Sunday, November 28, 2021

Erev Chanukah 5782 Sunday Nov 28 News

Weather: A few flurries or snow showers possible. High 51F. &

- bWHO update on Omicron:
- Not yet known if new variant is more transmissible
- Severity of disease not yet known, no information to suggest symptoms are different
- Early evidence suggests increased risk of reinfection
- Vaccines remain critical to reduce severe disease and death

- Zmanim for Hadlokas Ner Chanukah k' Minhag hayeshhiva in Lakewood first 3 nights  shkiah is 4:32 pm lighting is at  4:55 pm menorah should be lit until 6:14 pm. Wed Thu and Sun shkiah is 4:31 pm Hadlokah at 4:54 pm should burn until 6:13 pm.
- The NJDOH is planning a vaacine campaign for the Lakewood community  to boost the vaccnation rates which are at 29%. Since a large part do not get there info online or have  internet Access they plan to advertise in loval papers radio billboardd and other means. The lakewood mayor blames the low  vccine rate on misinformation.( Tvol)

- 10:00 am Watch live Hadlolah of Rav Shaul Alter here
- Starting today Gourmet Glatt both locations will give free Chanukah chocolate coins for kids
- Hachnosas Sefer Torah 2:00 pm from 6 Pressburg in Westgate to B"M Zichron Yosef Chaim 1950 New Central Ave
- The Toms River Jewish Community Council erected a menorah at the Ocean county kffice complex

At Agudah convention Keynote session
- A call to raise the salaries for the teachers of chinuch habonos.
- Speakers called out the Netflix show my Unorthodox life for the portrayal and attack on the frum way of life undermining the Tznius and kedushas Yisroel while  there was  response of by frum profesional women, a point was made that our response is the mothers of klal yisrael who are raising there children and those in the work force doing so only to support the husband to continue learning 
- Relaunching Am Echad to fight against the current hostile govt in EY with a message of one halachic standard for klal yisrael as the govt is  giving the reform a place at the kosel and gezeiros on Shabbos, Giyur, kashrus Giyus banim and Bonos.
- A celebratory moment reflecting on the downfall of Andrew Cuomo and the lawsuit filed against bim during covid for religious freedom
- Moetzes is ready to fight the battle against smart phones, social media and technology

Photos: Preparations for Chanukah in Yerushalayim
Rav Chaim Kanievsky lighting menorah

Rav Gershon Eidelstein first night Chanuka

Gerer Rebbe tonight
Vjdeo: Crowd in Ger

Crowd At Rav Shaul Alter hadlakah
 Video at Rav Shaul Alter

At the Mir Yeshiva
Tent set up For Rav Shaul Alter Hadlokah

Photo credits Sholom Krausz/bhol

MBD and Avrohom Fried fly to perform in EY during Chanukah before the flight restrictions


  1. A special shiur for Chanukah will be said via zoom today Sunday at 3:00 pm by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlita
    Meeting ID:81790422045
    One tap mobile

    Dial by your location
    Meeting ID: 81790422045

    1. Here is the link to the shiur

  2. I hope by now everyone realizes that this is never going to end. They'll keep finding variants untill they control every aspect of your life.

    Those of of us with a משהו שכל בקדקדו kew this all along.

    1. It must be really difficult to live in that head of yours.

      To honestly think that there is some guy somewhere who really really wants to control your movements, and get you to live according to the way he thinks. He doesn’t know you, doesn’t make any profit off it, yet he fooled the whole world, just to control you.
      And that scenario is more likely in your mind than the idea that viruses mutate and things don’t stay the same.

      Your baseless, foolish, conspiracy theory is more mistaber to you than simple science.

      There may be שכל but not in the קדקד. Seems more likely to be somewhere else.

    2. So how does your logic explain why without knowing anything about this variant - which currently appears to have mild symptoms - but Dr Fauci is already saying lockdowns are possible. Do you not see that they are following a pattern that has been used in history before? Those that called out Hitler and his movement were also called conspiracy theorists.

