Yartzeit. More at (Hamodia)
 Klausenberg rebbe visits Lakewood seen with the Skulen Lakewood Rebbe


  1. I don't understand how the עם חכם ונבון can occupy themselves with nonsense like the ומניח בקדושה craze. Stop reporting about it, it isn't interesting past kindergarten

  2. It's literally beyond embarrassing that anyone would care how someone jumps around when singing a song. We are an עם הנבחר by virtue of the fact that we don't imitate the אומות העולם and this is quite the opposite.

    Like every silly fad introduced by those who are מלאים מצות כרמון but have little else to show for themselves, this too will die out hopefully soon and the blogs can find something else to write about that will be of equal or lesser value.

    1. Strange how all of the sudden this “dance” became a thing, it doesn’t even go well with the tempo of the song, for anyone who knows a little bit about music. Also as a side point just FYI Lipa Schmeltzer has tried this “dance” for years and it never caught on, (like with his song מזמור לתודה, there’s a video out there of him doing it onstage w/ Shloime Gertner)

      the fact that now its going viral shows how nebach we are, in a sense… A nice Chasunah isn’t enough of a Simcha? Why does everyone have to make themselves look foolish with this weird dance thing?

  3. A shrekliche bizayon was done to maran ztl. We must cry out for this bizayon hameis, and the gadol hador, no less!

    1. What are you talking about?

    2. The matzeiva of maran ztvk'l was vandalized and desecrated!

  4. Is there a way to listen to the new radio channel from Canada? Is it being streamed over the net? Thanks

  5. I was shtark during the zman, didn't touch a Sefer bein hazmanim and I'm barely frum today. It's absolutely an issue and a valid warning sign.

    1. I was shtark during the zman, didn't Crack a book being hazmNim and I'm now in Kollel for 12 years (doing the same btw).
      Your experience doesn't represent anyone else besides yourself.

  6. Anyone know at what point in the q&a Rabbi Elefant discusses the vein hazmanim issue?