    3. Should I tell you why Fauci said 'lockdowns are possible'?
      Because, wait for it, lockdowns are possible.
      That was simple.
      It depends on what the research uncovers.

      The pattern is - contagious disease is a reason to prevent people from gathering together until the contagious disease is under control.
      That makes more sense than your convoluted idea of unknown people trying to control your lives.

    4. Because the lockdowns worked so well last time... right? And explain this, why has the CDC and the WHO fought every single treatment that did not reap big profits for big pharma?

      Why discourage Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine when in the limited studies shown they have been effective, and over decades of use they have proven to be safe?

      Why did the CDC discourage regular disinfecting of common areas once the vaccines rolled out?

      Are you aware that around 40% of the CDC's budget comes from user fees including big pharma?

      Why do American pay more for prescriptions drugs than any other nation, especially considering that many of those drugs are made possible due to government funding of research grants? Are you aware that Big Pharma spent $263 million on lobbying last year?

      Who gains from Covid Lockdowns? Are you aware that over 200,000 "Extra" small businesses closed permanently last year (extra meaning additional to regular closures that occur annually)? Are you aware that during Covid, Amazon and WalMart had record breaking years?

      Are you aware that the more money politicians spend, the more power they have (The U.S. government is the largest single customer in the world). Are you aware that the U.S. Government spent $5 Trillion in stimulus for Covid?

      Donald Trump was hated by the Media and D.C., do you think he would have lost the election if not for Covid and the shutdowns? If Trump is in the fake stimulus bill never passes, the BBB bill wouldn't exist. Those to bills total over $5 trillion in new spending, there are a lot of parties that stand to make a big chunk of those funds.

      Are you aware that there are less Americans in the workforce than their were pre-covid, despite the population growing and more people entering potentially entering the job market? Are you aware that many more people are dependent on the government than pre-covid including via medicare expansion? Are you not cognizant of the fact that having more people dependent on government makes politicians more powerful, particularly the party that is constantly offering more "free stuff"?

      So who stands to gain from more lockdowns? The answer is obvious, and it is not the American People.

      You don't think D.C. can be that malicious? Who allowed China to enter the WTO? Who allows China to steal billions annually in IP and decimate American Manufacturing?

      Who allowed an unlimited flow of illegals to cross the border, increasing the labor force supply and depressing wages for the last 2 decades?

      There are obvious answers, if you open your eyes.

    5. Wow! Feel better now?

      If you were willing to accept that Trump is just as much a part of the government as the rest of them, you would be slightly more credible. Now you're just a party hack.

  3. I hope by now everyone realizes this is never going to end. Raise in Kolel checks, raise in Moros, raise in salaries, raise in expenses, raise in prices Rais kolel checks again raise Moros again raise in rent raise food prices raise auto raise.....

    1. Some things have remained terribly stagnant for too long
      The schools literally don't have proper coverage for their teachers. Its an embarrassment for klal Yisrael that salaries in girls schools are so low.

  4. It will end when large numbers of Frum Yidden. Move out of these super expensive democratic states like NY and NJ where their vote does not effect national elections

    Instead you can have tens of thousands of Frum Yidden moving to States like Pennsylvania Georgia and Arizona where houses cost $300,000 with large properties and lower Taxes and lots of room to grow and spread out and you can be the swing vote that turns these States over to the Republican Candidates running for president

  5. Um the reason houses are so expensive is BECAUSE there are thousands of yidden moving here not because it’s a democratic state🙄

    1. It's both, especially mitzad property taxes.

  6. Time for us to move to Eretz Yisroel

  7. Property taxes is high but we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about the crazy house prices today no shaychus property taxes.

  8. And no bussing chanukah, no minyan bus, and no bus to out of town Jackson.

  9. And no shuls in WG. Kids wait by the windows for their father to come home from shul.

  10. The reason for the low vaccination rates in Lakewood is because there are many doctors who are telling people not to vaccinate. Let them speak to the doctors, not the public. They will change the tide, not ads in newspapers.

    But these newspapers and websites don't care. They make money through those ads, and they convince the DOH to use their useless medium. Follow the money............
